时间:2021-02-01 01:12:10

Before I type all this, I have tried and tried to find the solution to this from other threads here and by searching google. But I just cant seem to get the answer. I consider myself pretty good with SQL but I just cant seem to get to grips with this problem at all.


I currently have two tables:



I am trying to get an array of ref_departments.id and ref_departments.department_name, which will be used as a dropdown on the frontend to populate the company_department_norm table. It should best be pointed out at this point that I have no technical issues in creating the dropdown etc - it is being built in the Yii framework and the actual dropdown itself is already in place. My problem is identifying the correct SQL statement to bring back on the data I want for populating the dropdown (I will be using Yii's Chtml helper class).

我正在尝试获取一个ref_departments.id和ref_departments.department_name数组,它将用作前端的下拉列表以填充company_department_norm表。在这一点上最好指出我在创建下拉列表时没有技术问题 - 它正在Yii框架中构建,实际的下拉列表已经到位。我的问题是确定正确的SQL语句来恢复我想要填充下拉列表的数据(我将使用Yii的Chtml助手类)。

The first condition of the SELECT statement I am looking to create is one where the query on the ref_departments table will only select rows where the values in the id (PK) column are not found in the company_department_norm.department_id column. This done so only valid options are available in the list. I have this query working, and it looks like this...


SELECT RD.id, RD.department_name FROM ref_departments RD 
LEFT OUTER JOIN company_department_norm CDN
ON (CDN.department_id = RD.id) 
WHERE (CDN.department_id IS NULL)

Additional integrity/data validation for this will also be done on the back end (in the Yii model class).


The next step of this is the part I am totally stuck on. Within the Yii model for company_department_norm, the company_id field states the FK for the company (as you can see above). This will be passed as a parameter into the query to add an additional condition to the query so that the JOIN statement will only match rows on the right table (company_department_name) where company_id is the same as the company_id passed from the model. For testing purposes, I am simply trying to get this working with a company_id of integer 1 hard-coded into the SQL statement. However, for the life of me, I just cant seem to work out how to do this.


I have attempted to modify with above query using this: -


LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT * FROM company_department_norm WHERE 
company_department_norm.company_id = 1) CDN

However, this just doesn't seem to filter the right table at all.


Can anyone help me with this? I would imagine that more experienced SQL users than I would be able to identify the solution quite quickly but I have been pulling my hair out for hours trying to solve this!


2 个解决方案



You can put the company_id condition in the ON clause:


SELECT RD.id, RD.department_name FROM ref_departments RD 
LEFT OUTER JOIN company_department_norm CDN
ON (CDN.department_id = RD.id AND CDN.company_id = 1) 
WHERE (CDN.department_id IS NULL)

This returns any department that isn't represented yet at company 1, versus your first query returns any department that isn't represented yet at any company.


Re your comment: Given your example data, this query won't show any difference between using the company_id condition or not, because both departments are represented at company 1.


I have tested this on MySQL 5.5 and it works fine. Here's another example with more data that demonstrates better:

我在MySQL 5.5上测试了它,它工作正常。这是另一个示例,其中有更多数据可以更好地展示:

use test;

drop table if exists ref_departments;
create table ref_departments (
 id int primary key,
 department_name varchar(20)

insert into ref_departments values
(1, 'Accounts'),
(2, 'HR'),
(3, 'IT');

drop table if exists company_department_norm;
create table company_department_norm (
 id int primary key,
 company_id int,
 department_name varchar(20),
 department_id int

insert into company_department_norm values
(1, 1, 'Accounting', 1),
(2, 1, 'HR', 2),
(3, 2, 'Accounts', NULL),
(4, 2, 'HR', NULL),
(5, 2, 'IT', 3);

Now query for depts not in company 1, and it correctly shows "IT":


SELECT RD.id, RD.department_name FROM ref_departments RD 
LEFT OUTER JOIN company_department_norm CDN
ON (CDN.department_id = RD.id AND CDN.company_id = 1) 
WHERE (CDN.department_id IS NULL);

| id | department_name |
|  3 | IT              |

Now query for depts not in company 2. Even though company 2 names Accounts and HR, it doesn't have the numeric department_id on which the join condition is based. So it thinks those two depts are not matched.


SELECT RD.id, RD.department_name FROM ref_departments RD 
LEFT OUTER JOIN company_department_norm CDN
ON (CDN.department_id = RD.id AND CDN.company_id = 2) 
WHERE (CDN.department_id IS NULL);

| id | department_name |
|  1 | Accounts        |
|  2 | HR              |

If you're getting some other result, you either have not used the query as I described, or your data is not as you described.




SELECT RD.id, RD.department_name 
FROM ref_departments RD
    SELECT 1 FROM company_department_norm 
        company_id = 1 
    AND department_id = RD.id

PS: you should consider dropping the department_name column of your company_department_norm table: 6NF


SQLFIDDLE: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!2/553a4/2



You can put the company_id condition in the ON clause:


SELECT RD.id, RD.department_name FROM ref_departments RD 
LEFT OUTER JOIN company_department_norm CDN
ON (CDN.department_id = RD.id AND CDN.company_id = 1) 
WHERE (CDN.department_id IS NULL)

This returns any department that isn't represented yet at company 1, versus your first query returns any department that isn't represented yet at any company.


Re your comment: Given your example data, this query won't show any difference between using the company_id condition or not, because both departments are represented at company 1.


I have tested this on MySQL 5.5 and it works fine. Here's another example with more data that demonstrates better:

我在MySQL 5.5上测试了它,它工作正常。这是另一个示例,其中有更多数据可以更好地展示:

use test;

drop table if exists ref_departments;
create table ref_departments (
 id int primary key,
 department_name varchar(20)

insert into ref_departments values
(1, 'Accounts'),
(2, 'HR'),
(3, 'IT');

drop table if exists company_department_norm;
create table company_department_norm (
 id int primary key,
 company_id int,
 department_name varchar(20),
 department_id int

insert into company_department_norm values
(1, 1, 'Accounting', 1),
(2, 1, 'HR', 2),
(3, 2, 'Accounts', NULL),
(4, 2, 'HR', NULL),
(5, 2, 'IT', 3);

Now query for depts not in company 1, and it correctly shows "IT":


SELECT RD.id, RD.department_name FROM ref_departments RD 
LEFT OUTER JOIN company_department_norm CDN
ON (CDN.department_id = RD.id AND CDN.company_id = 1) 
WHERE (CDN.department_id IS NULL);

| id | department_name |
|  3 | IT              |

Now query for depts not in company 2. Even though company 2 names Accounts and HR, it doesn't have the numeric department_id on which the join condition is based. So it thinks those two depts are not matched.


SELECT RD.id, RD.department_name FROM ref_departments RD 
LEFT OUTER JOIN company_department_norm CDN
ON (CDN.department_id = RD.id AND CDN.company_id = 2) 
WHERE (CDN.department_id IS NULL);

| id | department_name |
|  1 | Accounts        |
|  2 | HR              |

If you're getting some other result, you either have not used the query as I described, or your data is not as you described.




SELECT RD.id, RD.department_name 
FROM ref_departments RD
    SELECT 1 FROM company_department_norm 
        company_id = 1 
    AND department_id = RD.id

PS: you should consider dropping the department_name column of your company_department_norm table: 6NF


SQLFIDDLE: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!2/553a4/2