
时间:2023-01-29 00:10:39

This might be stupid, but it's a question I've wondered about for some time.


If a country was to disband any and all of its military, and sell off its military assets, wouldn't it be an effective way to prevent an invasion? Because after this, it's clear to anyone that this country is not a threat to anyone. No military action against it can be justified. Sure, a neighboring country that still has a military could walk over and occupy it with hardly any effort - but they would have no way to justify this as a "good" or "necessary" deed, not even to their own people or soldiers.

如果一个国家解散其所有军队,并出售其军事资产,这不是防止入侵的有效方法吗?因为在此之后,任何人都清楚这个国家不会对任何人构成威胁。没有任何针对它的军事行动是合理的。当然,一个仍然拥有军队的邻国可以走过去并且几乎没有任何努力占据它 - 但是他们没有办法证明这是一种“好的”或“必要的”契约,甚至对他们自己的人民或士兵来说也是如此。

Of course this only works in a modern democratic setting. Historically, monarchs probably wouldn't worry about what the common rabble thinks of them. But today - why isn't this being done?

当然,这只适用于现代*环境。从历史上看,君主们可能不会担心普通的暴徒对他们的看法。但今天 - 为什么不这样做呢?

8 个解决方案



Dogbert has something to say about this.




Imagine a situation where a country was concerned their neighbor would invade them. The kindly watching type (KWT) country looks at their irate and quarrelesome (IRQ) neighbor and rationally evaluates the situation as having a significant potential for the IRQ to attack the KWT.


Suppose IRQ believes they have some kind of grievance that can only be answered by war. Or pretends they do.


Now imagine that KWT make the change to having zero military, and nothing else is changed. Does this change their evaluation of IRQ? Does it change the evaluation that IRQ holds of KWT?


If they anticipate that they can simply drive their jeeps over there and sit down in the president's chair, probably not killing anybody, probably not firing a single weapon, will IRQ be dissuaded or encouraged? Will the rest of the world be outraged by such a non-violent annexation?


If all the KWT people can muster in response to the annexation is to put grumpy looks on their faces, does it make big media coverage in the countries that might do something about it? How does it compare to the news play if the KWT military fought fiercely but got brushed aside?


In other considerations, the military does lots of other things besides defending the border. They are symbolic indicators of power for the leadership. They can respond to natural disasters such as fire, flood, earthquake, with relief and crowd control and anti-looting efforts and such. They can be places to provide training to people for a wide array of useful skills. The military is a traditional place to stick unmanageable youth until they grow up a little. These are all things that governments traditionally find attractive.




Your basic assumption seems to be wrong, that countries are attacked because they're perceived to be threats. While this is sometimes the reason (e.g. the Iraq War was supposedly to prevent Saddam Hussein from making use of weapons of mass destruction -- although this is a gross simplification), it's not the only reason countries invade other countries.

你的基本假设似乎是错误的,国家受到攻击是因为它们被认为是威胁。虽然这有时是原因(例如伊拉克战争据说是为了阻止萨达姆·侯赛因使用大规模杀伤性武器 - 尽管这是一种严重的简化),但这并不是各国入侵其他国家的唯一原因。

Historically, the primary reason for invasions has been to acquire resources. For example, another country may have valuable oil reserves -- if you successfully attack them and take them over, now you have valuable oil reserves. Instead of having to purchase oil from them, you can sell it to others.

从历史上看,入侵的主要原因是获取资源。例如,另一个国家可能拥有宝贵的石油储备 - 如果你成功地攻击它们并将它们带走,现在你拥有宝贵的石油储备。您可以将其出售给其他人,而不必从他们那里购买石油。

To be fair, this type of warfare has declined significantly in the modern era. It's generally more cost-effective to negotiate trade treaties rather than invading, and that's what most countries do. This is one of the points that Steven Pinker makes in his book The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined. However, there are some beligerant nations that are under sanctions that prevent them from trading as much as they might need; they may feel the need to acquire resources through violence since they can't do it peacefully (although the intent of the sanctions is for them to change their violent policies, then they'll be allowed to trade more freely).

公平地说,这种类型的战争在现代时代已经显着下降。谈判贸易条约而不是入侵通常更具成本效益,而这正是大多数国家所做的。这是Steven Pinker在他的书“我们的天性中更好的天使:为什么暴力已经衰退”中提出的观点之一。然而,有些一些受到制裁的国家阻止它们进行尽可能多的交易;他们可能觉得有必要通过暴力获取资源,因为他们不能和平地做到这一点(尽管制裁的目的是让他们改变他们的暴力政策,然后他们将被允许更*地进行交易)。

As long as there are nations or terrorist groups that use warfare as a means to achieve their goals, other nations will need military forces to defend against them. It's not reasonable for all peaceful countries to demilitarize -- they'll all become sitting ducks for the actors that are still willing to attack.

只要有国家或*团体将战争作为实现其目标的手段,其他国家就需要军队来抵御它们。所有和平国家都非军事化是不合理的 - 他们都会成为仍然愿意攻击的演员的避风港。



The following countries have no military:


  • Andorra
  • 安道尔
  • Dominica
  • 多米尼加
  • Grenada
  • 格林纳达
  • Kiribati
  • 基里巴斯
  • Liechtenstein
  • 列支敦士登
  • Marshall Islands
  • 马绍尔群岛
  • Federated States of Micronesia
  • 密克罗尼西亚联邦
  • Nauru
  • 瑙鲁
  • Palau
  • 帕劳
  • Saint Lucia
  • 圣卢西亚
  • Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
  • 圣文森特和格林纳丁斯
  • Samoa
  • 萨摩亚
  • Solomon Islands
  • 所罗门群岛
  • Tuvalu Since
  • 图瓦卢自从
  • Vatican City (Inclusion in this list is debatable. The Swiss Guard is under the authority of the Holy See, an entity which is much older than the Vatican City. But the Pope rules both, so they're not exactly independent.)
  • 梵蒂冈城(列入这个名单是值得商榷的。瑞士卫队是罗马教廷的权威,罗马教廷是一个比梵蒂冈城更古老的实体。但教皇统治这两者,所以他们并不是完全独立的。)



Note that most of them do have agreements with nearby countries for protection. So maybe the answer is, that it can be a defensive strategy in this day and age if you have a strong and friendly neighbor.


Historically of course, this was a terrible idea. The Moriori people practiced strict non-violence. In the 1830's, they were invaded by the Taranaki Māori who nearly wiped them out, committing some pretty terrible atrocities above and beyond simple murder on the way.

当然,从历史上看,这是一个糟糕的主意。 Moriori人实行严格的非暴力。在1830年代,他们被塔拉纳基毛利人入侵,他们几乎将他们摧毁,在途中犯下了一些非常可怕的暴行,超越了简单的谋杀。



This is an interesting question, but I think it's constructed on a few false premises.


If a country was to disband any and all of its military, and sell off it's military assets, wouldn't it be an effective way to prevent an invasion? Because after this, it's clear to anyone that this country is not a threat to anyone.


In the modern world, most democratic countries are not considered a threat to any others. No one worries about the US (3rd in the world, with 1,348,400 service members) invading Iceland (with no active duty military, just a Coast Guard).


No military action against it can be justified. Sure, a neighboring country that still has a military could walk over and occupy it with hardly any effort - but they would have no way to justify this as a "good" or "necessary" deed, not even to their own people or soldiers.

没有任何针对它的军事行动是合理的。当然,一个仍然拥有军队的邻国可以走过去并且几乎没有任何努力占据它 - 但是他们没有办法证明这是一种“好的”或“必要的”契约,甚至对他们自己的人民或士兵来说也是如此。

I don't see why the lack of resistance would matter at all to what Casus belli is used to justify a war or invasion. For example, if "rebels" in a country ask a neighboring country to come in and restore order, it doesn't matter whether that country has a military to protest it or not. Other countries and people will either believe the cause was justified or not, regardless of whether there was any fighting involved.

我不明白为什么缺乏抵抗对于使用Casus belli来证明战争或入侵的合理性至关重要。例如,如果一个国家的“*分子”要求邻国进入并恢复秩序,那么该国是否有军队来*它并不重要。无论是否有任何战斗,其他国家和人民都会相信原因是否合理。



During the Cold War, some German leftists suggested that the risk of accidental war on the Iron Curtain outweighs the risk of deliberate war, and that measures should be taken to prevent accidental war even at the expense of military efficiency.


The idea was to deploy non-mechanized infantry with plenty of anti-tank missiles forward near the border, and tank forces way back in the own territory. As long as the Soviets did not see those tanks moving forward, they could be assured that no major attack was imminent. Of course the best defense includes active counterattacks, so the infantry forces forward would sacrifice some of their efficiency. If it had come to a war, they would have paid dearly, but the judgement of those leftists was that the reduced risk of misunderstandings was worth it.


This is comparable to agreements on demilitarized zones as part of armstices or confidence-building measures, except that it would have been an unilateral decision.




The reason why we can't demilitarize is because you'd have to convince everyone, sovereign entities and rogue elements alike, to get rid of their weapons and other assets. Even if you could theoretically convince every country in the world to do so, you're definitely not going to convince religious zealots, drug lords, smugglers, pirates, and so on to give up their life of crime in the interest of global peace, and simple law enforcement isn't sufficient.


Aside from that, many major advancements in science, medicine, and technology have come from military research and funding. Without a military interested in coming up with ways to make war more effective and simultaneously less deadly, we would not have a lot of the technology we have today. It would all have to be privatized, which means that people would be inventing this stuff to make money instead of protecting people. Remember, the military is, strictly speaking, not a profitable organization, but their work is important.


In order to fully demilitarize all countries, you would still need a global military force that could respond to terrorist threats, continue global research in the areas of medicine, science, and technology, and provide disaster relief all across the globe no matter where they occurred. Then, it follows, you'd have to figure out how to fairly fund this force, and yet keep it impartial to any one sovereign entity.


While such a global force might be more efficient from a global point of view, there wouldn't be many that would support it, especially if it meant supporting their perceived enemies in the process. To make matters worse, the very psychology of humanity would make such a situation impossible without somehow managing to "reeducate" the entire civilized world under a common belief system and moral code. Even if no country threatened to invade any other country ever, we would still have to have organizations that replace the other vital functions of the military.




Tell that to Crimea. There were solid pacts and treaties in place for its defense, but when push came to shove, no one was willing to go to war with Russia in order to comply with their agreement. So now Crimea is Russian.




My observation is that invasions happen more often in relatively defenseless countries (compared to their aggressor) than well-guarded countries. In the entire course of the cold war and beyond, the United States never invaded Russia or vice versa. Despite the United States's adversarial relationship with China in recent decades, we have been reluctant to enter into any military conflict with them. Invasion of nuclear powers is scarce. The U.S. invaded Iraq under the false pretense that they had nuclear weapons, but the U.S. government has never invaded a country that they knew had nuclear weapons. North Korea has had a nuclear weapons program since the 1980's and has been out of compliance with the UN Security Council since 1993, but we never bothered to invade and disarm them. Saudi Arabia is the most militarily strong country in the Middle East, and it is also an Arab country that the United States has shown little eagerness to invade, despite being the home country of most of the 9/11 hijackers; but we have conducted various campaigns in militarily weaker Arab countries like Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan. In recent decades, Russia has invaded Ukraine, Georgia, and Chechnya; having little to do with whether they pose a military threat. Iraq invaded Kuwait despite Kuwait not being a match militarily.


It is rather rare in recent decades that invaded countries have been militarily mighty. There have been dozens of often not-well-known invasions perpetrated against militarily weak nations. Some notable exceptions have been the various invasions of India, the conflicts involving Israel, and the invasions involving Iraq. It can be conjectured that all of these classify as too much personal grudge to care about the defending nation's strength, or overwhelming military superiority of the invading country.



https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_invasions https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_military_expenditures

I believe a better defensive system would be to maintain a small to medium-sized military, operate a strong economy that is not weakened by excessive military spending, and maintain good diplomatic and military alliances. Switzerland's model of military neutrality and good diplomatic relations has helped it become the most economically and socially well-off country in the world (note: Switzerland DOES have a small military with a budget of about $4.8 billion). But the virtue in maintaining a small military, rather than no military, is it gives you more military capital with which to trade military alliances with other countries.


It can also be observed that in recent decades, there have rarely been invasions perpetrated against wealthy, industrialized, liberal democracies in the West. Specifically, in the 84 most recent invasions, the only a few have been directed against western democracies, only their distantly-held territories, not mainland invasions (Spanish and French territories in Morocco, British-controlled Falkland Islands, Dutch-controlled Papau New Guinea, Portuguese territories in India). This likely has to do with having neighbors who are also modernized liberal democracies. It can be reasoned that if a country provides humanitarian aid to help its neighbors to stabilize, establish a constitutional democracy, improve their education, and improve their economic health; then they can help stabilize their local geopolitical situation. Stable neighbors create an ally and eliminate a potential enemy at the same time.

还可以看出,近几十年来,很少有人对西方富裕的,工业化的,**国家进行入侵。具体而言,在84次最近的入侵中,只有少数人针对的是西方*国家,只有他们远程控制的领土,而不是大陆入侵(摩洛哥的西班牙和法国领土,英国控制的福克兰群岛,荷兰控制的巴布亚新几内亚) ,印度的葡萄牙领土)。这可能与拥有现代化**国家的邻居有关。可以理解,如果一个国家提供人道主义援助,帮助其邻国稳定,建立宪政*,改善教育,改善经济健康;然后他们可以帮助稳定当地的地缘政治局势。稳定的邻居创造了一个盟友,同时消灭了潜在的敌人。



Dogbert has something to say about this.




Imagine a situation where a country was concerned their neighbor would invade them. The kindly watching type (KWT) country looks at their irate and quarrelesome (IRQ) neighbor and rationally evaluates the situation as having a significant potential for the IRQ to attack the KWT.


Suppose IRQ believes they have some kind of grievance that can only be answered by war. Or pretends they do.


Now imagine that KWT make the change to having zero military, and nothing else is changed. Does this change their evaluation of IRQ? Does it change the evaluation that IRQ holds of KWT?


If they anticipate that they can simply drive their jeeps over there and sit down in the president's chair, probably not killing anybody, probably not firing a single weapon, will IRQ be dissuaded or encouraged? Will the rest of the world be outraged by such a non-violent annexation?


If all the KWT people can muster in response to the annexation is to put grumpy looks on their faces, does it make big media coverage in the countries that might do something about it? How does it compare to the news play if the KWT military fought fiercely but got brushed aside?


In other considerations, the military does lots of other things besides defending the border. They are symbolic indicators of power for the leadership. They can respond to natural disasters such as fire, flood, earthquake, with relief and crowd control and anti-looting efforts and such. They can be places to provide training to people for a wide array of useful skills. The military is a traditional place to stick unmanageable youth until they grow up a little. These are all things that governments traditionally find attractive.




Your basic assumption seems to be wrong, that countries are attacked because they're perceived to be threats. While this is sometimes the reason (e.g. the Iraq War was supposedly to prevent Saddam Hussein from making use of weapons of mass destruction -- although this is a gross simplification), it's not the only reason countries invade other countries.

你的基本假设似乎是错误的,国家受到攻击是因为它们被认为是威胁。虽然这有时是原因(例如伊拉克战争据说是为了阻止萨达姆·侯赛因使用大规模杀伤性武器 - 尽管这是一种严重的简化),但这并不是各国入侵其他国家的唯一原因。

Historically, the primary reason for invasions has been to acquire resources. For example, another country may have valuable oil reserves -- if you successfully attack them and take them over, now you have valuable oil reserves. Instead of having to purchase oil from them, you can sell it to others.

从历史上看,入侵的主要原因是获取资源。例如,另一个国家可能拥有宝贵的石油储备 - 如果你成功地攻击它们并将它们带走,现在你拥有宝贵的石油储备。您可以将其出售给其他人,而不必从他们那里购买石油。

To be fair, this type of warfare has declined significantly in the modern era. It's generally more cost-effective to negotiate trade treaties rather than invading, and that's what most countries do. This is one of the points that Steven Pinker makes in his book The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined. However, there are some beligerant nations that are under sanctions that prevent them from trading as much as they might need; they may feel the need to acquire resources through violence since they can't do it peacefully (although the intent of the sanctions is for them to change their violent policies, then they'll be allowed to trade more freely).

公平地说,这种类型的战争在现代时代已经显着下降。谈判贸易条约而不是入侵通常更具成本效益,而这正是大多数国家所做的。这是Steven Pinker在他的书“我们的天性中更好的天使:为什么暴力已经衰退”中提出的观点之一。然而,有些一些受到制裁的国家阻止它们进行尽可能多的交易;他们可能觉得有必要通过暴力获取资源,因为他们不能和平地做到这一点(尽管制裁的目的是让他们改变他们的暴力政策,然后他们将被允许更*地进行交易)。

As long as there are nations or terrorist groups that use warfare as a means to achieve their goals, other nations will need military forces to defend against them. It's not reasonable for all peaceful countries to demilitarize -- they'll all become sitting ducks for the actors that are still willing to attack.

只要有国家或*团体将战争作为实现其目标的手段,其他国家就需要军队来抵御它们。所有和平国家都非军事化是不合理的 - 他们都会成为仍然愿意攻击的演员的避风港。



The following countries have no military:


  • Andorra
  • 安道尔
  • Dominica
  • 多米尼加
  • Grenada
  • 格林纳达
  • Kiribati
  • 基里巴斯
  • Liechtenstein
  • 列支敦士登
  • Marshall Islands
  • 马绍尔群岛
  • Federated States of Micronesia
  • 密克罗尼西亚联邦
  • Nauru
  • 瑙鲁
  • Palau
  • 帕劳
  • Saint Lucia
  • 圣卢西亚
  • Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
  • 圣文森特和格林纳丁斯
  • Samoa
  • 萨摩亚
  • Solomon Islands
  • 所罗门群岛
  • Tuvalu Since
  • 图瓦卢自从
  • Vatican City (Inclusion in this list is debatable. The Swiss Guard is under the authority of the Holy See, an entity which is much older than the Vatican City. But the Pope rules both, so they're not exactly independent.)
  • 梵蒂冈城(列入这个名单是值得商榷的。瑞士卫队是罗马教廷的权威,罗马教廷是一个比梵蒂冈城更古老的实体。但教皇统治这两者,所以他们并不是完全独立的。)



Note that most of them do have agreements with nearby countries for protection. So maybe the answer is, that it can be a defensive strategy in this day and age if you have a strong and friendly neighbor.


Historically of course, this was a terrible idea. The Moriori people practiced strict non-violence. In the 1830's, they were invaded by the Taranaki Māori who nearly wiped them out, committing some pretty terrible atrocities above and beyond simple murder on the way.

当然,从历史上看,这是一个糟糕的主意。 Moriori人实行严格的非暴力。在1830年代,他们被塔拉纳基毛利人入侵,他们几乎将他们摧毁,在途中犯下了一些非常可怕的暴行,超越了简单的谋杀。



This is an interesting question, but I think it's constructed on a few false premises.


If a country was to disband any and all of its military, and sell off it's military assets, wouldn't it be an effective way to prevent an invasion? Because after this, it's clear to anyone that this country is not a threat to anyone.


In the modern world, most democratic countries are not considered a threat to any others. No one worries about the US (3rd in the world, with 1,348,400 service members) invading Iceland (with no active duty military, just a Coast Guard).


No military action against it can be justified. Sure, a neighboring country that still has a military could walk over and occupy it with hardly any effort - but they would have no way to justify this as a "good" or "necessary" deed, not even to their own people or soldiers.

没有任何针对它的军事行动是合理的。当然,一个仍然拥有军队的邻国可以走过去并且几乎没有任何努力占据它 - 但是他们没有办法证明这是一种“好的”或“必要的”契约,甚至对他们自己的人民或士兵来说也是如此。

I don't see why the lack of resistance would matter at all to what Casus belli is used to justify a war or invasion. For example, if "rebels" in a country ask a neighboring country to come in and restore order, it doesn't matter whether that country has a military to protest it or not. Other countries and people will either believe the cause was justified or not, regardless of whether there was any fighting involved.

我不明白为什么缺乏抵抗对于使用Casus belli来证明战争或入侵的合理性至关重要。例如,如果一个国家的“*分子”要求邻国进入并恢复秩序,那么该国是否有军队来*它并不重要。无论是否有任何战斗,其他国家和人民都会相信原因是否合理。



During the Cold War, some German leftists suggested that the risk of accidental war on the Iron Curtain outweighs the risk of deliberate war, and that measures should be taken to prevent accidental war even at the expense of military efficiency.


The idea was to deploy non-mechanized infantry with plenty of anti-tank missiles forward near the border, and tank forces way back in the own territory. As long as the Soviets did not see those tanks moving forward, they could be assured that no major attack was imminent. Of course the best defense includes active counterattacks, so the infantry forces forward would sacrifice some of their efficiency. If it had come to a war, they would have paid dearly, but the judgement of those leftists was that the reduced risk of misunderstandings was worth it.


This is comparable to agreements on demilitarized zones as part of armstices or confidence-building measures, except that it would have been an unilateral decision.




The reason why we can't demilitarize is because you'd have to convince everyone, sovereign entities and rogue elements alike, to get rid of their weapons and other assets. Even if you could theoretically convince every country in the world to do so, you're definitely not going to convince religious zealots, drug lords, smugglers, pirates, and so on to give up their life of crime in the interest of global peace, and simple law enforcement isn't sufficient.


Aside from that, many major advancements in science, medicine, and technology have come from military research and funding. Without a military interested in coming up with ways to make war more effective and simultaneously less deadly, we would not have a lot of the technology we have today. It would all have to be privatized, which means that people would be inventing this stuff to make money instead of protecting people. Remember, the military is, strictly speaking, not a profitable organization, but their work is important.


In order to fully demilitarize all countries, you would still need a global military force that could respond to terrorist threats, continue global research in the areas of medicine, science, and technology, and provide disaster relief all across the globe no matter where they occurred. Then, it follows, you'd have to figure out how to fairly fund this force, and yet keep it impartial to any one sovereign entity.


While such a global force might be more efficient from a global point of view, there wouldn't be many that would support it, especially if it meant supporting their perceived enemies in the process. To make matters worse, the very psychology of humanity would make such a situation impossible without somehow managing to "reeducate" the entire civilized world under a common belief system and moral code. Even if no country threatened to invade any other country ever, we would still have to have organizations that replace the other vital functions of the military.




Tell that to Crimea. There were solid pacts and treaties in place for its defense, but when push came to shove, no one was willing to go to war with Russia in order to comply with their agreement. So now Crimea is Russian.




My observation is that invasions happen more often in relatively defenseless countries (compared to their aggressor) than well-guarded countries. In the entire course of the cold war and beyond, the United States never invaded Russia or vice versa. Despite the United States's adversarial relationship with China in recent decades, we have been reluctant to enter into any military conflict with them. Invasion of nuclear powers is scarce. The U.S. invaded Iraq under the false pretense that they had nuclear weapons, but the U.S. government has never invaded a country that they knew had nuclear weapons. North Korea has had a nuclear weapons program since the 1980's and has been out of compliance with the UN Security Council since 1993, but we never bothered to invade and disarm them. Saudi Arabia is the most militarily strong country in the Middle East, and it is also an Arab country that the United States has shown little eagerness to invade, despite being the home country of most of the 9/11 hijackers; but we have conducted various campaigns in militarily weaker Arab countries like Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan. In recent decades, Russia has invaded Ukraine, Georgia, and Chechnya; having little to do with whether they pose a military threat. Iraq invaded Kuwait despite Kuwait not being a match militarily.


It is rather rare in recent decades that invaded countries have been militarily mighty. There have been dozens of often not-well-known invasions perpetrated against militarily weak nations. Some notable exceptions have been the various invasions of India, the conflicts involving Israel, and the invasions involving Iraq. It can be conjectured that all of these classify as too much personal grudge to care about the defending nation's strength, or overwhelming military superiority of the invading country.



https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_invasions https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_military_expenditures

I believe a better defensive system would be to maintain a small to medium-sized military, operate a strong economy that is not weakened by excessive military spending, and maintain good diplomatic and military alliances. Switzerland's model of military neutrality and good diplomatic relations has helped it become the most economically and socially well-off country in the world (note: Switzerland DOES have a small military with a budget of about $4.8 billion). But the virtue in maintaining a small military, rather than no military, is it gives you more military capital with which to trade military alliances with other countries.


It can also be observed that in recent decades, there have rarely been invasions perpetrated against wealthy, industrialized, liberal democracies in the West. Specifically, in the 84 most recent invasions, the only a few have been directed against western democracies, only their distantly-held territories, not mainland invasions (Spanish and French territories in Morocco, British-controlled Falkland Islands, Dutch-controlled Papau New Guinea, Portuguese territories in India). This likely has to do with having neighbors who are also modernized liberal democracies. It can be reasoned that if a country provides humanitarian aid to help its neighbors to stabilize, establish a constitutional democracy, improve their education, and improve their economic health; then they can help stabilize their local geopolitical situation. Stable neighbors create an ally and eliminate a potential enemy at the same time.

还可以看出,近几十年来,很少有人对西方富裕的,工业化的,**国家进行入侵。具体而言,在84次最近的入侵中,只有少数人针对的是西方*国家,只有他们远程控制的领土,而不是大陆入侵(摩洛哥的西班牙和法国领土,英国控制的福克兰群岛,荷兰控制的巴布亚新几内亚) ,印度的葡萄牙领土)。这可能与拥有现代化**国家的邻居有关。可以理解,如果一个国家提供人道主义援助,帮助其邻国稳定,建立宪政*,改善教育,改善经济健康;然后他们可以帮助稳定当地的地缘政治局势。稳定的邻居创造了一个盟友,同时消灭了潜在的敌人。