在Windows Server上安装ASP.NET时失败,提示not enough storage is available to process the command

时间:2023-03-09 05:25:31
在Windows Server上安装ASP.NET时失败,提示not enough storage is available to process the command

今天在部署ASP.NET网站时出现IIS 500.21错误。环境是Windows Server 2012 +IIS8

于是查找解决方案,发现网上的信息都说是需要重装.NET framerwork4.0即可,而我在执行那段重装4.0的命令之后还是失败。

发现原来是我在安装IIS时没有把Application Development 下的ASP.NET勾选导致的,这也提醒我们在安装的时候注意勾选这个(默认是不勾选的)


起初以为确实是内存不足的原因,后来想想内存是够的,于是想到可能是Windows Server系统配置的原因。


1. Click on Start > Run > regedit & press Enter
2. Find this key nameHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\LanmanServer\Parameters
3. Locate IRPStackSize
4. If this value does not exist Right Click on Parameters key and Click on New > Dword Value and type inIRPStackSize under the name.
5. The name of the value must be exactly (combination of uppercase and lowercase letters) the same as what I have above.
6. Right Click on the IRPStackSize and click on Modify
7. Select Decimal enter a value higher than 15(Maximum Value is 50 decimal) and Click Ok
8. You can close the registry editor and restart your computer.
