UVA 10253 Series-Parallel Networks (树形dp)

时间:2022-09-07 17:05:41

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Series-Parallel Networks

Input: standard input

Output:  standard output

Time Limit: 5 seconds

Memory Limit: 32 MB

In this problem you are expected to count two-terminal series-parallel networks. These are electric networks considered topologically or geometrically, that is, without the electrical properties of the elements connected. One of the two terminals can be considered as the source and the other as the sink.

A two-terminal network will be considered series-parallel if it can be obtained iteratively in the following way:

q       A single edge is two-terminal series-parallel.

q       If G1 and G2 are two-terminal series-parallel, so is the network obtained by identifying the sources and sinks, respectively (parallel composition).

q       If G1 and G2 are two-terminal series-parallel, so is the network obtained by identifying the sink of G1with the source of G2 (series composition).

Note here that in a series-parallel network two nodes can be connected by multiple edges. Moreover, networks are regarded as equivalent, not only topologically, but also when interchange of elements in series brings them into congruence; otherwise stated, series interchange is an equivalence operation. For example, the following three networks are equivalent:

      UVA 10253 Series-Parallel Networks (树形dp)

Similarly, parallel interchange is also an equivalence operation. For example, the following three networks are also equivalent:

UVA 10253 Series-Parallel Networks (树形dp)

Now, given a number N, you are expected to count the number of two-terminal series parallel networks containing exactly N edges. For example, for N = 4, there are exactly 10 series-parallel networks as shown below:

UVA 10253 Series-Parallel Networks (树形dp)


Each line of the input file contains an integer N (1 £N£ 30) specifying the number of edges in the network.

A line containing a zero for N terminates the input and this input need not be considered.


For each N in the input file print a line containing the number of two-terminal series-parallel networks that can be obtained using exactly N edges.


Sample Input






Sample Output




(World Final Warm-up Contest, Problem Setter: Rezaul Alam Chowdhury)






dp[i][j]=∑(C(f[i]+k-1,k)*d[i-1][j-p*i])     k≥0,k*i<=j



 #include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdio>
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
ll dp[][];
ll f[];
ll C(ll n,int m)
double ret=;
for(ll i=n+-m;i<=n;i++)
for(int i=;i<=m;i++)ret/=i;
return (ll)(ret+0.5);
int main()
int n=;
for(int i=;i<=n;i++){dp[][i]=;dp[i][]=;}
for(int i=;i<=n;i++)dp[i][]=;
for(int i=;i<=n;i++)
for(int j=;j<=n;j++)
for(int k=;i*k<=j;k++)
for(int i=;i<=n;i++)f[i]*=2LL;

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