MATLAB 批量处理图片

时间:2023-03-09 10:06:45
MATLAB 批量处理图片

function resizephotos(directory, wh, isrecursive, isoverwrite, savetopath, supportFormat)
% resizephotos: resize a batch of photos
% resizephotos -dir max_width_and_height, will let you choose a directory,
% and resize all the photos in the directory. When max_width_and_height is
% omitted, it uses 1600 by default(1600px is enough for most monitors).
% resizephotos -files max_width_and_height, will let you choose some files,
% and resize all the files in the directory.
% You might be asked for whether to recursively resize all the photos in
% subdirectories.
% and You might be asked for whether to overwrite the original files. If
% you choose 'No', the program will save the resized images in new
% directories or files with prefix 'resize-'.
% resizephotos(file_or_directory, max_width_and_height, is_recursive, ...
% is_overwrite, path_to_save): you can use the function by specifying
% the path of the directories and files. When using this method, you can
% specific the max width and height of the resized photos. When path_to_save
% is omitted, the path to save the resized photos will generated automatically
% depends on is_overwrite parameter.
% See also imresize
% Copyright 2010,
% author:, url:
% $Revision: $ $Date: 2009/01/27 04:47:43 $ %% cope with the input parameters
% if the directory is not set, we open a file select dialog for use to
% select the files or path to deal with
if nargin == 0 || (nargin >= 1 && ischar(directory) && strcmp(directory, '-dir'))
directory = uigetdir;
% let user to choose whether recursively resize all the subdirectories
tmp = questdlg('Did you want to recursively resize all the subdirectories?');
if strcmp('Yes', tmp)
isrecursive = true;
else strcmp('No', tmp)
isrecursive = false;
isoverwrite = askforoverwrite();
elseif (nargin >= 1 && ischar(directory) && strcmp(directory, '-files'))
[p, f] = uigetfile({'*.*', 'All files'}, 'MultiSelect', 'on');
if isnumeric(p) && ~p
directory = cell(size(p));
if iscell(p)
for i = 1:numel(p)
directory{i} = [f, p{i}];
directory=[f p];
isoverwrite = askforoverwrite();
end % set other parameters
if ~exist('wh', 'var'), wh = 1600; elseif ischar(wh), wh = eval_r(wh); end %����eval����_r
if ~exist('isrecursive', 'var'), isrecursive = false; end
if ~exist('isoverwrite', 'var'), isoverwrite = false; end
if ~exist('savetopath', 'var'), savetopath = []; end
if nargin <= 5 || isempty(supportFormat), supportFormat = '*'; end %% mult-files
% if directory is a cell, it indicate multi-files or multi-directories,
% we resize them one by one if iscell(directory)
for i = 1:numel(directory)
resizephotos(directory{i}, wh, isrecursive, isoverwrite, savetopath, supportFormat);
end %% if everything are OK if exist(directory, 'file') && ~isdir(directory) % for a file,
if nargin <= 4 || isempty(savetopath)
if isoverwrite
savetopath = directory;
[pd, fd] = lastdirectory(directory);
savetopath = [pd, 'resize-', fd];
resizesinglephoto(directory, wh, savetopath);
elseif isdir(directory) % if directory is a real directory
% the last char of directory should be a '\'
if directory(end) ~= '\'
directory = [directory, '\'];
% generate the saved directory
if nargin <= 4 || isempty(savetopath) % when at the first recursive and savetopath is not set
% we need to generate the saved directory
if isoverwrite
savetopath = directory;
elseif ~isoverwrite
[savetopath, lastd] = lastdirectory(directory);
savetopath = [savetopath, 'resize-', lastd, '\'];
% when the savetopath do not exist, we create one
if ~isdir(savetopath)
mkdir(savetopath); %����������������
end % now we resize all photos in current directory, and recursive resize
% all the directories if needed
allfiles = dir(directory); %����������������(������������)������������������ % before we generate now image file, we first make sure the savetopath
% exists, otherwise generate it.
if ~isdir(savetopath)
savetopath=[savetopath(1:end-1) 'resize' '\'];
mkdir(savetopath); %��������������������������������resize
for i = 1:numel(allfiles)
cur = allfiles(i).name;
% ignore the path '.' and '..'
if numel(cur) > 2 || ~min(cur == '.')
if allfiles(i).isdir && isrecursive
resizephotos([directory cur '\'], wh, isrecursive, isoverwrite, ...
[savetopath cur '\'], supportFormat);
elseif ~allfiles(i).isdir
resizesinglephoto([directory cur], wh, [savetopath cur]);
end %% resize single photo, save it to savetopath
function resizesinglephoto(photo, wh, savetopath) try
I = imread(photo);
catch ME %#ok<NASGU>
% disp(ME.message);
disp(['!!! ' photo ' is not recognized as an image file, and it''s ignored']);
end % [w, h] is the width and height of original graph
w = size(I, 1);
h = size(I, 2); % ����resize�������� [maxw, maxh]
if numel(wh) == 1
if w > h
maxw = wh;
maxh = wh*h/w;
maxh = wh;
maxw = wh*w/h;
maxw = wh(1);
maxh = wh(2);
if (w-h)*(maxw-maxh) < 0
[maxw, maxh] = deal(h, w);
end if w/h < maxw/maxh
maxw = maxh*w/h;
maxh = maxw*h/w;
end if maxw < w
I = imresize(I, [maxw, maxh]); %����������������������������������������������������
imwrite(I, savetopath);
disp([photo ' is resized, and is saved to ' savetopath]); %% lastdirectory
function [pd, ld] = lastdirectory(d)
% return the last directory, for example, lastdirectory('\abc\edf\') =
% ['\abc\','edf']. When d is a file, return the path and the file name, i.e
% lastdirectory('abc\def\x.jpg') = ['abc\def\', 'x.jpg'] % remove the last \
if isdir(d) && d(end) == '\'
d = d(1:end-1);
end % if there is a \
if max(d=='\')
ld = d(find(d=='\', 1, 'last')+1:end);
ld = d;
end pd = d(1:end-numel(ld)); %% ask for whether to overwrite original files
function isoverwrite = askforoverwrite()
tmp = questdlg(['Did you want to overwrite the original files? ' ...
'if you choose No, we will add a ''resize-'' prefix to your ' ...
'files or directories.']);
if strcmp('Yes', tmp)
isoverwrite = true;
elseif strcmp('No', tmp)
isoverwrite = false;