Win7 安装Apache 2.2.4报错:拒绝访问. :Failed to open the WinNT service manager

时间:2023-03-09 23:22:07
Win7 安装Apache 2.2.4报错:<OS 5>拒绝访问. :Failed to open the WinNT service manager

Apache 2.2安装档与win7的“用户账户控制”冲突,所以只要先关闭,安装完后再开启即可。

Win7 安装Apache 2.2.4报错:<OS 5>拒绝访问. :Failed to open the WinNT service manager

Win7 安装Apache 2.2.4报错:<OS 5>拒绝访问. :Failed to open the WinNT service manager

Win7 安装Apache 2.2.4报错:<OS 5>拒绝访问. :Failed to open the WinNT service manager

