【转】XCode: duplicate symbol 解决方案

时间:2023-03-09 19:09:12
【转】XCode: duplicate symbol 解决方案

duplicate symbol _base64_encode in:
...\TencentOpenAPI(base64.o) 意思就是在这两个库中都定义了_base64_encode,编译器认为你重复定义了。至于为什么编译器认为重复定义,个人认为编译器编译全局变量时会根据名字进行编译,会把相同名称的全局变量编译为相同变量,也就是多个编译成一个,而编译器认为这样可能会引起错误,就提醒用户这里有错。 解决方案:
删掉了 set building->other linker flag-> -all_load ios的Framework是共享动态库,不会被打包到app中,非系统Framework静态库都会被打包到app中,所以会产生"Duplicate Symbol"的错误。
在Build Settings->Other link flags中删除所有的-all_load与-force_load, XCode会很smart的去掉"Duplicate Symbol"。 以下是从外国友人那获取的终极解决策略,方案是修改类库:
I'm going to assume that these are two third party libraries that have only provided you with the .a files and not the source code. You can use libtool, lipo and ar on the terminal to extract and recombine the files.
假设有两个三方类库仅提供给你了.a文件,没有源码,你可以通过libtool, lipo和ar在terminal中解压合并他们。
To see what architectures are in the file:
$ lipo -info libTapjoy.a
Architectures in the fat file: libTapjoy.a are: armv6 i386 Then to extract just armv6, for example:
$ lipo -extract_family armv6 -output libTapjoy-armv6.a libTapjoy.a
$ mkdir armv6
$ cd armv6
$ ar -x ../libTapjoy-armv6.a You can then extract the same architecture from the other library into the same directory and then recombine them like so:
$ libtool -static -o ../lib-armv6.a *.o And then finally, after you've done this with each architecture, you can combine them again with lipo:
$ cd ..
$ lipo -create -output lib.a lib-armv6.a lib-i386.a This should get rid of any duplicate symbols, but will also combine the two libraries into one. If you want to keep them separate, or just delete the duplicate from one library, you can modify the process accordingly.
这个过程不仅解决掉了duplicate symbols的问题,也将两个类库合并为一个。如果你想分别保存两个类库,你可以将duplicate的部分从任意一个类库中删除,你可以相应的修改这个过程。