
时间:2023-03-09 15:49:11






    def get(self, request):
all_orgs = CourseOrg.objects.all() # 所有课程机构 all_citys = CityDict.objects.all() # 所有城市列表 # 取出筛选城市
city_id = request.GET.get("city", "")
if city_id:
all_orgs = all_orgs.filter(city_id=int(city_id)) # 取出筛选培训机构
category = request.GET.get('ct', "")
if category:
all_orgs = all_orgs.filter(category=category) org_nums = all_orgs.count() # 多少家课程机构
class OrgView(View):  # 课程机构列表页
def get(self, request):
all_orgs = CourseOrg.objects.all() # 所有课程机构 all_citys = CityDict.objects.all() # 所有城市列表 # 取出筛选城市
city_id = request.GET.get("city", "")#前端传递来city.id
if city_id:
all_orgs = all_orgs.filter(city_id=int(city_id)) # 取出筛选培训机构
category = request.GET.get('ct', "")#前端传来ct类型
if category:
all_orgs = all_orgs.filter(category=category) org_nums = all_orgs.count() # 多少家课程机构
# 分页模块
page = request.GET.get('page', 1)
except PageNotAnInteger:
page = 1
# all_orgs = ['john', 'edward', 'josh', 'frank'] # Provide Paginator with the request object for complete querystring generation
p = Paginator(all_orgs, 3, request=request)
orgs = p.page(page) return render(request, 'org-list.html', {
"all_orgs": orgs,
"all_citys": all_citys,
'org_count': org_nums,
'city_id': city_id,#将city_id传回去
'category': category,#将category传回去


{% extends 'base.html' %}{# 一定要出现在第一行 #}
{% load staticfiles %}
{% block title %}
{% endblock %} {% block custom_bread %}
<li><a href="">首页</a>>课程机构</li> </ul>
{% endblock %} {% block content %}
{# 机构类别 #}
<a href="?city={{ city_id }}"><span class="{% ifequal category '' %}bgColor{% endifequal %}">全部</span></a>
<a href="?ct=pxjg&city={{ city_id }}"><span class="{% ifequal category 'pxjg' %}bgColor{% endifequal %}">培训机构</span></a>
<a href="?ct=gx&city={{ city_id }}"><span class="{% ifequal category 'gx' %}bgColor{% endifequal %}">高校</span></a>
<a href="?ct=gr&city={{ city_id }}"><span class="{% ifequal category 'gr' %}bgColor{% endifequal %}">个人</span></a>
</div> {# 城市 #}
<span class="{% ifequal city_id '' %}bgColor{% endifequal %}"><a href="?ct={{ category }}">全部</a></span>
{% for city in all_citys %}
<span class="{% ifequal city_id city.id|stringformat:'i' %}bgColor{% endifequal %}"><a
href="?city={{ city.id }}&ct={{ category }}">{{ city.name }}</a></span>
{% endfor %}
{# 课程机构 #}
<strong>共{{ org_count }}家</strong>
{% for course_org in all_orgs.object_list %}
<li><img src="{{ MEDIA_URL }}{{ course_org.image }}" alt=""></li>
<li>{{ course_org }}</li>
{% endfor %}
<p>{{ all_orgs.render }}</p>
{% endblock %}


这里city.id是整形,需要django tmpl的方法|stringformat:'i'将前面参数转换为整数后再比较 哪个citry_id,即显示哪个
class="{% ifequal city_id city.id|stringformat:'i' %}bgColor{% endifequal %}"