使用CSharp编写Google Protobuf插件

时间:2023-03-08 23:38:04
使用CSharp编写Google Protobuf插件

什么是 Google Protocol Buffer?

Google Protocol Buffer( 简称 Protobuf) 是 Google 公司内部的混合语言数据标准,目前已经正在使用的有超过 48,162 种报文格式定义和超过 12,183 个 .proto 文件。他们用于 RPC 系统和持续数据存储系统。

Protocol Buffers 是一种轻便高效的结构化数据存储格式,可以用于结构化数据串行化,或者说序列化。它很适合做数据存储或 RPC 数据交换格式。可用于通讯协议、数据存储等领域的语言无关、平台无关、可扩展的序列化结构数据格式。目前提供了 多种语言的API,包括C++、 C# 、GO、 JAVA、 PYTHON

如果你并不了解Protobuf能做什么,建议结合google搜索关键字,看一下入门级别的文章,或者看一下官方文档中的Developer Guide,或者中文的开发指南 .官方的文档中有各种语言相关的示例,可以结合代码看一下实际的用法。

很多人说为什么不用json(或者xml), 答案很简单,Protobuf更小,更简洁,而且序列化和反序列化更快!

谷歌最新开源的gRpc框架就是默认使用Protobuf作为数据传输格式和服务描述文件。对于gRpc 就不做详细介绍了,有兴趣的可以看一下官网。

言归正传,在实际使用Protobuf过程中,我发现Protobuf不但可以编写描述消息(Message)的内容,同时可以表述其他方法(类似Rpc中的方法),主要是gRpc中看到的。同时在Protobuf 代码生成工具的包中,有一个这样的目录,一致以来都没搞明白是做什么用的,如下图:

使用CSharp编写Google Protobuf插件


使用CSharp编写Google Protobuf插件

而这些描述文件中最重要的文件 就是descriptor.proto 这个文件,这个文件是整个proto语法的描述类,描述了实际Protobuf各层次语法的结构,来一起看一下这个文件的一些代码, 上面这个代码描述了proto文件定义的语法定义,如前面两个字段意思是可选的name,可选的package字段,中间是描述可多个message_type(Message),service(Rpc Service) ,enum_type(枚举)等定义,然后一层层分解下去。 基本上就可以了解Protobuf语法的全貌和扩展点了

message FileDescriptorProto {
optional string name = 1; // file name, relative to root of source tree
optional string package = 2; // e.g. "foo", "foo.bar", etc. // Names of files imported by this file.
repeated string dependency = 3;
// Indexes of the public imported files in the dependency list above.
repeated int32 public_dependency = 10;
// Indexes of the weak imported files in the dependency list.
// For Google-internal migration only. Do not use.
repeated int32 weak_dependency = 11; // All top-level definitions in this file.
repeated DescriptorProto message_type = 4;
repeated EnumDescriptorProto enum_type = 5;
repeated ServiceDescriptorProto service = 6;
repeated FieldDescriptorProto extension = 7; optional FileOptions options = 8; // This field contains optional information about the original source code.
// You may safely remove this entire field without harming runtime
// functionality of the descriptors -- the information is needed only by
// development tools.
optional SourceCodeInfo source_code_info = 9; // The syntax of the proto file.
// The supported values are "proto2" and "proto3".
optional string syntax = 12;

同时在compiler目录下 还有一个plugin的目录,其中的plugin.proto文件很耐人寻味,先来看下这个文件中的内容

syntax = "proto3";
package google.protobuf.compiler;
option java_package = "com.google.protobuf.compiler";
option java_outer_classname = "PluginProtos"; option csharp_namespace = "Google.Protobuf.Compiler"; option go_package = "plugin_go"; import "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto"; message CodeGeneratorRequest {
repeated string file_to_generate = 1;
string parameter = 2;
repeated FileDescriptorProto proto_file = 15;
} message CodeGeneratorResponse {
string error = 1;
message File {
string name = 1;
string insertion_point = 2;
string content = 15;
repeated File file = 15;

删除了非必要的注释后,我们可以看到这个文件里面其实只定义了两个类型,一个是代码生成请求,一个是代码生成响应,而在CodeGeneratorRequest中又有之前我们在descriptor.proto中看到的FileDescriptorProto 这个类的信息,用大腿都可以想到这里应该就是代码生成插件获取元数据的入口了,那么怎么做呢?

从gRpc 的代码生成示例中 我们可以看到 其实Protobuf是支持自定义生成代码插件的,如下所示:

%PROTOC% -I../../protos --csharp_out Greeter  ../../protos/helloworld.proto --grpc_out Greeter --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=%PLUGIN%

按理我们可以实现自己的插件来生成我们需要的任意格式,包括各种代码,甚至是文档。但是这个资料却非常少,几乎没有多少相关的文章,后来终于找到一片关于plugin的文章http://www.expobrain.net/2015/09/13/create-a-plugin-for-google-protocol-buffer/ ,大家有兴趣的可以看看,不过文章的重点是这句:

The core part is the interface code to read a request from the stdin, traverse the AST and write the response on the stdout.



protoc-I../../protos --csharp_out test  ../../protos/plugin.proto

新建一个控制台项目,把代码copy 到项目中,并在Program.cs代码中添加测试的代码

using Google.Protobuf;
using Google.Protobuf.Compiler;
using System; namespace DotBPE.ProtobufPlugin
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.OutputEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
var response = new CodeGeneratorResponse();
CodeGeneratorRequest request;
using (var inStream = Console.OpenStandardInput())
request = CodeGeneratorRequest.Parser.ParseFrom(inStream);
ParseCode(request, response);
catch (Exception e)
response.Error += e.ToString();
} using (var output = Console.OpenStandardOutput())
output.Flush(); }
private static void ParseCode(CodeGeneratorRequest request, CodeGeneratorResponse response)

哈哈 开始编译,然而编译不通过!,坑爹啊! 原来C#版本中 Google.Protobuf已经生成好的类 都是internal访问权限,不能从外部引用。。。但是Google.Protobuf是开源的。。而且我需要用的类 我也可以通过protoc命令自己生成到同一个项目中,或者设置成public访问权限。。方便起见,我直接copy了Google.Protobuf的源码到我们的项目中,这次再次编译 ,代码就完美运行了,接下来的工作 不过是填充DotbpeGen.Generate 的代码了,这不过是体力活。

至于CodeGeneratorRequest和CodeGeneratorResponse 到底有什么方法,其实看proto文件就能知道。以下是我自己在项目中使用的生成代码类 供大家参考

using Google.Protobuf.Compiler;
using Google.Protobuf.Reflection;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text; namespace DotBPE.ProtobufPlugin
public class DotbpeGen
public static void Generate(CodeGeneratorRequest request, CodeGeneratorResponse response)
foreach (var protofile in request.ProtoFile)
GenerateByProtoFile(protofile, response);
catch(Exception ex){
using (Stream stream = File.Create("./error.txt"))
byte[] err = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(ex.Message+ex.StackTrace);
response.Error += ex.Message;
} private static void GenerateSourceInfo(FileDescriptorProto protofile, CodeGeneratorResponse response)
bool genericDoc;
protofile.Options.CustomOptions.TryGetBool(DotBPEOptions.GENERIC_MARKDOWN_DOC,out genericDoc);
if (!genericDoc)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var location in protofile.SourceCodeInfo.Location)
string path = String.Join(",", location.Path);
string span = String.Join(",", location.Span);
string leadingDetachedComments = String.Join("\r", location.LeadingDetachedComments);
string trailingComments = String.Join("\r", location.TrailingComments);
sb.AppendLine("{\"Path\",\""+path+"\",\"Span\",\""+span+"\",\"LeadingComments\",\""+ location.LeadingComments + "\",\"LeadingDetachedComments\",\""+ leadingDetachedComments + "\",\"TrailingComments\",\""+ trailingComments + "\"}"); }
var nfile = new CodeGeneratorResponse.Types.File
Name = GetFileName(protofile.Name) + "SI.txt",
Content = sb.ToString()
private static void GenerateByProtoFile(FileDescriptorProto protofile, CodeGeneratorResponse response)
GenerateSourceInfo(protofile, response);
GenerateServer(protofile, response);
GenerateClient(protofile, response); }
private static void GenerateServer(FileDescriptorProto protofile, CodeGeneratorResponse response)
bool genericServer;
protofile.Options.CustomOptions.TryGetBool(DotBPEOptions.DISABLE_GENERIC_SERVICES_SERVER, out genericServer);
if (genericServer)
if (protofile.Service == null || protofile.Service.Count <= 0) return;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.AppendLine("// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!");
sb.AppendLine($"// source: {protofile.Name}");
//还可以生成注释 sb.AppendLine("#region Designer generated code");
sb.AppendLine("using System; ");
sb.AppendLine("using System.Threading.Tasks; ");
sb.AppendLine("using DotBPE.Rpc; ");
sb.AppendLine("using DotBPE.Protocol.Amp; ");
sb.AppendLine("using Google.Protobuf; ");
sb.AppendLine(""); string ns = GetFileNamespace(protofile);
sb.AppendLine("namespace " + ns + " {");
foreach (ServiceDescriptorProto t in protofile.Service)
t.Options.CustomOptions.TryGetBool(DotBPEOptions.DISABLE_GENERIC_SERVICES_SERVER, out genericServer);
if (genericServer)
} sb.AppendLine("");
sb.AppendLine("//start for class Abstract"+t.Name);
GenerateServiceForServer(t, sb);
sb.AppendLine("//end for class Abstract"+t.Name);
sb.AppendLine("#endregion\n"); var nfile = new CodeGeneratorResponse.Types.File
Name = GetFileName(protofile.Name) + "Server.cs",
Content = sb.ToString()
private static void GenerateClient(FileDescriptorProto protofile, CodeGeneratorResponse response)
bool genericClient;
protofile.Options.CustomOptions.TryGetBool(DotBPEOptions.DISABLE_GENERIC_SERVICES_CLIENT, out genericClient);
if (genericClient)
if (protofile.Service == null || protofile.Service.Count <= 0) return;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.AppendLine("// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!");
sb.AppendLine($"// source: {protofile.Name}");
//还可以生成注释 sb.AppendLine("#region Designer generated code");
sb.AppendLine("using System; ");
sb.AppendLine("using System.Threading.Tasks; ");
sb.AppendLine("using DotBPE.Rpc; ");
sb.AppendLine("using DotBPE.Protocol.Amp; ");
sb.AppendLine("using DotBPE.Rpc.Exceptions; ");
sb.AppendLine("using Google.Protobuf; ");
sb.AppendLine(""); string ns = GetFileNamespace(protofile);
sb.AppendLine("namespace " + ns + " {");
//生成代码 foreach (ServiceDescriptorProto t in protofile.Service)
t.Options.CustomOptions.TryGetBool(DotBPEOptions.DISABLE_GENERIC_SERVICES_CLIENT, out genericClient);
if (genericClient)
sb.AppendLine("//start for class "+t.Name+"Client");
GenerateServiceForClient(t, sb);
sb.AppendLine("//end for class "+t.Name+"Client");
sb.AppendLine("#endregion"); //生成文件
var nfile = new CodeGeneratorResponse.Types.File
Name = GetFileName(protofile.Name) + "Client.cs",
Content = sb.ToString()
} private static void GenerateServiceForClient(ServiceDescriptorProto service, StringBuilder sb)
int serviceId;
bool hasServiceId = service.Options.CustomOptions.TryGetInt32(DotBPEOptions.SERVICE_ID, out serviceId);
if (!hasServiceId || serviceId <= 0)
throw new Exception("Service=" + service.Name + " ServiceId NOT_FOUND");
if (serviceId >= ushort.MaxValue)
throw new Exception("Service=" + service.Name + "ServiceId too large");
} sb.AppendFormat("public sealed class {0}Client : AmpInvokeClient \n",service.Name);
sb.AppendLine($"public {service.Name}Client(IRpcClient<AmpMessage> client) : base(client)");
sb.AppendLine("}"); //循环方法
foreach (var method in service.Method)
int msgId ;
bool hasMsgId= method.Options.CustomOptions.TryGetInt32(DotBPEOptions.MESSAGE_ID,out msgId);
if (!hasMsgId || msgId <= 0)
throw new Exception("Service" + service.Name + "." + method.Name + " ' MessageId NOT_FINDOUT ");
if (msgId >= ushort.MaxValue)
throw new Exception("Service" + service.Name + "." + method.Name + " is too large");
string outType = GetTypeName(method.OutputType);
string inType = GetTypeName(method.InputType); sb.AppendLine($"public async Task<{outType}> {method.Name}Asnyc({inType} request,int timeOut=3000)");
sb.AppendLine($"AmpMessage message = AmpMessage.CreateRequestMessage({serviceId}, {msgId});");
sb.AppendLine("message.Data = request.ToByteArray();");
sb.AppendLine("var response = await base.CallInvoker.AsyncCall(message,timeOut);");
sb.AppendLine("if (response != null && response.Data !=null)");
sb.AppendLine($"return {outType}.Parser.ParseFrom(response.Data);");
sb.AppendLine("throw new RpcException(\"请求出错,请检查!\");");
sb.AppendLine($"public {outType} {method.Name}({inType} request)");
sb.AppendLine($"AmpMessage message = AmpMessage.CreateRequestMessage({serviceId}, {msgId});");
sb.AppendLine("message.Data = request.ToByteArray();");
sb.AppendLine("var response = base.CallInvoker.BlockingCall(message);");
sb.AppendLine("if (response != null && response.Data !=null)");
sb.AppendLine($"return {outType}.Parser.ParseFrom(response.Data);");
sb.AppendLine("throw new RpcException(\"请求出错,请检查!\");");
//循环方法end sb.AppendLine("}");
//类结束 }
private static void GenerateServiceForServer(ServiceDescriptorProto service, StringBuilder sb)
int serviceId;
bool hasServiceId = service.Options.CustomOptions.TryGetInt32(DotBPEOptions.SERVICE_ID, out serviceId);
if(!hasServiceId || serviceId<=0){
throw new Exception("Service="+service.Name+" ServiceId NOT_FOUND");
throw new Exception("Service="+service.Name+ "ServiceId too large" );
} sb.AppendFormat("public abstract class {0}Base : IServiceActor<AmpMessage> \n", service.Name);
sb.AppendLine("public string Id => \""+serviceId+"$0\";"); StringBuilder sbIfState = new StringBuilder(); //循环方法
foreach (var method in service.Method)
int msgId ;
bool hasMsgId= method.Options.CustomOptions.TryGetInt32(DotBPEOptions.MESSAGE_ID,out msgId);
if(!hasMsgId || msgId<=0){
throw new Exception("Service"+service.Name+"."+method.Name+" ' MessageId NOT_FINDOUT ");
throw new Exception("Service" + service.Name+"."+method.Name+" is too large");
string outType = GetTypeName(method.OutputType);
string inType = GetTypeName(method.InputType); sb.AppendLine("//调用委托");
$"private async Task Receive{method.Name}Async(IRpcContext<AmpMessage> context, AmpMessage req)");
sb.AppendLine($"var request = {inType}.Parser.ParseFrom(req.Data);");
sb.AppendLine($"var data = await {method.Name}Async(request);");
sb.AppendLine("var response = AmpMessage.CreateResponseMessage(req.ServiceId, req.MessageId);");
sb.AppendLine("response.Sequence = req.Sequence;");
sb.AppendLine("response.Data = data.ToByteArray();");
sb.AppendLine("await context.SendAsync(response);");
sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine(); sb.AppendLine("//抽象方法");
sb.AppendLine($"public abstract Task<{outType}> {method.Name}Async({inType} request);"); //拼装if调用语句
sbIfState.AppendLine("if(req.MessageId == "+msgId+"){return this.Receive"+method.Name+"Async(context, req);}");
sb.AppendLine("public Task ReceiveAsync(IRpcContext<AmpMessage> context, AmpMessage req)");
sb.AppendLine("return Task.CompletedTask;");
sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine("}");
//类结束 }
private static string GetFileNamespace(FileDescriptorProto protofile)
string ns = protofile.Options.CsharpNamespace;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ns))
throw new Exception("" + protofile.Name + ".proto did not set csharp_namespace");
return ConvertCamelCase(ns);
} private static string GetFileName(string fileProto)
string nomalName = fileProto.Split('.')[0];
return ConvertCamelCase(nomalName);
} private static string ConvertCamelCase(string nomalName)
return String.Join("", nomalName.Split('_').Select(_ => _.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + _.Substring(1)));
} private static string GetTypeName(string typeFullName)
return ConvertCamelCase(typeFullName.Split('.').Last());



syntax = "proto3";
package dotbpe; option csharp_namespace = "DotBPE.IntegrationTesting"; import public "dotbpe_option.proto"; option optimize_for = SPEED; //Benchmark测试服务
service BenchmarkTest{
option (service_id)= 50000 ;//设定服务ID
rpc Echo (BenchmarkMessage) returns (BenchmarkMessage){
option (message_id)= 1 ;//设定消息ID
// 测试发送退出消息
rpc Quit (Void) returns (Void){
option (message_id)= 10000 ;//设定消息ID
} //我是void消息
message Void { }
message BenchmarkMessage {
string field1 = 1; //字段后的注释
//字段前的注释 多行
int32 field2 = 2; //字段后的注释 /**
* 字段前注释特殊格式
* 字段前注释特殊格式多行
int32 field3 = 3;
string field4 = 4;
repeated fixed64 field5 = 5;
string field9 = 9;
string field18 = 18;
bool field80 = 80;
bool field81 = 81; int32 field280 = 280 ;
int32 field6 = 6;
int64 field22 = 22 ; bool field59 = 59 ;
string field7 = 7;
int32 field16 = 16 ;
int32 field130 = 130 ;
bool field12 = 12 ;
bool field17 = 17;
bool field13 = 13;
bool field14 = 14;
int32 field104 = 104 ;
int32 field100 = 100 ;
int32 field101 = 101 ;
string field102 = 102;
string field103 = 103;
int32 field29 = 29 ;
bool field30 = 30 ;
int32 field60 = 60 ;
int32 field271 = 271 ;
int32 field272 = 272;
int32 field150 = 150;
int32 field23 = 23;
bool field24 = 24;
int32 field25 = 25 ;
bool field78 = 78 ;
int32 field67 = 67;
int32 field68 = 68 ;
int32 field128 = 128 ;
string field129 = 129 ;
int32 field131 = 131 ;
// dotbpe_option.proto

// [START declaration]
syntax = "proto3";
package dotbpe;
// [END declaration] // [START csharp_declaration]
option csharp_namespace = "DotBPE.ProtoBuf";
// [END csharp_declaration] import "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto"; //扩展服务
extend google.protobuf.ServiceOptions {
int32 service_id = 51001;
bool disable_generic_service_client = 51003; //是否生成客户端代码
bool disable_generic_service_server = 51004; //是否生成服务端代码
extend google.protobuf.MethodOptions {
int32 message_id = 51002;
} extend google.protobuf.FileOptions {
bool disable_generic_services_client = 51003; //是否生成客户端代码
bool disable_generic_services_server = 51004; //是否生成服务端代码
bool generic_markdown_doc = 51005; //是否生成文档

上面的dotbpe_option.proto 我们proto文件进行了自定义的扩展,添加一些自己需要的额外信息,其实所有扩展都是对descriptor.proto中消息的扩展。


protoc-gen-dotbpe=../../tool/ampplugin/dotbpe_amp.exe 插件的名称protoc-gen-dotbpe时,那么输出的目录一定要写成--dotbpe_out ,两个名字一点要匹配哦

set -ex

cd $(dirname $0)/../../test/IntegrationTesting/

IntegrationTesting_DIR=./DotBPE.IntegrationTesting/ $PROTOC -I=./protos --csharp_out=$IntegrationTesting_DIR --dotbpe_out=$IntegrationTesting_DIR \
./protos/benchmark.proto --plugin=$PLUGIN

差不多就结束了,相关的代码可以在https://github.com/xuanye/dotbpe/tree/develop/src/tool 查看到,这是我最近在写的一个C#的rpc框架,现在完成了基本的功能,还需要进一步完善,有机会再介绍把。


我们注意到在descriptor.proto文件中包含有这样的一个message: SourceCodeInfo, 这个消息体里有如下字段

 optional string leading_comments = 3;
optional string trailing_comments = 4;
repeated string leading_detached_comments = 6;

这是非常有意思的定义,意思是可以在运行时获取到proto文件中的注释。这可以帮助我们生成 文档或者代码注释,但是读取逻辑比较复杂,其内部有一个通过Path和Span来定位元素的逻辑。因为在实际的情况中,一般都是要获取Service和Message上的注释,那么就来专门讨论一下如何获取这两个类型的注释吧。

下面是 SourceCodeInfo.Location 中我们需要用到Path示例

 * [4, m] - Message的注释
* [4, m, 2, f] - Message 中 字段(field)的注释
* [6, s] - Service的注释
* [6, s, 2, r] - Service中Rpc方法的注释


  • m - proto文件中Message的索引(就是第几个定义的Message), 从0开始
  • f - Message中Field字段的索引(就是第几个字段), 从0开始
  • s - proto文件中Service的索引, 从0开始
  • r - Service中Rpc方法的索引, 从0开始

like this:

// [4, 0] 就是这里的注释
message MyMessage {
// [4, 0, 2, 0] 在这里
int32 field1 = 1; // [4, 0, 2, 0] 也在这里
}// [4, 0] 就是这里的注释 // [6, 0] 在这里!
service MyService {
// [6, 0, 2, 0] 在这里!
rpc (MyMessage) returns (MyMessage);

想要了解全部内容可以去看下descriptor.proto中的注释内容 吧