如何在单个项目中互操作WSE 2.0和3.0

时间:2020-12-30 22:44:59

As a part of my job, I need to add a new webservice to one our existing projects. Currently all of the services are ASMX webservices using WSE 3.0, but the new service needs to use WSE 2.0 SP3 because the vendor that will be calling it refuses to upgrade to 3.0.

作为我工作的一部分,我需要为现有项目添加一个新的Web服务。目前所有服务都是使用WSE 3.0的ASMX webservices,但新服务需要使用WSE 2.0 SP3,因为将调用它的供应商拒绝升级到3.0。

I was hoping that someone here knew how to let these two versions run side by side.



1 个解决方案


You will be unable to run both side by side. WSE 2.0 runs on the .NET 1.1 platform. WSE 3.0 runs on the .NET 2.0 platform.

你将无法并排奔跑。 WSE 2.0在.NET 1.1平台上运行。 WSE 3.0在.NET 2.0平台上运行。

You should be able to run WSE 3.0 on the web service and have the client use WSE 2.0 on their end. Both should implement the WS-Security standards respectively.

您应该能够在Web服务上运行WSE 3.0,并让客户端使用WSE 2.0。两者都应分别实现WS-Security标准。


You will be unable to run both side by side. WSE 2.0 runs on the .NET 1.1 platform. WSE 3.0 runs on the .NET 2.0 platform.

你将无法并排奔跑。 WSE 2.0在.NET 1.1平台上运行。 WSE 3.0在.NET 2.0平台上运行。

You should be able to run WSE 3.0 on the web service and have the client use WSE 2.0 on their end. Both should implement the WS-Security standards respectively.

您应该能够在Web服务上运行WSE 3.0,并让客户端使用WSE 2.0。两者都应分别实现WS-Security标准。