Spring Data JPA - 查找数据库中的行数

时间:2021-12-13 01:06:18

I am a noob in Spring framework. I know there is the findAll method to query all the data in a database. Is there a way to count the number of rows in a database using the Spring framework and doesn't require to write a SQL query?


2 个解决方案



There is method count() in CrudRepository. You can check oficial documentation.




Use findAll method on a jpa entity and assign the result to a List. After the execution of findall, you can use collection API to get the size of the list:


List<YourEntity> entities = YourEntity.findAll(); 
int size = entities.size();



There is method count() in CrudRepository. You can check oficial documentation.




Use findAll method on a jpa entity and assign the result to a List. After the execution of findall, you can use collection API to get the size of the list:


List<YourEntity> entities = YourEntity.findAll(); 
int size = entities.size();