
时间:2022-10-07 01:25:52

I am aware of what the problem is with my query, but am really struggling to find a solution here.


SQL Fiddle


I guess I'm not even really sure how to ask this. What I'm trying to achieve sum all tracking numbers for a date range grouped by branch, but (and this is the kicker) include any other records in the sum that have the same tracking number. I thought of doing something like this, but of course SQL Server doesn't like this because I can't have a subquery in an aggregate function.

我想我都不知道该怎么问。我想要实现的是将所有的跟踪号码按分支分组的日期范围相加,但是(这里是提示符)将所有其他记录包含在具有相同跟踪号码的和中。我想做这样的事情,但是SQL Server当然不喜欢这样,因为聚合函数中不能有子查询。

MAX((select SUM(demo.NegotiatedRate) where #demo.Tracking = demo2.Tracking)) as NegotiatedRate


Here is the query I have so far if anyone doesnt want to click the SQL Fiddle link

这是我到目前为止的查询,如果有人不想点击SQL Fiddle链接的话

select     demo.Branch, 
           SUM(demo.NegotiatedRate) as NegotiatedRate,
           SUM(demo2.BillRate) as BillRate
from       demo
join       demo2 on demo2.Tracking = demo.Tracking
where      demo.ShipDate = '2014-05-01'
group by   demo.Branch

Expected Output


The output that I am trying to achieve would look something like this. The GH6 negotiated rate and bill rate should match even though one of the GH6 entries falls outside of desired date range.


Branch    NegotiatedRate    BillRate
GH4       50                50
GH6       25                25

3 个解决方案



You can pre-project the overall (non date-range bound, unfiltered) totals in a separate derived table or cte and then join back to it:


WITH totals AS
  SELECT demo.Tracking,
     SUM(demo.NegotiatedRate) as NegotiatedRate
  from       demo
  group by   demo.Tracking
select     demo.Branch, 
           MIN(totals.NegotiatedRate) as NegotiatedRate,
           SUM(demo2.BillRate) as BillRate
from       demo
join       demo2 on demo2.Tracking = demo.Tracking
join       totals on totals.Tracking = demo.Tracking
where      demo.ShipDate = '2014-05-01'
group by   demo.Branch;

SqlFiddle here


Given that there should only be one NegotiatedRate per tracking, you can circumvent the need to add the summed totals.NegotiatedRate to the outer query by applying an aggregate (I've used MIN), although this is just to pacify Sql.




As a bit of a simpler answer, you can do something like:


SELECT     demo.Branch, 
           SUM(demo.NegotiatedRate) AS NegotiatedRate,
FROM       demo
JOIN       demo2 on demo2.Tracking = demo.Tracking
WHERE      demo.Tracking IN
               SELECT Tracking
               FROM demo
               WHERE ShipDate = '2014-05-01'
GROUP BY   demo.Branch, demo2.BillRate

As I understand it, you get all the tracking numbers you want in a certain date range, then get all the information from those tracking numbers, no matter the date range. Then groups them by the Branch and BillRate, both of which should be one value for each tracking number.




If I understand correctly, you want to include all rows when one of the dates is the selected date. If this is correct, then you want the logic in the having clause, not in the where clause:


select     demo.Branch, 
           SUM(demo.NegotiatedRate) as NegotiatedRate,
           SUM(demo2.BillRate) as BillRate
from       demo
join       demo2 on demo2.Tracking = demo.Tracking
group by   demo.Branch
having sum(case when demo.ShipDate = '2014-05-01' then 1 else 0 end) > 0



You can pre-project the overall (non date-range bound, unfiltered) totals in a separate derived table or cte and then join back to it:


WITH totals AS
  SELECT demo.Tracking,
     SUM(demo.NegotiatedRate) as NegotiatedRate
  from       demo
  group by   demo.Tracking
select     demo.Branch, 
           MIN(totals.NegotiatedRate) as NegotiatedRate,
           SUM(demo2.BillRate) as BillRate
from       demo
join       demo2 on demo2.Tracking = demo.Tracking
join       totals on totals.Tracking = demo.Tracking
where      demo.ShipDate = '2014-05-01'
group by   demo.Branch;

SqlFiddle here


Given that there should only be one NegotiatedRate per tracking, you can circumvent the need to add the summed totals.NegotiatedRate to the outer query by applying an aggregate (I've used MIN), although this is just to pacify Sql.




As a bit of a simpler answer, you can do something like:


SELECT     demo.Branch, 
           SUM(demo.NegotiatedRate) AS NegotiatedRate,
FROM       demo
JOIN       demo2 on demo2.Tracking = demo.Tracking
WHERE      demo.Tracking IN
               SELECT Tracking
               FROM demo
               WHERE ShipDate = '2014-05-01'
GROUP BY   demo.Branch, demo2.BillRate

As I understand it, you get all the tracking numbers you want in a certain date range, then get all the information from those tracking numbers, no matter the date range. Then groups them by the Branch and BillRate, both of which should be one value for each tracking number.




If I understand correctly, you want to include all rows when one of the dates is the selected date. If this is correct, then you want the logic in the having clause, not in the where clause:


select     demo.Branch, 
           SUM(demo.NegotiatedRate) as NegotiatedRate,
           SUM(demo2.BillRate) as BillRate
from       demo
join       demo2 on demo2.Tracking = demo.Tracking
group by   demo.Branch
having sum(case when demo.ShipDate = '2014-05-01' then 1 else 0 end) > 0