如何练习打字之用英文写文章 & 如何调养右手之用左手握鼠标

时间:2023-03-09 03:47:33
如何练习打字之用英文写文章 & 如何调养右手之用左手握鼠标

part1:how to practise your typing via writing a English blog

it's easy to write english for chinese. because currently we have chinglish actually.

In other words, with chinglish, you don't need to perfectly correct in English syntax. you can just type what you think, think what you want to write it done.

for a pre-programmer, normally he need to coding, and coding require typing. typing fast doesn't means coding faster, but at least you will not interrupt by seeking the location of the key you want. There is an advantage for english user in programming, because its directly to type, they don't need a extension layer for input/output, such like input method for chinese.

Also, typing in english and writing a such blog is good to practise your ability of expressing in English logic. this is both good for normal english thinking and programming thinking.

However, it doesn't mean I am suggest all people to do in this way. It just suitable for kind of these people:

1. low typing speed of phyiscal keyboard

2. poor english for expressing his mind

3. both above

If one day we programming do not require english anymore or massive typing with QWERTY keyboard, just forget about what I said above.








let it crash是erlang容错的核心思想。原话是这四句:

- The world is concurrent
 - Things in the world don't share data
 - Things communicate with messages
 - Things fail

最后一句便是let it crash的体现。人有生老病死,程序进程也有对应的lifetime。不犯错是不现实的

ref = 百度搜索:joe armstrong zhihu