hdu 1232, disjoint set, linked list vs. rooted tree, a minor but substantial optimization for path c 分类: hdoj 2015-07-16 17:13 116人阅读 评论(0) 收藏

时间:2023-03-09 03:22:09
hdu 1232, disjoint set, linked list vs. rooted tree, a minor but substantial optimization for path c                                                       分类:            hdoj             2015-07-16 17:13    116人阅读    评论(0)    收藏

three version are provided.

disjoint set, linked list version with weighted-union heuristic, rooted tree version with rank by union and path compression, and a minor but substantial optimization for path compression version FindSet to avoid redundancy so to be more efficient. (31 ms to 15 ms)


1. Thomas H. Cormen, Introduction to Algorithms

2. Disjoint-set Data Structures By vlad_D– TopCoder Member https://www.topcoder.com/community/data-science/data-science-tutorials/disjoint-set-data-structures/

in linked list version with weighted-union heuristic, with a extra tail member in struct myNode to speedup union, find is O(1), simply the p->head, so I remove find() and just used p->head as the find function.

(one main point) every time a list become no longer list, change its head’s num from 1 to 0, thus facilitate the afterwards count process – all node’s num is simply 0 except the ones as the head of linked lists. – similar process in the rooted tree version.

// linked list version with weighted-union heuristic, 15 ms

#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm> #define MAXSIZE 1005
struct myNode {
int num;
myNode *head;
myNode *next;
myNode *tail;
}; void MergeSet(myNode *p1, myNode *p2) {
p1=p1->head, p2=p2->head;
if(p1->num<p2->num) { std::swap(p1,p2); }
p1->num+=p2->num, p2->num=0;
p1->tail->next=p2, p1->tail=p2->tail;
for(;p2;p2=p2->next) { p2->head=p1; }
} int main() {
int T, n,m,u,v,i,cnt;
myNode cities[MAXSIZE], *p,*pend, *q;
while(scanf("%d%d",&n,&m)==2 && n>0) {
for(p=&cities[1],pend=p+n;p!=pend;++p) { p->num=1; p->head=p; p->next=0; p->tail=p; }
for(i=0;i<m;++i) {
if(cities[u].head!=cities[v].head) { MergeSet(&cities[u],&cities[v]); }
for(cnt=-1, p=&cities[1],pend=p+n;p!=pend;++p) {
if(p->num>0) ++cnt;
return 0;

// rooted tree version, with rank by union and path compression, 31 ms

#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm> #define MAXSIZE 1005
struct myNode {
int rank;
myNode *parent;
}; myNode* FindSet(myNode *p1) {
if(p1->parent==p1) return p1;
return p1->parent=FindSet(p1->parent);
} void Link(myNode *p1, myNode *p2) {
if(p1->rank<p2->rank) std::swap(p1,p2);
if(p1->rank==p2->rank) ++p1->rank;
} void MergeSet(myNode *p1, myNode *p2) {
} int main() {
int T, n,m,u,v,i,cnt;
myNode cities[MAXSIZE], *p,*pend, *q;
while(scanf("%d%d",&n,&m)==2 && n>0) {
for(p=&cities[1],pend=p+n;p!=pend;++p) { p->rank=1; p->parent=p; }
for(i=0;i<m;++i) {
for(cnt=-1, p=&cities[1],pend=p+n;p!=pend;++p) {
if(p->rank>0) ++cnt;
return 0;

note that in version 2, the path compression FindSet is a two pass recursive function, first pass up to find parent and then pass down return it to update p->parent, thus achieve path compression.

(another main point) But, note that, even when p->parent is the representative, there is no need to update p->parent, FindSet still obliviously call FindSet(p->parent) and assign it to p->parent, which does nothing useful. We can remove this redundancy by a simple modification, in FindSet, replace

if(p1->parent==p1) return p1;


if(p1->parent==p1->parent->parent) return p1->parent;

// almost same with version 2, with the optimization just mentioned, 15 ms

#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm> #define MAXSIZE 1005
struct myNode {
int rank;
myNode *parent;
}; myNode* FindSet(myNode *p1) {
if(p1->parent==p1->parent->parent) return p1->parent;
return p1->parent=FindSet(p1->parent);
} void Link(myNode *p1, myNode *p2) {
if(p1->rank<p2->rank) std::swap(p1,p2);
if(p1->rank==p2->rank) ++p1->rank;
} void MergeSet(myNode *p1, myNode *p2) {
} int main() {
int T, n,m,u,v,i,cnt;
myNode cities[MAXSIZE], *p,*pend, *q;
while(scanf("%d%d",&n,&m)==2 && n>0) {
for(p=&cities[1],pend=p+n;p!=pend;++p) { p->rank=1; p->parent=p; }
for(i=0;i<m;++i) {
for(cnt=-1, p=&cities[1],pend=p+n;p!=pend;++p) {
if(p->rank>0) ++cnt;
return 0;

版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,未经博主允许不得转载。// p.s. If in any way improment can be achieved, better performance or whatever, it will be well-appreciated to let me know, thanks in advance.