adb shell dumpsys meminfo [packagename] 输出内容的含义

时间:2023-03-09 09:04:25
adb shell dumpsys meminfo [packagename] 输出内容的含义
Private Dirty:私有的脏内存页(还在使用中)的大小;  
Private Clean:私有的干净内存页(现在未使用了)的大小;
以上这二者相加,便是应用曾经申请过的内存空间大小。Private Clean仍属于该应用,在后面需要时仍可以使用
Private Dirty,它基本上是进程内不能被分页到磁盘的内存,也不和其他进程共享。
手机中系统设置里有可以查看正在运行的应用程序所占的内存,此处显示的内存为该进程所占用的Pss Total。所以我们只需要查看Total Pss的值就可以知道该应用运行时所占的内存的大小。

Swapped Dirty或SwapPss Dirty: Some Android devices do use swap, but they swap to RAM rather than flash. Linux has a feature called ZRAM that compressed pages and then swaps them to a special RAM area, and decompresses them again when needed.

So the pages listed in "Swapped Dirty" are likely in ZRAM.