
时间:2022-09-15 19:57:33

2013-07-05 14:07:49

本函数给出了几种strcpy与strncpy的实现,有ugly implementation,也有good implementation。并参考标准库中的implementation,最后给出了比较好的implementation。






while ( (*dst = *src) != '\0')




while ( (*dst = *src) != '\0') ;

又因为'\0'的ASCII值就是0,因此while ( (*dst++ = *src++) != '\0') ;  可简写为while ( *dst++ = *src++ ) ;




    1. 函数src参数应为const,dst参数为非const;
    2. 函数要返回dst的地址,以方便嵌套使用该函数;
    3. 函数返回的dst的地址不要为const类型;
    4. 确定dst要有字符串结束符;
    5. 注意输入合法性检查注意输入合法性检查。



 while (count && (*dest++ = *source++))    /* copy string */
count--; if (count) /* pad out with zeroes */
while (--count)
*dest++ = '\0';

这样在当source的长度大于或等于count时,就不会执行下面的if语句,而上面的while条件判断由于是先判断count的值,后复制的,因此,在count减为0时,刚好复制完最后一个有效字符,即 \0 的前一个字符,而没有复制\0.


注意若while中的换为(*dest++ = *source++) && count,结果就会不同,即:

 while ( (*dest++ = *source++) && count )



 #include <iostream>

 using namespace std;
#define SIZE 100 /***
*char *strcpy(dst, src) - copy one string over another
* Copies the string src into the spot specified by
* dest; assumes enough room.
* char * dst - string over which "src" is to be copied
* const char * src - string to be copied over "dst"
* The address of "dst"
*******************************************************************************/ const char * _strcpy_1(char *dst,const char *src)
if (NULL == src || NULL == dst)
return NULL;
char *dst_ret = dst;
//const char *dst_ret = dst;
while ( (*dst++ = *src++) != '\0') ; //*的优先级高于++,结束时'\0'已经复制
return dst_ret;
} char * _strcpy_2(char *dst,const char *src)
if (NULL == src || NULL == dst)
return NULL;
char *dst_ret = dst;
//const char *dst_ret = dst; //返回值不需要是const类型的
while ( (*dst++ = *src++) != '\0') ; //*的优先级高于++
return dst_ret;
} //标准库函数给出的implementation,没有输入合法性检查
char * _strcpy_3(char *dst,const char *src)
char *cp = dst; while ( *cp++ = *src++ )
; /* Copy src over dst */ return ( dst );
} //标准库函数给出的implementation,加上输入合法性检查
char * _strcpy_4(char *dst,const char *src)
if (NULL == src || NULL == dst)
return NULL;
} char *cp = dst; while ( *cp++ = *src++ )
; /* Copy src over dst */ return ( dst );
} /***
*char *strncpy(dest, source, count) - copy at most n characters
* Copies count characters from the source string to the
* destination. If count is less than the length of source,
* NO NULL CHARACTER is put onto the end of the copied string.
* If count is greater than the length of sources, dest is padded
* with null characters to length count.
* char *dest - pointer to destination
* char *source - source string for copy
* unsigned count - max number of characters to copy
* returns dest
*******************************************************************************/ //不好的implementation
char * _strncpy_1(char *dst,const char *src,int count)
if (NULL == src || NULL == dst)
return NULL;
char *cp = dst;
int current_count = ;
//while ( (*cp++ = *src++) != '\0' && current_count != count)
// ++current_count; //*(cp - 1) = '\0'; //结束符 while ( current_count != count && (*cp++ = *src++) != '\0')
++current_count; *cp = '\0'; //结束符 return ( dst );
} //标准库函数的implementation
char * _strncpy_2 (
char * dest,
const char * source,
size_t count
char *start = dest; while (count && (*dest++ = *source++)) /* copy string */
count--; if (count) /* pad out with zeroes */
while (--count)
*dest++ = '\0'; //在sorce的长度小于count时,后面不补'\0',只是将source的前面count个字符覆盖,后面的不变 return(start);
} //标准库函数的implementation,加上输入合法性检查
char * _strncpy_3 (
char * dest,
const char * source,
size_t count
if (NULL == source || NULL == dest)
return NULL;
} char *start = dest; while (count && (*dest++ = *source++)) /* copy string */
count--; //若while中的换为(*dest++ = *source++) && count,结果就会不同 //*(dest - 1) = '\0'; //结束符
*dest = '\0'; //在sorce的长度小于count时,后面补'\0' if (count) /* pad out with zeroes */
while (--count)
*dest++ = '\0'; return(start);
} //测试程序
int main()
char src_1[SIZE] = "hello world!";
char dst[SIZE] = "\0"; cout<<"test _strcpy_1..."<<endl;
cout<<"the src string is : "<<src_1<<endl;
cout<<"the dst string is : "<<dst<<endl; char src_2[SIZE] = "hello!";
cout<<"test _strcpy_2..."<<endl;
cout<<"the src string is : "<<src_2<<endl;
cout<<"the dst string is : "<<dst<<endl; char src_3[SIZE] = "happy birthday!";
cout<<"test _strcpy_3..."<<endl;
cout<<"the src string is : "<<src_3<<endl;
cout<<"the dst string is : "<<dst<<endl; char *src_null = NULL; //不能这样赋值,报错:cannot convert from 'int' to 'char [100]'
//cout<<"test _strcpy_3(src == NULL )..."<<endl;
////cout<<"the src string is : "<<src_3<<endl;
//cout<<"the dst string is : "<<dst<<endl; char src_4[SIZE] = "happy!";
cout<<"test _strcpy_4..."<<endl;
cout<<"the src string is : "<<src_4<<endl;
cout<<"the dst string is : "<<dst<<endl; cout<<"test _strcpy_4(src == NULL )..."<<endl;
cout<<"the dst string is : "<<dst<<endl; //_strncpy
char dst_2[SIZE] = "\0";
size_t count = ;
cout<<"test _strncpy_1..."<<endl;
cout<<"the src string is : "<<src_1<<endl;
cout<<"the number to copy is : "<<count<<endl;
cout<<"the dst_2 string is : "<<dst_2<<endl; count = ;
cout<<"test _strncpy_1..."<<endl;
cout<<"the src string is : "<<src_1<<endl;
cout<<"the number to copy is : "<<count<<endl;
cout<<"the dst_2 string is : "<<dst_2<<endl; count = ;
cout<<"test _strncpy_2..."<<endl;
cout<<"the src string is : "<<src_1<<endl;
cout<<"the number to copy is : "<<count<<endl;
cout<<"the dst_2 string is : "<<dst_2<<endl; count = ;
cout<<"test _strncpy_2..."<<endl;
cout<<"the src string is : "<<src_1<<endl;
cout<<"the number to copy is : "<<count<<endl;
cout<<"the dst_2 string is : "<<dst_2<<endl; count = ;
cout<<"test _strncpy_3..."<<endl;
cout<<"the src string is : "<<src_1<<endl;
cout<<"the number to copy is : "<<count<<endl;
cout<<"the dst_2 string is : "<<dst_2<<endl; count = ;
cout<<"test _strncpy_3..."<<endl;
cout<<"the src string is : "<<src_1<<endl;
cout<<"the number to copy is : "<<count<<endl;
cout<<"the dst_2 string is : "<<dst_2<<endl; return ;


 test _strcpy_1...
the src string is : hello world!
the dst string is : hello world!
test _strcpy_2...
the src string is : hello!
the dst string is : hello!
test _strcpy_3...
the src string is : happy birthday!
the dst string is : happy birthday!
test _strcpy_4...
the src string is : happy!
the dst string is : happy!
test _strcpy_4(src == NULL )...
the dst string is : happy!
test _strncpy_1...
the src string is : hello world!
the number to copy is :
the dst_2 string is : hell
test _strncpy_1...
the src string is : hello world!
the number to copy is :
the dst_2 string is : hello world!
test _strncpy_2...
the src string is : hello world!
the number to copy is :
the dst_2 string is : hello world!
test _strncpy_2...
the src string is : hello world!
the number to copy is :
the dst_2 string is : hello world!
test _strncpy_3...
the src string is : hello world!
the number to copy is :
the dst_2 string is : hell
test _strncpy_3...
the src string is : hello world!
the number to copy is :
the dst_2 string is : hello world!
请按任意键继续. . .
