expect 批量自动部署ssh 免密登陆

时间:2021-08-10 09:11:02
[root@node2 ssh]# cat auto_ssh.sh
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
# 2.system_password
# 3.system_hostname
# 4.CommandList [多个命令间;间隔]
# 0 成功
# 1 参数个数不正确
# 2 SSH 服务器服务没有打开
# 3 SSH 用户名密码不正确
# 4 连接SSH服务器超时
proc usage {} {
regsub ".*/" $::argv0 "" name
send_user "Usage:\n"
send_user "$name system_username system_password system_hostname CommandList\n"
exit 1
if {[llength $argv] !=3} {
} #设置变量值
set timeout 10
set system_username [lindex $argv 0]
set system_password [lindex $argv 1]
set system_hostname [lindex $argv 2]
spawn ping ${system_hostname} -w 2
expect {
-nocase -re "100% packet loss" {
send_error "Ping ${system_hostname} is unreachable, Please check the IP address.\n"
exit 1
set timeout 60
set resssh 0
spawn ssh-keygen -t rsa
expect {
"*file in which to save the key*" {
send "\n\r"
send_user "/root/.ssh\r"
"*Overwrite (y/n)*"{
send "n\n\r"
"*Enter passphrase*" {
send "\n\r"
"*Enter same passphrase again*" {
send "\n\r"
spawn ssh-copy-id -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub $system_username@$system_hostname
expect {
#first connect, no public key in ~/.ssh/known_hosts
"Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?" {
send "yes\r"
expect "password:"
send "$system_password\r"
#already has public key in ~/.ssh/known_hosts
"password:" {
send "$system_password\r"
"Now try logging into the machine" {
#it has authorized, do nothing!
expect eof