Django:提交表单报错:RuntimeError: You called this URL via POST, but the URL doesn’t end in a slash and you have A

时间:2023-03-09 08:54:50
Django:提交表单报错:RuntimeError: You called this URL via POST, but the URL doesn’t end in a slash and you have A
Django:提交表单报错:RuntimeError: You called this URL via POST, but the URL doesn’t end in a slash and you have APPEND_SLASH set.

   -    RuntimeError: You called this URL via POST, but the URL doesn’t end in a slash and you have APPEND_SLASH set.   
       提示form的action地址最后不是/结尾的,而且APPEND_SLASH的值是Ture        将from的action地址改为/结尾的就可以了    -   或者
       修改settings:APPEND_SLASH=False ---------------------