• Spring定时任务@Scheduled的cron表达式

    时间:2022-10-09 17:50:58

    基本语法cron表达式由6-7个时间域组成,每个时间域之间用空格隔开。格式:<秒> <分> <时> <日期> <月> <星期> <年份>秒:取值范围0-59分:取值范围0-59时:取值范围0-23日期:每月的的几数,...

  • PHP CRON电子邮件发送CPU密集型

    时间:2022-10-06 09:44:46

    I'm running an Amazon EC2 'Large' instance - Ubuntu Natty x64 with PHP5 and MySQL. We execute a PHP script via CRON - this sends an email list (2000-4...

  • 如何使cron任务出错时发邮件

    时间:2022-10-05 21:58:32

    如果设置了 MAILTO,cron就会将任务的标准输出和标准错误输出重定向到邮箱(即发送邮件)。但如果只想接到错误报警邮件 --即任务正常执行时不发送,只在出错时发送 -- 应该怎么实现呢?方法很简单,指定该任务的标准输出为 /dev/null 就可以了。MAILTO=mybox@gmail.com...

  • Spring集成Quartz定时任务框架介绍和Cron表达式详解

    时间:2022-10-04 07:50:58


  • 确保PHP脚本只作为cron作业运行?

    时间:2022-10-04 01:04:49

    How can I ensure a user can not run a PHP script and that it is only ever run as part of a cron job? 如何确保用户不能运行PHP脚本,并且该脚本只能作为cron作业的一部分运行?5 个解决方案 ...

  • spring cron表达式源码分析

    时间:2022-10-01 17:07:52

    在springboot中,我们一般是通过如下的做法添加一个定时任务上面的new CronTrigger("0 * * * * *")中的参数0 * * * * *就是cron表达式了。这里主要是对cron表达式的源码进行分析,其他内容不再展开了。这能看到会创建一个CronTrigger对象,这个对象...

  • cron下执行ntpdate出现的问题

    时间:2022-09-30 08:04:14

    ntpdate代码: https://github.com/ntp-project/ntp/tree/stable/ntpdate 编译: 1)./bootstrap 2)autoconf   automake  configure  make,预先安装libtool   问题现象: 在v3.2版...

  • 最强cron解析器

    时间:2022-09-24 00:58:08

    背景大家有没有这么一种困境我现在需要去配置一个定时任务:"每天早上九点执行任务"若你有一个好的定时任务平台,相信很容易就能配置完成。那若是没有定时任务平台呢?是不是就要自己写cron表达式那 "每天早上九点执行任务" 的cron表达式怎么写呢?这个时候我会去百度一些cron在线生成,因为我比较菜然而...

  • 使用CRON作业执行PHP脚本

    时间:2022-09-21 01:11:40

    I would like to run a PHP script every day at midnight. After research on how to do this, it appears that the best way to achieve this is to use a CRO...

  • Node.js - 用PHP进程的cron作业

    时间:2022-09-21 01:11:22

    I want to know if the following JS script (server side) is correct or not, because it takes too much CPU resource. The working of cron job this way. 我...

  • cron表达式整理

    时间:2022-09-19 08:06:06

    cron表达式是什么?                                                        cron表达式主要是用在Quartz框架中,Quartz是一个完全由java编写的开源作业调度框架,最主要的功能就是调度器(完成定时任务),可以 与javaEE或者...

  • 环境变量在cron中看不到

    时间:2022-09-19 08:06:00

    So I've run into a bit of an issue. My workplace uses environmental variables on it's machines and we've recently switched our dev / prod servers to u...

  • 使用cron时MySQL的性能差异

    时间:2022-09-17 21:47:06

    I have a number of PHP maintenance scripts running on a shared hosting environment using cPanel. Most of the scripts need to run every 3-4 hours and t...

  • 在Unix中以30分钟开始一个cron作业

    时间:2022-09-15 19:12:49

    I want to run a cron job for every 2 minutes from 9:30 to 12.How should I do it? 我想从9:30到12每隔2分钟完成一次cron工作。我该怎么做? Is this correct? Where should I add ...

  • Cron作业无法加载gem

    时间:2022-09-15 16:51:02

    I have a ruby script that connects to an Amazon S3 bucket and downloads the latest production backup. I have tested the script (which is very simple) ...

  • crontab下的cron工作不工作

    时间:2022-09-15 16:47:36

    I have added the following entry: 我添加了以下条目: */1 * * * * /home/coddict/myapp-dev/spoolemailsender and the shell that I am trying to execute (the file s...

  • 使用sleep()或cron作业

    时间:2022-09-15 16:46:30

    I have this mail script I have to run a few times. To start the script I will use cron, but the script has to run 2 or 3 more times (with an hour apar...

  • 这是cron作业的正确格式吗?

    时间:2022-09-15 16:39:06

    I am trying to delete files in the 1 folder if they are older than 1 day. What I need to know is if the following cron job will do this. 我试图删除1文件夹中的文件...

  • 从LAMP网页更新cron的安全方法

    时间:2022-09-15 16:38:42

    I need to be able to update the scheduled run times for various jobs from a web page and I am looking for a secure way to do it on a Red Hat Enterpris...

  • Cron作业检查页面是否有特定的更改,如果是,则发送mail()

    时间:2022-09-15 16:38:30

    I am setting up a CRON to detect a change on a page. The issue I am having is pointing more to server side but I would like some others to look at the...