1.5 Eclipse集成开发环境

时间:2022-01-28 15:30:47

1.5 Eclipse集成开发环境

1. 格式化nandflash




# .bashrc


# User specific aliases and functions


alias rm='rm -i'

alias cp='cp -i'

alias mv='mv -i'


# Source global definitions

if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then

. /etc/bashrc


export PATH=$PATH:/opt/arm-linux-gdb/bin

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/arm/4.3.2/bin

2. 安装JLink驱动

[root@cfm880 ARM-tools]# tar xvzf JLink_Linux_V434a.tgz

[root@cfm880 ARM-tools]# cd JLink_Linux_V434a

[root@cfm880 JLink_Linux_V434a]# cp -d libjlinkarm.so.* /usr/lib/ -f

[root@cfm880 JLink_Linux_V434a]# cp 45-jlink.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/

[root@cfm880 JLink_Linux_V434a]# ./JLinkGDBServer

SEGGER J-Link GDB Server V4.34a


JLinkARM.dll V4.34a (DLL compiled Aug 31 2011 11:51:40)


Listening on TCP/IP port 2331


J-Link connected

Firmware: J-Link ARM V8 compiled Nov 14 2012 22:34:52

Hardware: V8.00

S/N: 99991999

Feature(s): RDI,FlashDL,FlashBP,JFlash,GDBFULL


J-Link found 2 JTAG devices, Total IRLen = 5

JTAG ID: 0x07B76F0F (ARM11)


3 安装eclipse

[root@cfm880 ~]# cd /home/S3-ARM/Part1/lesson1

[root@cfm880 lesson1]# cd ARM-tools/

[root@cfm880 ARM-tools]# ls

arm-linux-gcc-4.3.2.tgz dnw_usb.ko

arm-linux-gdb-7.5 eclipse-cpp-helios-SR2-linux-gtk.tar.gz

arm-linux-gdb-7.5.tar.gz JLink_Linux_V434a

dnw JLink_Linux_V434a.tgz

[root@cfm880 ARM-tools]# tar xzf eclipse-cpp-helios-SR2-linux-gtk.tar.gz

[root@cfm880 ARM-tools]# cd eclipse

[root@cfm880 eclipse]# ./eclipse



在lessn5中新建led目录,将led.S    led.lds    Makefile考到/home/S3-ARM/Part1/lesson5/led中


1. FileàNewàMakefile Project with Existing Code

Project Name



1.5 Eclipse集成开发环境

1.5 Eclipse集成开发环境

1.5 Eclipse集成开发环境

C/C++ Appliction选择led.elf

1.5 Eclipse集成开发环境

1.5 Eclipse集成开发环境

Initialza commands填写

# tiny6410_config

# connect to the J-Link gdb server

target remote localhost:2331

# Set JTAG speed to 30 kHz

monitor endian little

monitor speed 30

# Reset the target

monitor reset

monitor sleep 10


# CPU core initialization (to be done by user)


# Set the processor mode

monitor reg cpsr = 0xd3

#config MMU

#flush v3/v4 cache

monitor cp15 7, 7, 0, 0 = 0x0

#/* flush v4 TLB */

monitor cp15 8, 7, 0, 0 = 0x0

#disable MMU stuff and caches

monitor cp15 1, 0, 0, 0 =0x1002

#Peri port setup

monitor cp15 15, 2, 0, 4 = 0x70000013

#disable watchdog

monitor MemU32 0x7e004000 = 0x00000000

monitor sleep 10

#disable interrupt

monitor MemU32 0x71200014 = 0x00000000

monitor MemU32 0x71300014 = 0x00000000

monitor MemU32 0x7120000C = 0x00000000

monitor MemU32 0x7130000C = 0x00000000

monitor MemU32 0x71200F00 = 0x00000000

monitor MemU32 0x71300F00 = 0x00000000

#set clock

monitor MemU32 0x7e00f900 = 0x0000801e

monitor MemU32 0x7e00f000 = 0x0000ffff

monitor MemU32 0x7e00f004 = 0x0000ffff

monitor MemU32 0x7e00f020 = 0x01043310

monitor MemU32 0x7e00f00C = 0xc2150601

monitor MemU32 0x7e00f010 = 0xc2150601

monitor MemU32 0x7e00f024 = 0x00000003

monitor MemU32 0x7e00f014 = 0x00200102

monitor MemU32 0x7e00f018 = 0x00000000

monitor MemU32 0x7e00f01C = 0x14000007

#config sdram

monitor MemU32 0x7e00f120 = 0x00000008

monitor MemU32 0x7e001004 = 0x00000004

monitor MemU32 0x7e001010 = 0x0000040f

monitor MemU32 0x7e001014 = 0x00000006

monitor MemU32 0x7e001018 = 0x00000001

monitor MemU32 0x7e00101c = 0x00000002

monitor MemU32 0x7e001020 = 0x00000006

monitor MemU32 0x7e001024 = 0x0000000a

monitor MemU32 0x7e001028 = 0x0000000c

monitor MemU32 0x7e00102c = 0x0000018f

monitor MemU32 0x7e001030 = 0x0000000c

monitor MemU32 0x7e001034 = 0x00000002

monitor MemU32 0x7e001038 = 0x00000002

monitor MemU32 0x7e00103c = 0x00000002

monitor MemU32 0x7e001040 = 0x00000002

monitor MemU32 0x7e001044 = 0x00000013

monitor MemU32 0x7e001048 = 0x00000013

monitor MemU32 0x7e00100C = 0x00010012

monitor MemU32 0x7e00104C = 0x00000b45

monitor MemU32 0x7e001200 = 0x000150f8

monitor MemU32 0x7e001304 = 0x00000000

monitor MemU32 0x7e001008 = 0x000c0000

monitor MemU32 0x7e001008 = 0x00000000

monitor MemU32 0x7e001008 = 0x00040000

monitor MemU32 0x7e001008 = 0x00040000

monitor MemU32 0x7e001008 = 0x000a0000

monitor MemU32 0x7e001008 = 0x00080032

monitor MemU32 0x7e001004 = 0x00000000

# Setup GDB for faster downloads

#set remote memory-write-packet-size 1024

set remote memory-write-packet-size 4096

set remote memory-write-packet-size fixed

monitor speed 12000

break _start


1.5 Eclipse集成开发环境

1.5 Eclipse集成开发环境

1.5 Eclipse集成开发环境


[root@cfm880 JLink_Linux_V434a]# ./JLinkGDBServer