
时间:2022-03-10 22:45:46

I was trying to user CharacterSet to check if a user input string contains any non decimal digit characters. I use CharacterSet.decimalDigits and take the intersection of that with the user input. If this intersection is empty, it presumably means the user hasn't entered valid input. Yet the intersection is not empty.


let digits = CharacterSet.decimalDigits
let letters = CharacterSet(charactersIn: "abcd") // never prints

let intersection = digits.intersection(letters)
for c in "abcd".characters {
    if intersection.contains(UnicodeScalar(String(c))!) {
        print("contains \(c)") // never prints

for i in 0...9 {
    if intersection.contains(UnicodeScalar(String(i))!) {
        print("contains \(i)")

print("intersection is empty: \(intersection.isEmpty)") // prints false

I even tried looping over all unicode scalars to test for membership, and that doesn't print anything.


for i in 0x0000...0xFFFF {
    guard let c = UnicodeScalar(i) else {
    if intersection.contains(c) {
        print("contains \(c)")

Why is the set non empty?


Note Using let digits = CharacterSet(charactersIn: "1234567890") works as expected. I know that the decimalDigits contains more than just 0-9, but the intersection should still be empty.

注意使用let digits = CharacterSet(charactersIn:“1234567890”)按预期工作。我知道decimalDigits包含的不仅仅是0-9,但是交集应该仍然是空的。

1 个解决方案



I browsed the CharacterSet bugs and didn't see one around intersections incorrectly reporting isEmpty so if you have the time you should file a bug since this is a nice reproducible example.


In the mean time, you could try this to check to see if the input contains any characters from .decimalDigits characterSet:

同时,你可以尝试这个来检查输入是否包含.decimalDigits characterSet中的任何字符:

let letterInput = CharacterSet(charactersIn: "abcd")
digits.isSubset(of: letterInput.inverted)
// -> true

let letterAndDigitInput = CharacterSet(charactersIn: "abcd 1234")
digits.isSubset(of: letterAndDigitInput.inverted)
// -> false

let digitInput = CharacterSet(charactersIn: "1234")
digits.isSubset(of: digitInput.inverted)
// -> false



I browsed the CharacterSet bugs and didn't see one around intersections incorrectly reporting isEmpty so if you have the time you should file a bug since this is a nice reproducible example.


In the mean time, you could try this to check to see if the input contains any characters from .decimalDigits characterSet:

同时,你可以尝试这个来检查输入是否包含.decimalDigits characterSet中的任何字符:

let letterInput = CharacterSet(charactersIn: "abcd")
digits.isSubset(of: letterInput.inverted)
// -> true

let letterAndDigitInput = CharacterSet(charactersIn: "abcd 1234")
digits.isSubset(of: letterAndDigitInput.inverted)
// -> false

let digitInput = CharacterSet(charactersIn: "1234")
digits.isSubset(of: digitInput.inverted)
// -> false