第二十一章:deploy and live updates

时间:2023-02-03 13:26:25


  • 初次提交必须通过应用商店的审核,无法避免。
  • 添加或者删除plugin的时候,需要进行审核。
  • 当更新之后,app出现编译型错误的时候,不能实现live updates,需要通过应用商店进行修复之后方可继续使用。
  • 基本上www文件夹下面的更改是可以实现live updates的。

live updates是ionic团队提供的一个service,类似于ionic push等,目前Ionic deploy service是免费的,后续会尝试收费的模式。


1. Sign up in Ionic io site.

2. Create one app in Ionic io site.

第二十一章:deploy and live updates

3. Create one app in local.

$ ionic start APPNAME

4. Add the platform web client

ionic add ionic-platform-web-client


第二十一章:deploy and live updates


bower install --save-dev ionic-platform-web-client
ionic install ionic-platform-web-client

如果出现“Ionic is not defined”错误,则需要把下面的代码放在“<script src="lib/ionic/js/ionic.bundle.js"></script>”之后:

<script src="lib/ionic-platform-web-client/dist/ionic.io.bundle.js"></script>

5. Initialize your app into Ionic io


ionic io init

6. Add ionic deploy service

ionic plugin add ionic-plugin-deploy

7. Implement it in your app

run(function($ionicPopup) {
var deploy = new Ionic.Deploy();
deploy.watch().then(function() {}, function() {}, function(updateAvailable) {
if (updateAvailable) {
deploy.download().then(function() {
deploy.extract().then(function() {
title: 'Update available',
subTitle: 'An update was just downloaded. Would you like to restart your app to use the latest features?',
buttons: [
{ text: 'Not now' },
text: 'Restart',
onTap: function(e) {

Update info.plist for IOS 9to add exclusion rules to have a workaround for ATS.


8. Upload the new version of your app into Ionic io: you may try multiple times because some kind of errors could be occurred due to unstable service of Ionic deploy. Make sure the deploy env is same as what you coded in step 7.

ionic upload --note "new version" --deploy=dev

9. Change something of your app, and run above command to upload the changes to Ionic io again.

10. Succeed, now you can see the changes are pushed into mobile device without putting them into app store!

第二十一章:deploy and live updates

11. Cannot download the updates in mobile device, the error is "no such key from aws.amazonaws.com". No solution till now.


  • 目前Ionic deploy service处在beta阶段,所以不建议在production上面使用这种方法,也不建议频繁地使用这种方式来进行更新。
  • 想要实现live updates必须现在Ionic io上面注册账号,并且在第一个版本中需要进行一些code层面的配置(针对IOS 9用户来讲,需要绕过ATS机制)。
  • 由于我们上传的app是存储在AWS云上面的,安全、保密性是需要考量的一个点。
  • 在手机上测试好久也没有成功,觉得目前的service非常的不稳定,所以在dev环境下面也不推荐。

What's next then?


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