
时间:2020-11-30 00:57:45

I work in the IT department for a company, and one of the task that falls under my task list is regularly updating the phone dial plan(every 3 months or so) to ensure all local area codes and exchanges are up to date.


I usually go to the following website which gets updated every month to get a list of area codes and exchanges and look manually through another list I have which has all the regions I need to check for. The list is formatted for CSV, so I could paste it in excel or a DB.


My question is, is there a query I can run that will take all the regions from list 2, compare it against list 1, and get the first and second column of list 1? I believe this can be achieved by SQL or Excel or perhaps another way using Powershell or Linux scripting. Since I will be doing this regularly, I would just want to paste the new list every month, run it against my list 2, and get all the new exchanges added.


 Sample of List 1:

 613,200,8303,TELUS Mobility,In Service,Perth,
 613,201,920D,Westport Telephone Company Limited,In Service,Perth,
 613,202,8821,Rogers Communications Partnership (Wireless),In Service,Bancroft,
 613,203,6574,Bell Mobility,In Service,Ottawa-Hull,
 613,204,6574,Bell Mobility,In Service,Ottawa-Hull,
 613,205,2782,TELUS Integrated Communications,In Service,Smiths Falls,
 613,206,8303,TELUS Mobility,In Service,Smiths Falls,
 613,207,8303,TELUS Mobility,In Service,Smiths Falls,
 613,208,8377,Rogers Communications Partnership (Cable),In Service,Trenton,
 613,209,154E,Iristel Inc.,In Service,Cornwall,
 613,210,8377,Rogers Communications Partnership (Cable),In Service,Belleville,
 613,211,,,For Special Use,,Public Information and Referral Services
 613,212,2782,TELUS Integrated Communications,In Service,Ottawa-Hull,
 613,213,6574,Bell Mobility,In Service,Brockville,
 613,214,6574,Bell Mobility,In Service,Kingston,
 613,215,2782,TELUS Integrated Communications,In Service,Kemptville,
 613,216,8377,Rogers Communications Partnership (Cable),In Service,Ottawa-Hull,
 613,217,6574,Bell Mobility,In Service,Kingston,
 613,218,8821,Rogers Communications Partnership (Wireless),In Service,Ottawa-Hull,
 613,219,8821,Rogers Communications Partnership (Wireless),In Service,Ottawa-Hull,
 613,220,8821,Rogers Communications Partnership (Wireless),In Service,Ottawa-Hull,
 613,221,8051,Bell Canada,In Service,Ottawa-Hull,
 613,222,6574,Bell Mobility,In Service,Ottawa-Hull,
 613,223,8819,TELUS Mobility,In Service,Ottawa-Hull,
 613,224,8051,Bell Canada,In Service,Ottawa-Hull,
 613,225,8051,Bell Canada,In Service,Ottawa-Hull,
 613,226,8051,Bell Canada,In Service,Ottawa-Hull,
 613,227,8819,TELUS Mobility,In Service,Ottawa-Hull,
 613,228,8051,Bell Canada,In Service,Ottawa-Hull,
 613,229,8819,TELUS Mobility,In Service,Ottawa-Hull,
 613,230,8051,Bell Canada,In Service,Ottawa-Hull,
 613,231,8051,Bell Canada,In Service,Ottawa-Hull,
 613,232,8051,Bell Canada,In Service,Ottawa-Hull,
 613,233,8051,Bell Canada,In Service,Ottawa-Hull,
 613,234,8051,Bell Canada,In Service,Ottawa-Hull,
 613,235,8051,Bell Canada,In Service,Ottawa-Hull,

 Sample of List 2:
 Carleton Place, Ont
 Carp, Ont
 Casselman, Ont
 Chelsea, Que
 chesterville, Ont

EDIT: I would also like the script to verify column "Status" and make sure all numbers returned have the status "In service" but doesn't display "In Service" in the output. I would like the output to display just the area code followed by the exchange(EX. 613230)


2 个解决方案



You could easily do the matching (and downloading) in PowerShell. Here's a sample for you, which you can alter to your own liking:


Update: The answer now includes the added requirements from the question update.


Given that a file named areasToInclude.txt contains a list of areas to include, one area per line, like so:


Carleton Place

The following script should do the filtering and selection as requested:


function Get-AreaCodes
    PARAM (

    $webRequestResults = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "http://cnac.ca/data/COCodeStatus_NPA613.txt"
    $dataFromExternalSource = ConvertFrom-Csv $webRequestResults.Content

    foreach ($line in $dataFromExternalSource)
        if ($AreasToRetrieve.Contains($line.'Rate Center') -AND $line.Status -eq $StatusFilter)
            Write-Output $line

$areasToRetrieve = Get-Content "areasToInclude.txt"

#Calls the above defined function and then selects only the requested properties from each returned object
$areaCodes = Get-AreaCodes -AreasToRetrieve $areasToRetrieve -StatusFilter "In Service" | Foreach { $_.NPA + $_.'CO Code (NXX)' }

#Saves the area codes into a file
$areaCodes | Set-Content .\areas.txt

If you need to work with other encodings in the text files, other than the default, you can specify the encoding by adding the -Encoding <encoding to use> parameter to the Get-Content and Set-Content function calls respectively.

如果您需要使用文本文件中的其他编码(默认值除外),则可以通过分别将-Encoding 参数添加到Get-Content和Set-Content函数调用来指定编码。



DB - SQL Option

DB - SQL选项

Create 2 tables in your db


  • data
  • regions

Import data from your csv text into data table (so create 6 columns, one of which is City) Import regions into the other table (2 columns > city, region)


The use a simple INNER JOIN


SELECT t.Column1, t.Column2, t.City, r.Region
FROM table1 t
INNER JOIN regions r ON t.City = r.City

Excel Option

  • Import both your list into Excel. Use Data -> Text To Columns to create columns from CSV format.
  • 将您的列表导入Excel。使用数据 - >文本到列来创建CSV格式的列。

  • Order A->Z Region table (important) : For the LOOKUP function to work correctly, the Lookup_vector must be sorted in ascending order (A to Z or smallest to largest for numbers)
  • 订单A-> Z区域表(重要):为了使LOOKUP功能正常工作,Lookup_vector必须按升序排序(A到Z或从最小到最大的数字)

  • LOOKUP function to look for region
  • LOOKUP功能寻找区域



P.S. be careful about LOOKUP function: If the function cannot find an exact match for the Lookup_value, it chooses the largest value in the Lookup_vector that is less than or equal in value to the Lookup_value. So it's safer to add an IF and check if the city exists in the region table.




You could easily do the matching (and downloading) in PowerShell. Here's a sample for you, which you can alter to your own liking:


Update: The answer now includes the added requirements from the question update.


Given that a file named areasToInclude.txt contains a list of areas to include, one area per line, like so:


Carleton Place

The following script should do the filtering and selection as requested:


function Get-AreaCodes
    PARAM (

    $webRequestResults = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "http://cnac.ca/data/COCodeStatus_NPA613.txt"
    $dataFromExternalSource = ConvertFrom-Csv $webRequestResults.Content

    foreach ($line in $dataFromExternalSource)
        if ($AreasToRetrieve.Contains($line.'Rate Center') -AND $line.Status -eq $StatusFilter)
            Write-Output $line

$areasToRetrieve = Get-Content "areasToInclude.txt"

#Calls the above defined function and then selects only the requested properties from each returned object
$areaCodes = Get-AreaCodes -AreasToRetrieve $areasToRetrieve -StatusFilter "In Service" | Foreach { $_.NPA + $_.'CO Code (NXX)' }

#Saves the area codes into a file
$areaCodes | Set-Content .\areas.txt

If you need to work with other encodings in the text files, other than the default, you can specify the encoding by adding the -Encoding <encoding to use> parameter to the Get-Content and Set-Content function calls respectively.

如果您需要使用文本文件中的其他编码(默认值除外),则可以通过分别将-Encoding 参数添加到Get-Content和Set-Content函数调用来指定编码。



DB - SQL Option

DB - SQL选项

Create 2 tables in your db


  • data
  • regions

Import data from your csv text into data table (so create 6 columns, one of which is City) Import regions into the other table (2 columns > city, region)


The use a simple INNER JOIN


SELECT t.Column1, t.Column2, t.City, r.Region
FROM table1 t
INNER JOIN regions r ON t.City = r.City

Excel Option

  • Import both your list into Excel. Use Data -> Text To Columns to create columns from CSV format.
  • 将您的列表导入Excel。使用数据 - >文本到列来创建CSV格式的列。

  • Order A->Z Region table (important) : For the LOOKUP function to work correctly, the Lookup_vector must be sorted in ascending order (A to Z or smallest to largest for numbers)
  • 订单A-> Z区域表(重要):为了使LOOKUP功能正常工作,Lookup_vector必须按升序排序(A到Z或从最小到最大的数字)

  • LOOKUP function to look for region
  • LOOKUP功能寻找区域



P.S. be careful about LOOKUP function: If the function cannot find an exact match for the Lookup_value, it chooses the largest value in the Lookup_vector that is less than or equal in value to the Lookup_value. So it's safer to add an IF and check if the city exists in the region table.
