Bringing up interface eth0: Device eth0 does not seem to be present, delaying initialization

时间:2023-03-10 07:23:26
Bringing up interface eth0: Device eth0 does not seem to be present, delaying initialization

跑 service network restart  NIC出现无法启动,他说,没有发现

Bringing up interface eth0: Device eth0 does not seem to be present, delaying initialization


1》 改动/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules文件,删除或凝视掉第一个网卡记录,并将第二个的NAME="eth1"改为NAME="eth0"

2》 假设在/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0中有配置网卡信息的话,如:#HWADDR="00:0C:29:C8:1A:92"。将其凝视。

3》 service network restart
