Python 对Twitter中指定话题的Tweet基本元素的频谱分析

时间:2023-03-09 09:40:36
Python 对Twitter中指定话题的Tweet基本元素的频谱分析


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- '''
Created on 2014-7-9
@author: guaguastd
''' if __name__ == '__main__': # import Counter
from collections import Counter # import visualize
from visualize import visualize_frequency_map # pip install prettytable
# from prettytable import PrettyTable # import search
from search import search_for_tweet # import login, see http://blog.****.net/guaguastd/article/details/31706155
from login import twitter_login # get the twitter access api
twitter_api = twitter_login() # import tweet
from tweet import extract_tweet_entities while 1:
query = raw_input('\nInput the query (eg. #MentionSomeoneImportantForYou, exit to quit): ') if query == 'exit':
print 'Successfully exit!'
break statuses = search_for_tweet(twitter_api, query)
status_texts,screen_names,hashtags,words = extract_tweet_entities(statuses) for label, data in (('Word', words),
('Screen Name', screen_names),
('Hashtag', hashtags)):
# Build a frequency map for each set of data and plot the values
c = Counter(data)
sTitle = label
xLabel = "Bins (number of times an item appeared)"
yLabel = "Number of items in bin"
visualize_frequency_map(c.values(), sTitle, xLabel, yLabel)


Python 对Twitter中指定话题的Tweet基本元素的频谱分析

Python 对Twitter中指定话题的Tweet基本元素的频谱分析

Python 对Twitter中指定话题的Tweet基本元素的频谱分析