
时间:2023-03-09 10:02:15

Beforenavigate2: Fired before navigate occurs in the given WebBrowser(window or frameset element). The processing of this 
navigation may be modified. (这个事件发生一个给定的浏览器即将导航到一个URL前,这个导航的过程可能会被修改.)

ClientToHostWindow:   Fired to request client sizes be converted to host  window sizes
CommandStateChange:  The endabled state of a command changed (一个可能的命令状态改变时)
DocumentComplete: Fired when the document being navigated to reaches ReadyState_Complete.
DownLoadBegin: Download of a page started. ( 开始下载一个网页)
DownLoadComplete: Download of page complete.( 结束下载一个网页)

FileDownload: Fired to indicate the File Download dialog is opening. 
NavigateComplete2: Fired when the document being navigated to becomes visible and enters the navigation stack.
NavigateError: Fired when a binding error occurs(window or frameset element).

NewWindow2: A new, hidden, non-navigated WebBrowser window is needed.
NewWindow3: A new, hidden, non-navigated WebBrowser window is needed.
OnFullScreen: Fired when fullscreen mode should be on/off ( 指示全屏模式是否被选用)
OnMenuBar: Fired when the menubar should be shown/hide.( 指示菜单栏是否隐藏)
OnQuit: Fired when application is quiting.( 当应用程序退出时,触发这个事件)

OnStatusBar: Fired when the statusbar should be shown/hide.( 指示状态栏是否隐藏)

OnTheaterMode: Fired when theater mode should be on/off. ( 指示剧场模式是否选用)

OnToolBar: Fired when toolbar should be shown/hide. ( 指示工具栏是否隐藏)

OnVisible: Fired when the window should be shown/hide. ( 指示窗体是否隐藏 )

PrintTemplateInstantiation:  Fired when a print template is instantiated.( 指示一个打印模块被初始化好了)

PrintTemplateTeardown: Fired when a print template destroyed.  (指示一个打印模块被销毁了)

PrivacyImpactedStateChange: Fired when the global privacy impacted state changes.
ProgressChange: Fired when download progress is updated. ( 指示下载进度更新)
PropertyChange:  Fired when the PutProperty method has been called. ( 当PutProperty方法被调用)
SetSecureLockIcon: Fired to indicate the security level of the current web page contents.

StatusTextChange:  Status text changed. ( 当状态栏文字改变时,触发这个事件)
TitleChange: Document title changed. ( 文档标题改变时)

UpdatePageStatus: Fired when a page is spooled, When it is fired can be changed by a custom template.
WindowClosing: Fired when the WebBrowser is about to closed by script.
( 当WebBrowser即将被脚本关闭)

WindowSetHeight:  Fired when the host window should change its height.
 Fired when the host window should change its left coordinate. ( 当宿主窗体改变它的左坐标)

WindowSetResizable: Fired when the host window should allow/disallow resizing. ( 当宿主窗体改变它的尺寸)

WindowSetTop: Fired when the host window should change its Top coordinate.

WindowSetWidth: Fired when the host window should change its width. ( 当宿主窗体改变它的宽度)