Java 解析 lnk 快捷方式文件的方法(转)

时间:2023-03-08 17:04:11
Java 解析 lnk 快捷方式文件的方法(转)
package file.extendsion;

import; public class LnkParser { //
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
new LnkParser(new File("e:/eclipse.lnk"));
} public LnkParser(File f) throws Exception {
} private boolean is_dir; public boolean isDirectory() {
return is_dir;
} private String real_file; public String getRealFilename() {
return real_file;
} public void parse(File f) throws Exception {
// read the entire file into a byte buffer
FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream(f);
ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
byte[] buff = new byte[256];
while (true) {
int n =;
if (n == -1) {
bout.write(buff, 0, n);
byte[] link = bout.toByteArray(); // get the flags byte
byte flags = link[0x14]; // get the file attributes byte
final int file_atts_offset = 0x18;
byte fileatts = link[file_atts_offset];
byte is_dir_mask = (byte) 0x10;
if ((fileatts & is_dir_mask) > 0) {
is_dir = true;
} else {
is_dir = false;
} // if the shell settings are present, skip them
final int shell_offset = 0x4c;
int shell_len = 0;
if ((flags & 0x1) > 0) {
// the plus 2 accounts for the length marker itself
shell_len = bytes2short(link, shell_offset) + 2;
} // get to the file settings
int file_start = 0x4c + shell_len; // get the local volume and local system values
int local_sys_off = link[file_start + 0x10] + file_start;
real_file = getNullDelimitedString(link, local_sys_off);
p("real filename = " + real_file);
} static String getNullDelimitedString(byte[] bytes, int off) {
int len = 0;
// count bytes until the null character (0)
while (true) {
if (bytes[off + len] == 0) {
return new String(bytes, off, len);
} // convert two bytes into a short // note, this is little endian because
// it's for an // Intel only OS.
static int bytes2short(byte[] bytes, int off) {
return bytes[off] | (bytes[off + 1] << 8);
} /*
* static int norm(byte b) { if(b < 0) { b+=128; } return b; } static int
* bytes2int(byte[] arr, int off) { int b1 = norm(arr[off]); int b2 =
* norm(arr[off+1]); int b3 = norm(arr[off+2]); int b4 = norm(arr[off+3]);
* int val = ( (b1 << 0) | (b2 << 8) | (b3 << 16) | (b4 << 24) );
* //p("bytes2int: " + b1 + " " + b2 + " " + b3 + " " + b4); return val; }
* static NumberFormat num_format = new DecimalFormat(" 000;-000");
* public static String padd(String str, int len) { while(str.length() <
* len) { str = " " + str; } return str; }
* public static void pw(byte[] arr, int off) { StringBuffer top = new
* StringBuffer(); StringBuffer mid = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer bot =
* new StringBuffer(); top.append("--"); mid.append(" "); bot.append(" ");
* for(int i=0; i<16; i++) { int val = arr[off+i]; String str =
* Integer.toHexString(off+i); top.append(padd(str,5));
* mid.append(padd(""+val,5)); if(val < 0) { val += 128; } if(val >= ' ' &&
* val <= '~') { str = "" + (char)val; } else { str =
* Integer.toHexString(val); } str = padd(str,5); bot.append(str);
* if(i%4==3) { top.append(" "); mid.append(" "); bot.append(" ");
* } } p(top.toString()); p(mid.toString()); p(bot.toString()); } public
* static void pbits(byte bt) { p("byte = " + bt + " " +
* Integer.toHexString(bt) + " " + Integer.toBinaryString(bt)); }
*/ public static void p(String str) {