多个SQL查询选择数据MySql php

时间:2022-09-28 23:45:13

I have many tables and I need to select data from there and display in my HTML table.


I need to execute two queries now in order to display all results.


However, I can only put one query within my code. My code is below:


$stmt = $DB_con->prepare("SELECT * FROM applicantpersonaldetails apd "
        . "INNER JOIN employementdetails ed ON apd.ApplicantID = ed.ApplicantID "
        . "INNER JOIN sourceoffunds sof ON apd.ApplicantID = sof.ApplicantID "
        . "WHERE apd.AccountID =:accountId AND apd.applicantType ='main';");

$stmt->bindParam(':accountId', $accountId, PDO::PARAM_INT);
if ($stmt->rowCount() > 0) {

    <table id="01">

            <th>Main Applicant</th>
            <th>Joint Applicant1</th>

        while ($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
                <td><input name="nameMain"></td>
                <td><input name="nameJoint1"></td>

                <td><input type="text" id="occupationMain" name="occupationMain" value="<?php echo $row['EmploymentStatus']; ?>" readonly></td>
                <td><input type="text" id="occupationJoint1" name="occupationJoint1" value="" readonly></td>
                        <input list="employTypeList" name="employTypeMain" id="employTypeMain" value="" readonly>
                    <input list="employTypeList" name="employTypeJoint1" id="employTypeJoint1" value="" readonly >

                <td><input type="text"   id="companyMain" name="companyMain" value="" readonly></td>
                <td><input type="text"   id="companyJoint1" name="companyJoint1" value=""readonly></td>

} else {
    <div class="">
        <div class="alert alert-warning">
            <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-info-sign"></span> &nbsp; No Data Found ...
<?php }

For now, I want to insert another SQL query into my code in order to display the result for joint1


The other query is below:


    $stmt = $DB_con->prepare("SELECT * FROM applicantpersonaldetails apd "
            . "INNER JOIN employementdetails ed ON apd.ApplicantID = ed.ApplicantID "
            . "INNER JOIN sourceoffunds sof ON apd.ApplicantID = sof.ApplicantID "
            . "WHERE apd.AccountID =:accountId AND apd.applicantType ='joint1';");
$stmt->bindParam(':accountId', $accountId, PDO::PARAM_INT);

1 个解决方案



They're the same query just looking for different applicant types, so just use AND apd.applicantType IN ('main','joint1')




They're the same query just looking for different applicant types, so just use AND apd.applicantType IN ('main','joint1')
