
时间:2022-10-14 02:13:30

I am using .net 3.5 framework sp1 and VS 2008 sp1. I have created an edmx model. I couldn't create a transient (which is not persisted to the database) property .

我正在使用.net 3.5框架sp1和VS 2008 sp1。我创建了一个edmx模型。我无法创建瞬态(不会持久保存到数据库)属性。

Any ideas?

2 个解决方案


You can add properties to a partial class for the type you are interested in adding transient properties to - see here.

您可以为要添加瞬态属性的类型的部分类添加属性 - 请参阅此处。


The Entity Data Model doesn't currently support the idea of transient properties. However as Christopher pointed out, you can create a CLR properties in a partial class, that doesn't map to an Entity property.


This will work fine, but bear in mind all references to that property in LINQ to Entity queries will result in exceptions.

这样可以正常工作,但请记住LINQ to Entity查询中对该属性的所有引用都将导致异常。


You can add properties to a partial class for the type you are interested in adding transient properties to - see here.

您可以为要添加瞬态属性的类型的部分类添加属性 - 请参阅此处。


The Entity Data Model doesn't currently support the idea of transient properties. However as Christopher pointed out, you can create a CLR properties in a partial class, that doesn't map to an Entity property.


This will work fine, but bear in mind all references to that property in LINQ to Entity queries will result in exceptions.

这样可以正常工作,但请记住LINQ to Entity查询中对该属性的所有引用都将导致异常。