
时间:2022-11-18 02:09:55

Have a linking (or ref) table which has a dual primary key. Need to return the last primary key which was auto generated from the current connection in a selected table. This is in java. The database is in MS Access if that makes a difference. Sorry for the rushed description, but our team is working to a tight schedule.

有一个具有双主键的链接(或ref)表。需要返回从选定表中的当前连接自动生成的最后一个主键。这是在java中。如果这会产生影响,则数据库位于MS Access中。对于匆忙的描述感到抱歉,但我们的团队正在紧张地安排工作。

Any links or suggestions would be gladly appreciated.



The database is populated using SQL. We enter the data for one form, but we do not know the auto generated number. Need to find out what this was so it can be entered into the ref table. We only know half the composite key, which is why we need the second one.



Re the best answer so far (cant seem to comment). I get the following error... "Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException"


Any Advice?

3 个解决方案


You need to do two things. First, you'll have to pass in an extra parameter when preparing your statement or executing your statement. If you're using prepared statements, do the following:


stmt = connection.prepareStatement(sql, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS);

If you're not using prepared statements, do the following when you call executeUpdate():


stmt.executeUpdate(sql, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS);

After you execute your statement, you can call


ResultSet rs = stmt.getGeneratedKeys()

This will give you a result set that contains any of the keys that were generated.


I haven't tried this approach with Access, but it works fine with SQL Server identity columns.

我没有尝试使用Access的这种方法,但它适用于SQL Server标识列。


Statement.getGeneratedKeys() should do the trick...



Put both values for the composite key into an array of Object with two elements and return that.


Alternatively, put the new composite key in the instance you just saved and return that.



You need to do two things. First, you'll have to pass in an extra parameter when preparing your statement or executing your statement. If you're using prepared statements, do the following:


stmt = connection.prepareStatement(sql, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS);

If you're not using prepared statements, do the following when you call executeUpdate():


stmt.executeUpdate(sql, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS);

After you execute your statement, you can call


ResultSet rs = stmt.getGeneratedKeys()

This will give you a result set that contains any of the keys that were generated.


I haven't tried this approach with Access, but it works fine with SQL Server identity columns.

我没有尝试使用Access的这种方法,但它适用于SQL Server标识列。


Statement.getGeneratedKeys() should do the trick...



Put both values for the composite key into an array of Object with two elements and return that.


Alternatively, put the new composite key in the instance you just saved and return that.
