Deal with Android phones with pattern lock on

时间:2021-06-28 21:14:05

Yesterday my colleague asked me for help...She has two android phones , one is hTC and the other is samsung. One day she changed the pattern lock and later she forgot...she tried all possible combination but in vain..

I check her phones and find them not rooted. Fortunately the usb debug mode is on...I decide to use adb command and dictionary attack to crack it.

1.Put the dictionary db into the phone

Deal with Android phones with pattern lock on2.Install android_puzzle_unlock apk

Deal with Android phones with pattern lock on

3.Run unlock app

Deal with Android phones with pattern lock on

4. Yes~it really figure out the pattern lock guesture key

Deal with Android phones with pattern lock on

5. Try to get into the phone

Deal with Android phones with pattern lock on

6.Now it works~

Deal with Android phones with pattern lock on

7.Then crack hTC

Deal with Android phones with pattern lock on

8.Run crack

Deal with Android phones with pattern lock on

9.Yes~pattern lock is disabled now

Deal with Android phones with pattern lock on

She is very happy and she could use her phone now~