
时间:2023-03-09 21:44:51


// KMP.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
// #include "stdafx.h"
#include <IOSTREAM>
using namespace std; #define BUF_SIZE 100
#define BUF_SIZE_2 200 /************************************************************************/
/* KMP算法 */
/************************************************************************/ //************************************
// Method: Compute next array
// FullName: 计算NEXT数组
// Access: public
// Returns: void
// Qualifier:
// Parameter: char t[] 模式串
// Parameter: int next[] next数组
// Parameter: int length 模式串长度
void Calu_Next_Array(char t[], int next[], int length)
int j = 0, k = -1; next[0] = -1;
while (j < length - 1)
if (k == -1 || t[j] == t[k])
//由递推公式可知,初始情况:next[0]=-1,next[1]=0 //******************* 递推公式推导 *******************
//如果是t[j] == t[k],则有:
//记next[j] = k,则可推出t[0 .. k-1]=t[j-k .. j-1]
//又因为t[j] == t[k],则有t[0 .. k]=t[j-k .. j],推出【next[j+1]=k+1】
//又因为next[j] = k,故【j++,k++】
//【结论:若next[0]...next[j]已知,且t[j] == t[k],则可得next[j+1]=next[j]+1】
next[++j] = ++k;
//******************* 递推公式推导 *******************
//由于t[j] <> t[k],记next[j] = k,则可推出t[0 .. k-1]=t[j-k .. j-1]
//由于t[0 .. k-1]=t[j-k .. j-1],则有t[Y .. k-1]=t[j-k+Y .. j-1] (0<=Y<=k-1)
//令next[k] = K,则有t[0 .. K-1]=t[k-K .. k-1],此时令【Y=k-K】
//即有等式【t[Y .. k-1]=t[j-k+Y .. j-1]=t[k-K .. k-1]=t[Y .. k-1]=t[0 .. K-1]】
//即t[j-K .. j-1]=t[0 .. K-1],【next[j]=K=next[k]】
//若下一次t[j] == t[k'] = t[K],由于t[j-K .. j-1]=t[0 .. K-1]且K=next[k],可得t[j-K .. j]=t[0 .. K],即next[j+1]=next[k]+1
//【结论:若next[0]...next[j]已知,且t[j] <> t[k],若t[j] == t[K] == t[next[k]],则有next[j+1]=next[k]+1】
//这里要判定t[j] == t[k']是否成立,故令k=next[k]
k = next[k];
} // 打印next数组
void Print_Next_Array(int next[], int length)
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
cout << next[i] << ' ';
cout << endl;
} // KMP查找
int KMP(char s[], int s_len, char t[], int t_len, int start)
if (start >= s_len) return -1; int *next = new int[t_len]; // T字串长度为next数组长度 if (s_len == 0) throw "原始字串不能为空!";
if (t_len == 0) throw "匹配字串不能为空!";
if (t_len > s_len) throw "原始字串比匹配字串短,匹配(替换)失败!"; Calu_Next_Array(t, next, t_len); // 求next数组
Print_Next_Array(next, t_len); int i = start, j = 0; while (i < s_len && j < t_len)
if (j == -1 || s[i] == t[j])
i++; j++;
j = next[j];
} delete[] next; if (j == t_len) // T遍历到末尾
return i - j;
} return -1;
} // 替换
void Replace(char s[], char t[], char r[])
int s_len = strlen(s);
int t_len = strlen(t);
int r_len = strlen(r); if (s_len + r_len - t_len >= BUF_SIZE_2) throw "缓冲区不足!"; int index = 0; // 起始索引
int location = 0; // 匹配位置
int count = 0; // 替换次数
int delta = t_len - r_len;
int repl_min_len = (t_len <= r_len) ? t_len : r_len; while (true)
index = KMP(s, s_len, t, t_len, index);
if (index == -1) break; location = index + delta * count++;
cout << "找到匹配位置: " << location << endl; // 先替换部分
for (int i = 0; i < repl_min_len; i++)
s[index + i] = r[i];
} if (t_len >= r_len)
// 已替换完毕,开始左移
char *src = &s[index + t_len];
char *dest = &s[index + repl_min_len];
while (*src != 0 && *dest != 0) *dest++ = *src++;
*dest = 0;
// 先右移,再替换剩下的
char *null_src = &s[index + repl_min_len - 1];
char *src = &s[s_len];
char *dest = &s[s_len + r_len - t_len];
while (src != null_src) *dest-- = *src--; dest = src + 1;
src = &r[t_len];
while (*src != 0) *dest++ = *src++;
} s_len -= delta;
index -= delta;
} cout << "成功替换" << count << "处" << endl;
cout << "替换结果: " << s << endl << endl;
} int main(int argc, char* argv[])
char buf_string[BUF_SIZE_2];
char buf_find[BUF_SIZE];
char buf_replace[BUF_SIZE]; cout << "请输入字符串:" << endl;
cin.getline(buf_string, BUF_SIZE_2 - 1);
cin.sync(); cout << "请输入要被替换的字符串:" << endl;
cin.getline(buf_find, BUF_SIZE - 1);
cin.sync(); cout << "请输入替换后的字符串:" << endl;
cin.getline(buf_replace, BUF_SIZE - 1);
cin.sync(); try
Replace(buf_string, buf_find, buf_replace);
catch (const char * pstr)
cerr << "****** 错误: " << pstr << endl << endl;
} cout << endl; return 0;