如何在MS Access 2007中嵌套这两个SQL查询?

时间:2022-09-19 23:51:13

I have a table called baskets with these columns:


  • basket (name of the basket)
  • 篮子(篮子的名字)

  • colour (colour of the basket)
  • 颜色(篮子的颜色)

  • apples (the number of apples in the basket)
  • 苹果(篮子里的苹果数量)

  • bananas (the number of bananas in the basket)
  • 香蕉(篮子里的香蕉数量)

  • oranges (the number of oranges in the basket)
  • 橘子(篮子里的橘子数)

  • pears (the number of pears in the basket)
  • 梨(篮子里的梨子数量)

  • peaches (the number of peaches in the basket)
  • 桃子(篮子里的桃子数量)

With Query1, I determine the total number of fruit in each basket and I also include the colour of each basket:


SELECT basket, colour, apples+bananas+oranges+pears+peaches AS fruit
FROM baskets;

Query1 consists of three columns:


  • basket
  • colour
  • fruit (total number of fruit in the basket)
  • 水果(篮子里的水果总数)

With Query2, I determine the average number of fruits there are in all baskets of each colour by drawing the information from the result of Query1:


            (SELECT AVG(fruit)
                 FROM Query1 AS average
                 WHERE average.colour = candidate.colour) AS fruit
    FROM Query1 AS candidate;

Query2 consists of two columns:


  • colour
  • fruit

Is it possible to nest these queries so that I may obtain the result of Query2 with only one query?


Your help will be much appreciated. Thank you.


2 个解决方案


SELECT colour, AVG(apples+bananas+oranges+pears+peaches) AS fruit
FROM baskets
GROUP by colour;


If you want the total fruit by colour of basket you would do something like this:


SELECT colour, SUM(apples+bananas+oranges+pears+peaches) AS totalfruit
FROM baskets
GROUP By colour


SELECT colour, AVG(apples+bananas+oranges+pears+peaches) AS fruit
FROM baskets
GROUP by colour;


If you want the total fruit by colour of basket you would do something like this:


SELECT colour, SUM(apples+bananas+oranges+pears+peaches) AS totalfruit
FROM baskets
GROUP By colour