elasticsearch-HQ 安装与使用

时间:2023-03-09 03:01:46
elasticsearch-HQ 安装与使用


  1. Download or clone the repository.
  2. Open terminal and point to root of repository. Type: pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Run server with: 
     nohup /usr/bin/python3 -u /usr/local/software/elasticsearch-HQ-master/application.py >>all.log >& &
  4. Access HQ with: http://localhost:5000


cd /usr/local/elasticsearch

./bin/elasticsearch-plugin install https://github.com/NLPchina/elasticsearch-sql/releases/download/

On elasticsearch 5.x/6.x, download and extract site.

Then start the web front-end like this:

cd site-server
npm install express --save
nohup node node-server.js >>node-server.log 2>&1 &

elasticsearch-HQ 安装与使用
node node-server.js &      启动后,访问:http://ip:8088/   然后配置es地址,如下:
elasticsearch-HQ 安装与使用
  • Simple query
http://data.xxxx.com:9200/_sql?sql=select * from t_base_student limit 10
SELECT identity_id,person_id,sum(resource_size_int) as sumall FROM t_resource_info group by identity_id,person_id order by sumall desc limit 
  • Explain SQL to elasticsearch query DSL
http://localhost:9200/_sql/_explain?sql=select * from indexName limit 10