从触发器执行MS SQL Server 2000 DTS包的最佳方法是什么?

时间:2023-01-11 23:53:59

I looked around and found some ideas about how to do this, but no definitive best way. One of the ideas was to use sp_start_job to kick off an SQL Server Agent job that runs the DTS package. If this is the best way to do it, then the next question would be, "How do I schedule a DTS package from a job and make it non-recurring?"

我环顾四周,发现了一些关于如何做到这一点的想法,但没有明确的最佳方式。其中一个想法是使用sp_start_job启动运行DTS包的SQL Server代理作业。如果这是最好的方法,那么接下来的问题是,“如何从作业中安排DTS包并使其不再发生?”

Thanks, Tim

3 个解决方案



xp_cmdshell would allow you to execute dtsrun.




I wouldn't suggest tying this kind of functionality to a trigger. Triggers are supposed to be fast. I don't think there is any way to launch a DTS package that will be as fast as I would want a trigger to be. If this resonates with you, then I would suggest having your trigger simply insert a row into a special table, and then have a job that executes as often as you need for your purpose (every minute? every 10 seconds?) that monitors this table and kicks off the appropriate DTS package as needed.




Instead of using xp_cmdshell, I did this:


When a certain value in a table changes, the trigger uses msdb.sp_start_job to start a job. This job should not run on a schedule, only when initiated by a user. I set the job schedule to run one time, which is now in the past, and I unchecked the enabled box.


This job has one step, which is DTSRun /~Z0xHEXENCRYPTEDVALUE. The DTS package copies some rows from this server to another server on a different platform and on success resets values in the table with the trigger for next time. The trigger checks a table value before calling sp_start_job, so that the job starts only under certain conditions, not every time.

这项工作有一步,即DTSRun / ~Z0xHEXENCRYPTEDVALUE。 DTS包将此服务器中的某些行复制到另一个平台上的另一个服务器,并且成功时会使用下次触发器重置表中的值。触发器在调用sp_start_job之前检查表值,以便作业仅在某些条件下启动,而不是每次都启动。

Since sp_start_job runs asyhchronously the trigger completes quickly. The only drawback to this is that I need to poll the value that was reset on success and either let the user know it worked, or after some time out period, it did not work.


The alternative would be to use xp_cmdshell if I needed synchronous operation, which might not be a good idea from inside of a trigger.




xp_cmdshell would allow you to execute dtsrun.




I wouldn't suggest tying this kind of functionality to a trigger. Triggers are supposed to be fast. I don't think there is any way to launch a DTS package that will be as fast as I would want a trigger to be. If this resonates with you, then I would suggest having your trigger simply insert a row into a special table, and then have a job that executes as often as you need for your purpose (every minute? every 10 seconds?) that monitors this table and kicks off the appropriate DTS package as needed.




Instead of using xp_cmdshell, I did this:


When a certain value in a table changes, the trigger uses msdb.sp_start_job to start a job. This job should not run on a schedule, only when initiated by a user. I set the job schedule to run one time, which is now in the past, and I unchecked the enabled box.


This job has one step, which is DTSRun /~Z0xHEXENCRYPTEDVALUE. The DTS package copies some rows from this server to another server on a different platform and on success resets values in the table with the trigger for next time. The trigger checks a table value before calling sp_start_job, so that the job starts only under certain conditions, not every time.

这项工作有一步,即DTSRun / ~Z0xHEXENCRYPTEDVALUE。 DTS包将此服务器中的某些行复制到另一个平台上的另一个服务器,并且成功时会使用下次触发器重置表中的值。触发器在调用sp_start_job之前检查表值,以便作业仅在某些条件下启动,而不是每次都启动。

Since sp_start_job runs asyhchronously the trigger completes quickly. The only drawback to this is that I need to poll the value that was reset on success and either let the user know it worked, or after some time out period, it did not work.


The alternative would be to use xp_cmdshell if I needed synchronous operation, which might not be a good idea from inside of a trigger.
