examine self thrice a day2016

时间:2023-03-10 08:23:29
examine self thrice a day2016

























examine self thrice a day2016

examine self thrice a day2016



everything is just a chanllege, which u 'll fail in it if people don't tell or u don't find.

I'm sorry, I do not want to contact you anymore. 
Do not wait until everything is ready to get started, ready to go full, there are challenges Mody, there are mean? It still make sense?


Please just do a thing boldly , then do amendment.

Who if I am prevented from advancing, full account, duty-bound.

I am complaining that if the earlier met Mr. ***  the situation may not be like now.

Efficiency: The unit of time to use the most useful tools to accomplish  maximum return things

The gap is initially moving hands in the matter, some things missing is a lifetime.


Death is just a apart of life ,something we're all destined to do.

Panda "Pan Pan" hung up, the music actress BenXI, I brush teeth also hematemesis, holding a computer sitting still dizzy, when the death become a trend, I do not follow the trend (* ゜ ロ ゜) ノ?


year schedule

examine self thrice a day2016examine self thrice a day2016

10:20:32 服务器未连接 10:20:32 Kad未连接 10:20:32 启动p2sp加速 10:20:32 来源交换获得1个源 10:20:31 查询BT资源信息失败(文件编号:1) 10:20:28 连接120.198.*.*:10543 10:20:28 连接39.72.*.*:22865 10:20:28 连接192.168.*.*:12345 10:20:28 连接111.198.*.*:8781 10:20:28 连接120.85.*.*:13173 10:20:28 连接210.77.*.*:11657 10:20:28 连接58.17.*.*:11147 10:20:28 连接tb-dl2.yunpan.360.cn:80 10:20:28 连接192.168.*.*:36899 10:20:28 连接192.168.*.*:14642 10:20:28 连接120.198.*.*:10543成功 10:20:27 连接tb-dl2.yunpan.360.cn:80成功 10:20:27 重定向到http:// 10:20:26 连接120.221.*.139:80 10:20:22 开始传输 10:20:22 连接120.198.*.*:10543 10:20:22 连接120.198.*.*:10543成功 10:20:21 收到数据 10:20:20 文件创建成功 10:20:18 收到数据 10:20:18 连接120.221.*.139:80 10:20:16 收到数据

examine self thrice a day2016


剑魔:  一个数学\一个英语\一个论文\一个编程






老师是没有"义务"给你总结框架, 其实老师的就是可以和你讨论问题.老师讲的只是零散的碎片化知识,必须得有知识框架,人必须得在生态圈里才能很好的生活,将自己所学的知识应用到实践,其实所学的知识都是有用的,可能你学的时候没有把他们联系起来,然后就觉得并没有用,然后荒废堕落。

 教育部 教育部各个教职委 国家学会 省级一级  知名企业  :参加这种比赛
 我们应该主动去搭建知识体系 信息检索的意识(要直接去搜百度,而不是去问;直接就能搜到,不要去问)+信息检索的能力(百度的高级搜索命令1/在官网2/在百度页面可能就会失望3/site:(sjtu.edu.cn)然后就得到肯定他可以参加)     3. 资源整合  互联网资源 都有渠道可以下载到 
 执行力   有可执行方案的时候就马上上手,然后不断优化,而不要拖,拖到没有时间.
 5.深度思考与总结 碎片化的知识会随着时间不断遗忘  要不断思考总结 强制自己去深度思考 去观察对手使用的是什么传球方式,然后下次我也去尝试使用这种方式,玩游戏的时候每次都会失败,每次都在积累经验;但是每次失败都会积累经验;失败只是人生的过客,但不是在灌输这种理念;学术竞赛 科研项目 学校大创项目  


 树立目标  并朝着这个目标努力 养成主动学习的习惯  不是看到了希望才去坚持,而是坚持了才会看到希望 


钱都被人家赚了,红利期的好处都被先行者瓜分完毕了,风口上那只飞翔的猪永远不是自己。 你的心态日益扭曲,你原本的激情早就在一而再再而三的拖延中,消失殆尽。 天呐,事实上,这些人都是被自己拖垮的。 大部分人不是没有能力,也不是没有决心。其实就是差那么一点点,只要动动手,日后的所有情况都会发生改变。 你不用和那些金字塔尖的牛人比,光是和那些足够成功的普通人比就够了。



examine self thrice a day2016



Not someone else is not good, I was too stupid.


examine self thrice a day2016

In my mind, the junior high school for four years, put up with four years; three years of high school, put up for three years; four years of college, put up for three years. There are a few 20-year life.

examine self thrice a day2016examine self thrice a day2016

The kind of busy non-stop, just what I am seeking it

My heart as to, nothing to match the proposed

examine self thrice a day2016 吾心所向,无所匹拟examine self thrice a day2016

 If it is really really do not like here, do not force yourself or let yourself lost, then draft a perfect plan to leave here, go abroad, I believe you have the ability to save yourself.

examine self thrice a day2016examine self thrice a day2016examine self thrice a day2016


▶     music:                                                                       Fireflies

速记员是如何快速打字的? - 知乎

To grasp the method of seven shorthand, instant notes ability to ascend

Person's life will encounter 2920 people, some of them are intervening passing, it will screen out all the time should not be left to the people.

If you cannot even get what you wannno ,what's the distinction between u and salted fish.

Ten years ago, people around you will treat you based on your parents;

Ten years later,people around you will treat your parent based on you.

All of depression anxiety, are derived from no money to spend, and so do not believe when you're sad, rushed to the mall to buy ten lipstick \ eight sets of clothes \ seven bag \ six pairs of shoes \ five bottle of perfume \ again about thirty-five Friends Meng rub a good meal






This world a little bit impetuous, it is time to give it a cure.

# Super dead trouble that do not abide by the rules of the kind of person, contrary to the rules, but also entanglement ... ...

DDL Many people die in the DDL after a second on ↑, just a second, but useless, the rules is the rules.

If you are talking about business, business, then please listen carefully to each word, no one will tell you nonsense.

You have to take care of yourself.

The boss did not explain what you do, do take into account and do a good job; boss account of what you do, to do the ultimate.

No matter what product, designed out, please start from the user's point of view to try to test, or please some public welfare attempt, we must take good every off, not out of any error.

Every link can not make any mistakes, otherwise, bear all the consequences.


DDL     很多人都死在了DDL的后一秒上↑,就仅仅差一秒,可是没用,规矩就是规矩。







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If it wasn't for me I'd give it back to you if I can't get I'll give you what I have

chaos, I cannot remember the passwards of various sites.

Originally wanted to do a dedicated private memory a variety of passwords App.

Truth be told , many many ....

Because of technical problem, the programs were stranded.

INnovation_626   密码kyzg941.。。。。。

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admission card for entrance examination:372410162126106

Minimum requirements before graduation:

TEM-8,Test for English Majors-Band 8

No obstacles to commuicate with foreigner

Zombies opened your head, gone with disillusioned, whereas, dung beetles has a eye-Popper! 



“You couldn’t see my tears cause I am in the water.“ Fish said to water.“But I could feel your tears cause you are in my heart..“ Answered water. 

This morning's super hard, dreaming, thought it was going to fail, the health is very important.

If you do not work hard, life would be your burden!

The day before yesterday morning I had a dream, I had a decision in the dream, not in the school internship here, I want to go home.

I know that when I was a kid I thought I was working hard and then I would have a lot of time with my parents. I knew it was a lie.

only less time, we are from the previous 24 hours to the present of the 24 minutes or 24 seconds and parents together.

Before the college entrance examination, I said to go to any university is good, anyway, there are libraries, I can do what I want to do.

Before the college entrance examination, I said I want to have a new life: do what I want to do.

I hafta do these things , no matter how busy.

I said, go to the hospital two times a month, experience what is life, feel the pain, cherish the moment

I said, go home two times a month, look at their parents.

I said, every month to travel, do not ask how far, as long as there is income, good; bring their parents around the place they like.

I want to be a gentleman, not do what I want to do, but do what I should do.


examine self thrice a day2016

How really I do not mind what the certificate is regards to ,,,,,/doge


Supposing that I am hard-hearted, sticking with something, probably I won't be so painful as it is today.

The difficult I reckoned in the past is merely the easiest affair so far as today.

Thus beer in your mind , today is the easiest day in the future.

Powder place elimination system

If you do not malicious, can only wait for kill, in fact, every day there are elimination system, some very glad you can see, some of you lazy, they were killed.

The whole world is trying, only you are lazy. Every day to have the qualitative occurrence, this is your only motivation to live.

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I'm honored to be agree on DaLao, which the result of my intelligence shows that the level is so low.

casually  said something classic,"Garbage is garbage, No one cares about which kind it belongs to."

If we still live, we need to do something that is different from d


get it:

I wish you happy in the garbage heap!

Because of the difficult, so meaningful.

Don't go to bed when you can't tell yourself what you've learned today.

A person to achieve the height, not to see his height now, is to see him in the original height and how much forward.

Leave the system what you are, the first job to a good system to regulate themselves, so sleepy and cherish!!!


examine self thrice a day2016


examine self thrice a day2016

examine self thrice a day2016


examine self thrice a day2016


pareto principle

People do 1 time, I do 100 times; People do 10 times, I do 10000.

examine self thrice a day2016

yeap, to be capital of my parents' proud and my perspective encouter.

examine self thrice a day2016

December 3(th), 2016

examine self thrice a day2016

examine self thrice a day2016

examine self thrice a day2016

December 1(th), 2016

If you only do what you can do ,you‘ll never be more that you are now.

examine self thrice a day2016
You got a dream, you gotta protect it. People can't do....(sb such as  one of my roommate)
we are fond of connectiviting with people who cherish the same ideals, follow the same path,
not only merely cauze of the habbits ,but also cauze of the level of thoughts.

examine self thrice a day2016

After graduation, I wanno stay at  up to 8 floors.

Or without oxygen,I'll die.

I cannot die ,cauze there are many I haven't  finish.

Learn to monitor myself.

November 8(th), 2016

 ▶ Fly Free


Technological singularityexamine self thrice a day2016

 November 9(th), 2016

The world of martial arts but not fast breaking

November 11(th), 2016

 The meaning of one millisecond, you know better than anyone else.

"The goal is to clear the content of the specific state of mind and thinking and then do something to focus on the value of input and output ratio
I want to be in what time what how reasonable arrangements -- > goals -- >
Focus on the thinking map of the brush brush times rather than the details of the summary of knowledge points"
As long as the results
Do it or not, determine your ability to work under a second Ar* Nights or not!

November 13(th), 2016

I like is not important, I do not like is important.
Fixed time to form their own habit: the efficiency of the peaks and valleys of varying difficulty working with their matching maximum efficiency.
Timely recording, daily summary
The working environment is limited, there is no senior people counseling, thinking mode of curing
Starting point is very important. smart work, not to waste the company's resources, even if it is a piece of paper

 November 16(th), 2016

To do one thing to concentrate on, if the other thing to do is not very good, is tantamount to give up.

The next second to do things, but also to give up to achieve the same results, why not give up

November 23(th), 2016

Sleepy time memorizing words, many sentences, famous celebrities

 November 29(th), 2016

There is no knowledge outline will die very miserable: at that time will be very miserable, after the day will be very clean.
This world has a very interesting Law: a lot of things you want to get, must be in a place already exists, and you just need to find ways to find it.
But be sure to get enough strength to bear it before you can find it.

November 30(th), 2016

Familiar with knowledge point ,or you feel more than painful from the buttom of the heart.

Don't drink cold-drink in winter, acid reflux, stomach upset, resulting in decreased work efficiency;
Don't speak a word with idiot which bring to bad effects,   (examples omitted).
None-sound at night you may recite english words, watch videos , after all, there are so many things to do!!!