IMapDocument interface

时间:2023-03-10 05:23:30
IMapDocument interface
  Provides access to members that control the reading and writing of map document files.(提供访问的成员,控制读写地图文档文件)
1:MapDocumentClass Class
The MapDocument coclass is used to read and write map document files.(地图文档组件类是用于读写地图文档文件。)实现了IMapDocument接口。
m_MapDocument = new MapDocumentClass();
2:Open Method
[C#]public void Open (string sDocument,string bsPassword);
[C++]HRESULT Open( BSTR sDocument, BSTR bsPassword);
The MapDocument will be cached so no other users will be able to access the MapDocument until it has been closed.(MapDocument将会被缓存,所以没有其他用户可以访问MapDocument,除非它已被关闭。)Before using the Open methods check whether the specified document IsPresentIsRestrictedIsMapDocument and IsPasswordProtected. If the MapDocument is password protected, specify the password in the Open method.
3:MapCount Property
The number of Map objects contained within the map document

// 使用IMapDocument打开文档
IMapDocument m_MapDocument;
private void LoadMapDoc()
m_MapDocument = new MapDocumentClass();
System.Windows.Forms. OpenFileDialog openFileDialog2;
openFileDialog2 = new OpenFileDialog();
openFileDialog2.Title = "Open Map Document";
openFileDialog2.Filter = "Map Documents (*.mxd)|*.mxd";
string sFilePath = openFileDialog2.FileName;
m_MapDocument.Open(sFilePath, "");
int i;
int sum = m_MapDocument.MapCount ;
for (i = 0; i <sum; i++)
// 一个IMapDocument对象中可能包含很多Map对象,遍历map对象
axMapControl1.Map = m_MapDocument.get_Map(i);
// 刷新地图控件
catch ( Exception ex)

4:Map Property
[C#]public IMap get_Map (int mapIndex);
[C++]HRESULT get_Map(long mapIndex, IMap** ppMap);
5:IsReadOnly Property
[C#]public bool get_IsReadOnly (string sDocument);
[C++]HRESULT get_IsReadOnly( BSTR sDocument, VARIANT_BOOL* IsReadOnly);
Determines whether the specified file is read only. The Save method cannot overwrite a read-only MapDocument, use the SaveAs to write to a new document.(保存方法不能覆盖只读的地图文件,使用另存为)
6:Save Method
[C#]public void Save (bool bUseRelativePaths, bool bCreateThumnbail);
[C#]Optional Values
bUseRelativePaths Supply true as a default value.(true代码默认值)
bCreateThumnbail Supply true as a default value.
[C++]HRESULT Save(VARIANT_BOOL bUseRelativePaths,VARIANT_BOOL bCreateThumnbail);
7:UsesRelativePaths Property
[C#]public boolUsesRelativePaths {get;}
[C++]HRESULT get_UsesRelativePaths(VARIANT_BOOL* bUsesRelativePaths);文件是
Indicates if the data in the map document is referenced using relative paths.


// 使用IMapDocument保存文档
private void SaveDocument()
// 判断文档是否为只读
if (m_MapDocument.get_IsReadOnly(m_MapDocument.DocumentFilename))
MessageBox.Show( "This map document is read only!");
m_MapDocument.Save(m_MapDocument.UsesRelativePaths, true);
MessageBox.Show( "Changes saved successfully!");

8:SaveAs Method

Save the contents of the map document to the specified file name.
[C#]public void SaveAs (string sDocument, bool bUseRelativePaths, boolbCreateThumnbail);

Optional Values

bUseRelativePaths Supply true as a default value.
bCreateThumnbail Supply true as a default value.

// 地图文档另存为
private void SaveAsDocument ()
//Open a file dialog for saving map documents
SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog1 = new SaveFileDialog();
saveFileDialog1.Title = "Save Map Document As";
saveFileDialog1.Filter = "Map Documents (*.mxd)|*.mxd";
//Exit if no map document is selected
string sFilePath = saveFileDialog1.FileName;
if (sFilePath == "")
if (sFilePath == m_MapDocument.DocumentFilename)
// 当选择文件和当前文件相同时,保存即可
//SaveAs a new document with relative paths
m_MapDocument.SaveAs(sFilePath, true, true);
//Open document
MessageBox.Show( "Document saved successfully!");