
时间:2021-03-05 00:55:52

Not sure how to accomplish this in Django.




class LadderPlayer(models.Model):
  player = models.ForeignKey(User, unique=True)
  position = models.IntegerField(unique=True)

class Match(models.Model):
  date = models.DateTimeField() 
  challenger = models.ForeignKey(LadderPlayer)
  challengee = models.ForeignKey(LadderPlayer)

Would like to query to get all info about a player in one shot, including any challenges they have issued or challenges against them. This SQL works:


select lp.position,
sc1.challengee_id challenging,
sc2.challenger_id challenged_by
from ladderplayer lp left join challenge sc1 on lp.player_id = sc1.challenger_id
left join challenge sc2 on lp.player_id = sc2.challengee_id

Which returns something like this, if player 3 has challenged player 2:


position    player_id   challenging  challenged_by
----------  ----------  -----------  -------------
1           1
2           2                        3
3           3           2

No idea how to do in Django ORM....any way to do this?

不知道如何在Django ORM ....有什么办法吗?

3 个解决方案



Actually you should probably change your models a bit, since there's a many-to-many relation from LadderPlayer to itself using Match as an intermediate table. Check out django's documentation on this topic. Then you should be able to make the queries you want using django's orm! Also have a look at symmetrical/asymmetrical many-to-many relationships!




Well, I did more digging and it looks like in Django 1.2 this is doable via the "raw()" method on the Query Manager thing. So this is the code using my query above:

我做了更多的挖掘,在Django 1.2中,这可以通过查询管理器的“raw()”方法实现。这是我上面查询的代码:

ladder_players = LadderPlayer.objects.raw("""select, lp.position,lp.player_id,
sc1.challengee_id challenging,
sc2.challenger_id challenged_by
from ladderplayer lp left join challenge sc1 on lp.player_id = sc1.challenger_id
left join challenge sc2 on lp.player_id = sc2.challengee_id order by position""")

And in the template, you can refer to the "calculated" join fields:


{% for p in ladder_players %}
{{p.challenging}} {{p.challenged_by}}



Seems to work as I needed....




@lazerscience is absolutely correct. You should tweak your models, since you are setting up a de facto many-to-many relationship; doing so will allow you to leverage more features of the admin interface & so forth.


Additionally, regardless, there is no need to go to raw(), since this can be done entirely via normal usage of the Django ORM.

此外,无论如何,没有必要去raw(),因为这完全可以通过Django ORM的正常使用来完成。

Something like:


class LadderPlayer(models.Model):
    player = models.ForeignKey(User, unique=True)
    position = models.IntegerField(unique=True)
    challenges = models.ManyToManyField("self", symmetrical=False, through='Match')

class Match(models.Model):
    date = models.DateTimeField() 
    challenger = models.ForeignKey(LadderPlayer)
    challengee = models.ForeignKey(LadderPlayer)

should be all you need to change in the models. You then should be able to do a query like


player_of_interest = LadderPlayer.objects.filter(pk=some_id)
matches_of_interest = \

to get all the information of interest about the player in question. Note that you'll need to have from django.db.models import Q to use that.


If you want exactly the same info you're presenting with your example query, I believe it'd be easiest to split the queries into separate ones for getting the challenger & challengee lists -- for example, something like:

如果您希望得到与示例查询完全相同的信息,我认为最好将查询拆分为单独的查询,以便获得challenger & challengee列表——例如:

challengers = LadderPlayer.objects.filter(challenges__challengee__pk=poi_id)
challenged_by = LadderPlayer.objects.filter(challenges__challenger__pk=poi_id)

will get the two relevant query sets for the player of interest (w/ a primary key of poi_id).

将获得感兴趣的玩家的两个相关查询集(w/ poi_id的主键)。

If there's some particular reason you don't want the de facto many-to-many relationship to become a de jure one, you can change those to something along the lines of


challenger = LadderPlayer.objects.filter(match__challengee__pk=poi_id)
challenged_by = LadderPlayer.objects.filter(match__challenger_pk=poi_id)

So the suggestion for the model change is merely to help leverage existing tools, and to make explicit a relationship which you are currently having occur implicitly.


Based on how you want use it, you might want to do something like


pl_tuple = ()
for p in LadderPlayer.objects.all():
    challengers = LadderPlayer.objects.filter(
    challenged_by = LadderPlayer.objects.filter(
    pl_tuple += (, p.position, challengers, challenged_by)
context_dict['ladder_players'] = pl_tuple

in your view to prepare the data for your template.


Regardless, you should probably be doing your query through the Django ORM instead of using raw() in this case.

无论如何,您应该通过Django ORM执行查询,而不是在本例中使用raw()。



Actually you should probably change your models a bit, since there's a many-to-many relation from LadderPlayer to itself using Match as an intermediate table. Check out django's documentation on this topic. Then you should be able to make the queries you want using django's orm! Also have a look at symmetrical/asymmetrical many-to-many relationships!




Well, I did more digging and it looks like in Django 1.2 this is doable via the "raw()" method on the Query Manager thing. So this is the code using my query above:

我做了更多的挖掘,在Django 1.2中,这可以通过查询管理器的“raw()”方法实现。这是我上面查询的代码:

ladder_players = LadderPlayer.objects.raw("""select, lp.position,lp.player_id,
sc1.challengee_id challenging,
sc2.challenger_id challenged_by
from ladderplayer lp left join challenge sc1 on lp.player_id = sc1.challenger_id
left join challenge sc2 on lp.player_id = sc2.challengee_id order by position""")

And in the template, you can refer to the "calculated" join fields:


{% for p in ladder_players %}
{{p.challenging}} {{p.challenged_by}}



Seems to work as I needed....




@lazerscience is absolutely correct. You should tweak your models, since you are setting up a de facto many-to-many relationship; doing so will allow you to leverage more features of the admin interface & so forth.


Additionally, regardless, there is no need to go to raw(), since this can be done entirely via normal usage of the Django ORM.

此外,无论如何,没有必要去raw(),因为这完全可以通过Django ORM的正常使用来完成。

Something like:


class LadderPlayer(models.Model):
    player = models.ForeignKey(User, unique=True)
    position = models.IntegerField(unique=True)
    challenges = models.ManyToManyField("self", symmetrical=False, through='Match')

class Match(models.Model):
    date = models.DateTimeField() 
    challenger = models.ForeignKey(LadderPlayer)
    challengee = models.ForeignKey(LadderPlayer)

should be all you need to change in the models. You then should be able to do a query like


player_of_interest = LadderPlayer.objects.filter(pk=some_id)
matches_of_interest = \

to get all the information of interest about the player in question. Note that you'll need to have from django.db.models import Q to use that.


If you want exactly the same info you're presenting with your example query, I believe it'd be easiest to split the queries into separate ones for getting the challenger & challengee lists -- for example, something like:

如果您希望得到与示例查询完全相同的信息,我认为最好将查询拆分为单独的查询,以便获得challenger & challengee列表——例如:

challengers = LadderPlayer.objects.filter(challenges__challengee__pk=poi_id)
challenged_by = LadderPlayer.objects.filter(challenges__challenger__pk=poi_id)

will get the two relevant query sets for the player of interest (w/ a primary key of poi_id).

将获得感兴趣的玩家的两个相关查询集(w/ poi_id的主键)。

If there's some particular reason you don't want the de facto many-to-many relationship to become a de jure one, you can change those to something along the lines of


challenger = LadderPlayer.objects.filter(match__challengee__pk=poi_id)
challenged_by = LadderPlayer.objects.filter(match__challenger_pk=poi_id)

So the suggestion for the model change is merely to help leverage existing tools, and to make explicit a relationship which you are currently having occur implicitly.


Based on how you want use it, you might want to do something like


pl_tuple = ()
for p in LadderPlayer.objects.all():
    challengers = LadderPlayer.objects.filter(
    challenged_by = LadderPlayer.objects.filter(
    pl_tuple += (, p.position, challengers, challenged_by)
context_dict['ladder_players'] = pl_tuple

in your view to prepare the data for your template.


Regardless, you should probably be doing your query through the Django ORM instead of using raw() in this case.

无论如何,您应该通过Django ORM执行查询,而不是在本例中使用raw()。