(数位dp)Bomb (hdu 3555)

时间:2023-01-17 20:21:36
Problem Description
The counter-terrorists found a time bomb in the dust. But this time the terrorists improve on the time bomb. The number sequence of the time bomb counts from 1 to N. If the current number sequence includes the sub-sequence "49", the power of the blast would add one point.
Now the counter-terrorist knows the number N. They want to know the final points of the power. Can you help them?
The first line of input consists of an integer T (1 <= T <= 10000), indicating the number of test cases. For each test case, there will be an integer N (1 <= N <= 2^63-1) as the description.

The input terminates by end of file marker.

For each test case, output an integer indicating the final points of the power.
Sample Input
Sample Output

From 1 to 500, the numbers that include the sub-sequence "49" are "49","149","249","349","449","490","491","492","493","494","495","496","497","498","499",
so the answer is 15.

#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
typedef long long LL; LL dp[][];
* dp[i][0],表示长度为i,不存在不吉利数字
* dp[i][1],表示长度为i, 不存在不吉利数字,且最高位为9
* dp[i][2],表示长度为i, 存在不吉利数字
*/ void Init()
int i; dp[][] = ;
for(i=; i<; i++)
dp[i][] = *dp[i-][] - dp[i-][];
dp[i][] = dp[i-][];
dp[i][] = *dp[i-][] + dp[i-][];
} LL Slove(LL n)
int i, a[]={}, len=, flag=;
LL n1 = n, ans=; while(n1)
a[++len] = n1%;
n1 /= ;
} for(i=len; i>=; i--)
ans += dp[i-][]*a[i];
ans += dp[i-][]*a[i];
else if(!flag && a[i]>)
ans += dp[i-][];
if(a[i+]== && a[i]==)
flag = ;
} return ans;
int main()
int T;
scanf("%d", &T);
LL n; scanf("%I64d", &n); printf("%I64d\n", Slove(n+));
return ;

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