SQL Server 2016 -如何从JSON中选择整数数组

时间:2022-09-24 22:46:39

I received a valid JSON string from client side, it contains an array of integer values:


declare @JSON nvarchar(max) = N'{"Comments": "test", "Markets": [3, 151]}'

How to select the market IDs correctly?

如何正确选择市场id ?

If I use a query like this: select * from openjson(@JSON) j, it returns

如果我使用这样的查询:select * from openjson(@JSON) j,它返回。

SQL Server 2016 -如何从JSON中选择整数数组

The type of Markets is 4, which means an object,
but the query below returns null value:
select j.Markets from openjson(@JSON) with(Markets nvarchar(max)) j

市场的类型是4,这意味着一个对象,但是下面的查询返回空值:select j。从openjson(@JSON)到(Markets nvarchar(max))) j的市场

My goal is to update Market table based on these IDs, eg:
update Market set Active = 1 where MarketID in (3, 151)

我的目标是基于这些id更新市场表,例如:update Market set Active = 1,其中MarketID在(3,151)

Is there a way to do this?
Any built-in function compatible with SQL server 2016 can be used.

有没有办法做到这一点?可以使用任何与SQL server 2016兼容的内置函数。

Thanks to @johnlbevan
SELECT VALUE FROM OPENJSON(@JSON, '$.Markets') works perfectly for this problem.

注意:感谢@johnlbevan从OPENJSON(@JSON,“$. markets”)中选择值,它非常适合这个问题。

Just for the completeness, here is how I created the JSON integer array ("Markets": [3, 151]) from SQL server.
Since there is no array_agg function out of the box in 2016, I did this:

为了完整起见,下面是我如何从SQL server创建JSON整数数组(“Markets”:[3,151])。由于2016年没有array_agg功能,我做到了:

  FROM Market
  FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,'') + ']' ) AS Markets)  

1 个解决方案



To expand the Markets array alongside other columns you can do this:


SELECT Comments, Market
FROM OPENJSON('{"Comments": "test", "Markets": [3, 151]}')
WITH (Comments nvarchar(32), Markets NVARCHAR(MAX) AS JSON) AS a
CROSS APPLY OPENJSON (a.Markets) WITH (Market INT '$') AS b
  • Convert the string to json
  • 将字符串转换为json
  • Map the first field returned to the Comments column with type nvarchar(32)
  • 将返回的第一个字段映射到Comments列,类型为nvarchar(32)
  • Map the second field to Markets column with type nvarchar(max), then use as json to say that the contents is json (see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/functions/openjson-transact-sql#arguments for a more detailed description - search the page for as json; the key paragraph starts at the 4th occurrence)
  • 将第二个字段映射到带有nvarchar(max)类型的Markets列,然后使用json表示内容为json(参见https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/functions/openjson-transact-sql#参数以获得更详细的描述——搜索页面为json;关键段落从第四个事件开始)
  • Use a cross apply to apply the OPENJSON function to the Markets column so we can fetch values from that property.
  • 使用cross apply将OPENJSON函数应用到Markets列,这样我们就可以从该属性中获取值。
  • Finally use the WITH statement to map the name Market to the returned value, and assign it a data type of INT.
  • 最后,使用WITH语句将名称市场映射到返回值,并为其分配INT类型的数据类型。

However, to just get the list of values needed to do the update, you can do this:


SET Active = 1
    SELECT value
    FROM OPENJSON('{"Comments": "test", "Markets": [3, 151]}','$.Markets')
  • Again OPENJSON lets us query the string as JSON
  • 同样,OPENJSON让我们可以将字符串查询为JSON。
  • However this time we specify a path to point at the Markets value directly (see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/functions/openjson-transact-sql)
  • 然而,这一次我们指定了一个路径来直接指向市场值(参见https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/functions/openjson-transact-sql)
  • We now return the values returned and filter our UPDATE on those, as we would were we dealing with any other subquery.
  • 现在我们返回返回返回的值,并对这些值进行过滤更新,就像我们处理任何其他子查询一样。



To expand the Markets array alongside other columns you can do this:


SELECT Comments, Market
FROM OPENJSON('{"Comments": "test", "Markets": [3, 151]}')
WITH (Comments nvarchar(32), Markets NVARCHAR(MAX) AS JSON) AS a
CROSS APPLY OPENJSON (a.Markets) WITH (Market INT '$') AS b
  • Convert the string to json
  • 将字符串转换为json
  • Map the first field returned to the Comments column with type nvarchar(32)
  • 将返回的第一个字段映射到Comments列,类型为nvarchar(32)
  • Map the second field to Markets column with type nvarchar(max), then use as json to say that the contents is json (see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/functions/openjson-transact-sql#arguments for a more detailed description - search the page for as json; the key paragraph starts at the 4th occurrence)
  • 将第二个字段映射到带有nvarchar(max)类型的Markets列,然后使用json表示内容为json(参见https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/functions/openjson-transact-sql#参数以获得更详细的描述——搜索页面为json;关键段落从第四个事件开始)
  • Use a cross apply to apply the OPENJSON function to the Markets column so we can fetch values from that property.
  • 使用cross apply将OPENJSON函数应用到Markets列,这样我们就可以从该属性中获取值。
  • Finally use the WITH statement to map the name Market to the returned value, and assign it a data type of INT.
  • 最后,使用WITH语句将名称市场映射到返回值,并为其分配INT类型的数据类型。

However, to just get the list of values needed to do the update, you can do this:


SET Active = 1
    SELECT value
    FROM OPENJSON('{"Comments": "test", "Markets": [3, 151]}','$.Markets')
  • Again OPENJSON lets us query the string as JSON
  • 同样,OPENJSON让我们可以将字符串查询为JSON。
  • However this time we specify a path to point at the Markets value directly (see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/functions/openjson-transact-sql)
  • 然而,这一次我们指定了一个路径来直接指向市场值(参见https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/functions/openjson-transact-sql)
  • We now return the values returned and filter our UPDATE on those, as we would were we dealing with any other subquery.
  • 现在我们返回返回返回的值,并对这些值进行过滤更新,就像我们处理任何其他子查询一样。