
时间:2022-05-18 00:02:28

I have this window with a few TextFields and a TableView. I have made a search engine which every time I write in the TextFields, will display a new array of the given objects which fit what ever I write in the TextFields. Now, I have tested it, and I know that the search engine works. But the problem comes when I try to update the TableView. I have tried to work my way through it, but the only fix I can think of, is to refresh the whole window every time I type something in one of the TextFields. But this is obviously not a good thing to do.


So my question is: Do you know how to refresh the list in the TableView, without refreshing the whole window? Or is there anything else I can use to visually display for example "Person" objects, make them click-able and holds pointers to the given objects?


Please come with any input you have, and I will be happy to either try or discuss what you have to say!


1 个解决方案


Found the issue!


setItems(); seems to call the object.equals();


I made a misstake in my @Override of the .equals();


public boolean equals(Object obj) {
    return this.birthNo.equals(((Person) obj).getBirthNo());

Corrected this to:


public boolean equals(Object obj) {
    return obj != null && this.birthNo.equals(((Person) obj).getBirthNo());


Found the issue!


setItems(); seems to call the object.equals();


I made a misstake in my @Override of the .equals();


public boolean equals(Object obj) {
    return this.birthNo.equals(((Person) obj).getBirthNo());

Corrected this to:


public boolean equals(Object obj) {
    return obj != null && this.birthNo.equals(((Person) obj).getBirthNo());