leetcode -- Merge k Sorted Lists add code

时间:2021-11-30 09:02:38

Merge k sorted linked lists and return it as one sorted list. Analyze and describe its complexity.




* Definition for singly-linked list.
* public class ListNode {
* int val;
* ListNode next;
* ListNode(int x) {
* val = x;
* next = null;
* }
* }
public class Solution {
public ListNode mergeKLists(ArrayList<ListNode> lists) {
// Start typing your Java solution below
// DO NOT write main() function
ListNode head = null;
int len = lists.size();
if(len <= 1)
return null;
head = merge2List(lists.get(0), lists.get(1));
for(int i = 2; i < len; i++){
head = merge2List(lists.get(i), head);
return head; } public ListNode merge2List(ListNode node1, ListNode node2){
ListNode head = null;
ListNode tmp = head;
while(node1 != null && node2 != null){
if(node1.val <= node2.val){
ListNode node = new ListNode(node1.val);
tmp = node;
tmp = tmp.next;
} else {
ListNode node = new ListNode(node2.val);
tmp = node;
tmp = tmp.next;
node1 = node1.next;
node2 = node2.next;
} while(node1 != null){
ListNode node = new ListNode(node1.val);
tmp = node;
tmp = tmp.next;
node1 = node1.next;
} while(node2 != null){
ListNode node = new ListNode(node2.val);
tmp = node;
tmp = tmp.next;
node2 = node2.next;
return head; }


 public class Solution {
public ListNode mergeKLists(ArrayList<ListNode> lists) {
// Start typing your Java solution below
// DO NOT write main() function
ListNode head = null;
int len = lists.size();
if(len == 0)
return null;
else if(len == 1){
return lists.get(0);
head = merge2List(lists.get(0), lists.get(1));
for(int i = 2; i < len; i++){
head = merge2List(lists.get(i), head);
return head; } public ListNode merge2List(ListNode node1, ListNode node2){
ListNode head = new ListNode(Integer.MIN_VALUE);
ListNode tmp = head;
while(node1 != null && node2 != null){
if(node1.val <= node2.val){
ListNode node = new ListNode(node1.val);
tmp.next = node;
tmp = tmp.next;
node1 = node1.next;
} else {
ListNode node = new ListNode(node2.val);
tmp.next = node;
tmp = tmp.next;
node2 = node2.next;
} if(node1 != null){
tmp.next = node1;
} if(node2 != null){
tmp.next = node2;
head = head.next;
return head; }



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