The most interesting feature of iPhone X - FaceID

时间:2021-10-30 00:44:03

No doubt everybody knows that iPhone 8 & iPhone X appear on the market. A feature called FaceID draws my attention. It's really a revolution of recognition and a new way to unlock and authenticate. Like Apple says, "Your face is now your password"~

The most interesting feature of iPhone X - FaceID

I'm loving iPHone X so much. But not for its good body figure or functions. FaceID is definitely the main attraction of this most interesting iDevice I've ever seen.  LE won't worr't worry about  how to unlock iPhone X. All they need to do is to ask suspect nicely: "Could you please  look at your own iPhone X for a moment?" If she/he refuse to cooperate, LE just need to force she/he to look at her/his iPhone X instead of using expensive mobile forensic tools. Her/his iPhone X will be unlocked and you could start to do mobile forensics easily and conveniently.

It sounds perfect, right?  Let's wait and see. FaceID will be a wonderful gift for forensic guys.