SHELL:Find Memory Usage In Linux (统计每个程序内存使用情况)

时间:2023-03-09 15:26:28
SHELL:Find Memory Usage In Linux (统计每个程序内存使用情况)


[root@db231 ~]# ./
Private + Shared = RAM used Program
540.78 mb + 175.56 mb = 716.35 mb oracle(25)
24.50 mb + 327.00 kb = 24.82 mb iscsiuio
15.37 mb + 341.00 kb = 15.70 mb yum-updatesd
12.51 mb + 853.00 kb = 13.35 mb gdmgreeter
11.69 mb + 74.00 kb = 11.77 mb tnslsnr
4.74 mb + 302.00 kb = 5.03 mb Xorg
1.42 mb + 1016.00 kb = 2.41 mb smbd(2)
2.04 mb + 347.00 kb = 2.38 mb gdm-rh-security
1.83 mb + 433.00 kb = 2.25 mb sshd(2)
1.51 mb + 379.00 kb = 1.88 mb iscsid(2)
748.00 kb + 958.00 kb = 1.66 mb gdm-binary(2)
1.02 mb + 134.00 kb = 1.15 mb cupsd
808.08 mb
[root@db231 ~]# free
total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 8174740 7339076 835664 0 486208 6085484
-/+ buffers/cache: 767384 7407356
Swap: 8393920 19996 8373924

memory stat shell

# Make sure only root can run our script if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then
echo "This script must be run as root" 1>&2
exit 1
fi ### Functions
#This function will count memory statistic for passed PID
get_process_mem ()
#we need to check if 2 files exist
if [ -f /proc/$PID/status ];
if [ -f /proc/$PID/smaps ];
#here we count memory usage, Pss, Private and Shared = Pss-Private
Pss=`cat /proc/$PID/smaps | grep -e "^Pss:" | awk '{print $2}'| paste -sd+ | bc `
Private=`cat /proc/$PID/smaps | grep -e "^Private" | awk '{print $2}'| paste -sd+ | bc `
#we need to be sure that we count Pss and Private memory, to avoid errors
if [ x"$Rss" != "x" -o x"$Private" != "x" ];
then let Shared=${Pss}-${Private}
Name=`cat /proc/$PID/status | grep -e "^Name:" |cut -d':' -f2`
#we keep all results in bytes
let Shared=${Shared}*1024
let Private=${Private}*1024
let Sum=${Shared}+${Private} echo -e "$Private + $Shared = $Sum \t $Name"
} #this function make conversion from bytes to Kb or Mb or Gb
#if value 0, we make it like 0.00
if [ "$value" = "0" ];
fi #We make conversion till value bigger than 1024, and if yes we divide by 1024
while [ $(echo "${value} > 1024"|bc) -eq 1 ]
value=$(echo "scale=2;${value}/1024"|bc)
let power=$power+1
done #this part get b,kb,mb or gb according to number of divisions
case $power in
0) reg=b;;
1) reg=kb;;
2) reg=mb;;
3) reg=gb;;
esac echo -n "${value} ${reg} "
} #to ensure that temp files not exist
[[ -f /tmp/res ]] && rm -f /tmp/res
[[ -f /tmp/res2 ]] && rm -f /tmp/res2
[[ -f /tmp/res3 ]] && rm -f /tmp/res3 #if argument passed script will show statistic only for that pid, of not we list all processes in /proc/ #and get statistic for all of them, all result we store in file /tmp/res
if [ $# -eq 0 ]
pids=`ls /proc | grep -e [0-9] | grep -v [A-Za-z] `
for i in $pids
get_process_mem $i >> /tmp/res
get_process_mem $1>> /tmp/res
fi #This will sort result by memory usage
cat /tmp/res | sort -gr -k 5 > /tmp/res2 #this part will get uniq names from process list, and we will add all lines with same process list
#we will count nomber of processes with same name, so if more that 1 process where will be
# process(2) in output
for Name in `cat /tmp/res2 | awk '{print $6}' | sort | uniq`
count=`cat /tmp/res2 | awk -v src=$Name '{if ($6==src) {print $6}}'|wc -l| awk '{print $1}'`
if [ $count = "1" ];
fi VmSizeKB=`cat /tmp/res2 | awk -v src=$Name '{if ($6==src) {print $1}}' | paste -sd+ | bc`
VmRssKB=`cat /tmp/res2 | awk -v src=$Name '{if ($6==src) {print $3}}' | paste -sd+ | bc`
total=`cat /tmp/res2 | awk '{print $5}' | paste -sd+ | bc`
Sum=`echo "${VmRssKB}+${VmSizeKB}"|bc`
#all result stored in /tmp/res3 file
echo -e "$VmSizeKB + $VmRssKB = $Sum \t ${Name}${count}" >>/tmp/res3
done #this make sort once more.
cat /tmp/res3 | sort -gr -k 5 | uniq > /tmp/res #now we print result , first header
echo -e "Private \t + \t Shared \t = \t RAM used \t Program"
#after we read line by line of temp file
while read line
echo $line | while read a b c d e f
#we print all processes if Ram used if not 0
if [ $e != "0" ]; then
#here we use function that make conversion
echo -en "`convert $a` \t $b \t `convert $c` \t $d \t `convert $e` \t $f"
echo ""
done < /tmp/res #this part print footer, with counted Ram usage
echo "--------------------------------------------------------"
echo -e "\t\t\t\t\t\t `convert $total`"
echo "========================================================" # we clean temporary file
[[ -f /tmp/res ]] && rm -f /tmp/res
[[ -f /tmp/res2 ]] && rm -f /tmp/res2
[[ -f /tmp/res3 ]] && rm -f /tmp/res3


[oracle@dbserver89 ~]$ pmap  -d 5502
5502: oracleora11g (LOCAL=NO)
Address Kbytes Mode Offset Device Mapping
0000000000400000 183540 r-x-- 0000000000000000 008:00006 oracle
000000000b93c000 1884 rwx-- 000000000b33c000 008:00006 oracle
000000000bb13000 304 rwx-- 000000000bb13000 000:00000 [ anon ]
000000001819f000 544 rwx-- 000000001819f000 000:00000 [ anon ]
0000000060000000 32768 rwxs- 0000000000000000 000:0000c 13 (deleted)
ffffffffff600000 8192 ----- 0000000000000000 000:00000 [ anon ]
mapped: 4753296K writeable/private: 8536K shared: 4507648K