
时间:2022-09-04 11:42:09


我们通过FileSystem类可以操控HDFS, 那我们就从这里开始分析写数据到HDFS的过程。
在我们向 HDFS 写文件的时候,调用的是 FileSystem.create(Path path)方法,我们查看这个方法的源码,通过跟踪内部的重载方法,可以找到
   * Opens an FSDataOutputStream at the indicated Path with write-progress
   * reporting.
   * @param f the file name to open
   * @param permission
   * @param overwrite if a file with this name already exists, then if true,
   *   the file will be overwritten, and if false an error will be thrown.
   * @param bufferSize the size of the buffer to be used.
   * @param replication required block replication for the file.
   * @param blockSize
   * @param progress
   * @throws IOException
   * @see #setPermission(Path, FsPermission)
  public abstract FSDataOutputStream create(Path f,
      FsPermission permission,
      boolean overwrite,
      int bufferSize,
      short replication,
      long blockSize,
      Progressable progress) throws IOException;

这个方法是抽象类,没有实现。那么我们只能向他的子类寻找实现。FileSystem 有个子类是 DistributedFileSystem,在我们的伪分布环境下使用的就是这个类。我们可以看到DistributedFileSystem 的这个方法的实现

点create方法 按ctrl+T 点击DistributedFileSystem 进进去了:
  public FSDataOutputStream create(Path f, FsPermission permission,
    boolean overwrite,
    int bufferSize, short replication, long blockSize,
    Progressable progress) throws IOException {

    return new FSDataOutputStream
       (dfs.create(getPathName(f), permission,
                   overwrite, true, replication, blockSize, progress, bufferSize),

注意返回值 FSDataOutputStream。这个返回值对象调用了自己的构造方法, 构造方法的第一个参数是 dfs.create()方法。 我们关注一下这里的 dfs 对象是谁,create 方法做了什么事情。现在进入这个方法的实现,

   * Create a new dfs file with the specified block replication
   * with write-progress reporting and return an output stream for writing
   * into the file.
   * @param src stream name
   * @param permission The permission of the directory being created.
   * If permission == null, use {@link FsPermission#getDefault()}.
   * @param overwrite do not check for file existence if true
   * @param createParent create missing parent directory if true
   * @param replication block replication
   * @return output stream
   * @throws IOException
   * @see ClientProtocol#create(String, FsPermission, String, boolean, short, long)
  public OutputStream create(String src,
                             FsPermission permission,
                             boolean overwrite,
                             boolean createParent,
                             short replication,
                             long blockSize,
                             Progressable progress,
                             int buffersize
                             ) throws IOException {
    if (permission == null) {
      permission = FsPermission.getDefault();
    FsPermission masked = permission.applyUMask(FsPermission.getUMask(conf));
    LOG.debug(src + ": masked=" + masked);
    final DFSOutputStream result = new DFSOutputStream(src, masked,
        overwrite, createParent, replication, blockSize, progress, buffersize,
        conf.getInt("io.bytes.per.checksum", 512));
    beginFileLease(src, result);
    return result;

final DFSOutputStream result = new DFSOutputStream(src, masked,

     * Create a new output stream to the given DataNode.
     * @see ClientProtocol#create(String, FsPermission, String, boolean, short, long)
    DFSOutputStream(String src, FsPermission masked, boolean overwrite,
        boolean createParent, short replication, long blockSize, Progressable progress,
        int buffersize, int bytesPerChecksum) throws IOException {
      this(src, blockSize, progress, bytesPerChecksum, replication);

      computePacketChunkSize(writePacketSize, bytesPerChecksum);

      try {
        // Make sure the regular create() is done through the old create().
        // This is done to ensure that newer clients (post-1.0) can talk to
        // older clusters (pre-1.0). Older clusters lack the new  create()
        // method accepting createParent as one of the arguments.
        if (createParent) {
            src, masked, clientName, overwrite, replication, blockSize);
        } else {
            src, masked, clientName, overwrite, false, replication, blockSize);
      } catch(RemoteException re) {
        throw re.unwrapRemoteException(AccessControlException.class,

可 以 看 到 , 这 个 类 是 DFSClient 的 内 部 类 。 在 类 内 部 通 过 调用namenode.create()方法创建了一个输出流。我们再看一下 namenode 对象是什么类型

  public final ClientProtocol namenode;

可以看到 namenode 其实是 ClientProtocal 接口。那么,这个对象是什么时候创建的?点击outline点击下面这个DFSClient:

   * Create a new DFSClient connected to the given nameNodeAddr or rpcNamenode.
   * Exactly one of nameNodeAddr or rpcNamenode must be null.
  DFSClient(InetSocketAddress nameNodeAddr, ClientProtocol rpcNamenode,
      Configuration conf, FileSystem.Statistics stats)
    throws IOException {
    this.conf = conf;
    this.stats = stats;
    this.nnAddress = nameNodeAddr;
    this.socketTimeout = conf.getInt("dfs.socket.timeout",
    this.datanodeWriteTimeout = conf.getInt("dfs.datanode.socket.write.timeout",
    this.timeoutValue = this.socketTimeout;
    this.socketFactory = NetUtils.getSocketFactory(conf, ClientProtocol.class);
    // dfs.write.packet.size is an internal config variable
    this.writePacketSize = conf.getInt("dfs.write.packet.size", 64*1024);
    this.maxBlockAcquireFailures = getMaxBlockAcquireFailures(conf);

    this.hdfsTimeout = Client.getTimeout(conf);
    ugi = UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser();
    this.authority = nameNodeAddr == null? "null":
      nameNodeAddr.getHostName() + ":" + nameNodeAddr.getPort();
    String taskId = conf.get("mapred.task.id", "NONMAPREDUCE");
    this.clientName = "DFSClient_" + taskId + "_" +
        r.nextInt()  + "_" + Thread.currentThread().getId();

    defaultBlockSize = conf.getLong("dfs.block.size", DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE);
    defaultReplication = (short) conf.getInt("dfs.replication", 3);

    if (nameNodeAddr != null && rpcNamenode == null) {
      this.rpcNamenode = createRPCNamenode(nameNodeAddr, conf, ugi);
     this.namenode = createNamenode(this.rpcNamenode, conf);
    } else if (nameNodeAddr == null && rpcNamenode != null) {
      //This case is used for testing.
      this.namenode = this.rpcNamenode = rpcNamenode;
    } else {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "Expecting exactly one of nameNodeAddr and rpcNamenode being null: "
          + "nameNodeAddr=" + nameNodeAddr + ", rpcNamenode=" + rpcNamenode);
    // read directly from the block file if configured.
    this.shortCircuitLocalReads = conf.getBoolean(
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
      LOG.debug("Short circuit read is " + shortCircuitLocalReads);
    this.connectToDnViaHostname = conf.getBoolean(
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
      LOG.debug("Connect to datanode via hostname is " + connectToDnViaHostname);
    String localInterfaces[] =
    if (null == localInterfaces) {
      localInterfaces = new String[0];
    this.localInterfaceAddrs = getLocalInterfaceAddrs(localInterfaces);
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled() && 0 != localInterfaces.length) {
      LOG.debug("Using local interfaces [" +
          StringUtils.join(",",localInterfaces)+ "] with addresses [" +
          StringUtils.join(",",localInterfaceAddrs) + "]");

可以看到34行namenode 对象是在 DFSClient 的构造函数调用时创建的,即当 DFSClient 对象存在的时候,namenode 对象已经存在了。

至此,我们可以看到,使用 FileSystem 对象的 api 操纵 HDFS,其实是通过 DFSClient 对象访问 NameNode 中的方法操纵 HDFS 的。 这里的 DFSClient 是 RPC 机制的客户端, NameNode是 RPC 机制的服务端的调用对象,整个调用过程如图 


在整个过程中,DFSClient 是个很重要的类,从名称就可以看出,他表示 HDFS 的 Client,是整个 HDFS 的 RPC 机制的客户端部分。我们对 HDFS 的操作,是通过 FileSsytem 调用的DFSClient 里面的方法。FileSystem 是封装了对 DFSClient 的操作,提供给用户使用的


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