
时间:2023-03-09 22:31:05
declare a1 int default 0;#第一次循环的循环变量
declare a2 int default 0;
declare b1 int default 0;
declare b2 int default 0;
declare c1 int default 0;
declare c2 int default 0;
declare d1 int default 0;
declare d2 int default 0;
declare days int default 0;#当月的第几天
declare ids3 varchar(50);
declare ids varchar(32);
declare ids1 varchar(32);
declare ids2 varchar(32);
declare workno1 varchar(32);
declare name1 varchar(32);
declare amount double default 0;
declare description1 varchar(200);
declare description2 varchar(200);
declare description3 varchar(200); #清空表xhj_sale_zmm关于昨天的数据
DELETE FROM xhj_sale_zmm1 WHERE types_time = '03';
drop table IF EXISTS tmpTable;
drop table IF EXISTS ordermain1;
drop table IF EXISTS ordermain2; # 创建临时表– 不存在则创建临时表
create temporary table if not exists tmpTable
#id varchar(50),
#id bigint(32) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment primary key,# 主键id
ranking int,# 排名
names1 varchar(32),# 销售员姓名
number varchar(32),# 工号
dept varchar(500),# 部门描述
deptid varchar(50),# 部门id
amounts double(32,0),# 金额
types_dept varchar(32),# 部门类别
type_time varchar(50)# 时间类别
# 使用前先清空临时表。
truncate TABLE tmpTable;
create temporary table ordermain1 SELECT id,description FROM t_zmm2 where (parentdepartid is null or parentdepartid = '') and status = '0'; create temporary table ordermain2 (SELECT @rownum:=@rownum+1 AS rownum1, ordermain1.* FROM (SELECT @rownum:=0) r, ordermain1);
select max(o.rownum1) into a1 from ordermain2 o;
set a2 = 1;
while(a2 <= a1) DO
SELECT id,description into ids,description1 from ordermain2 where rownum1 = a2;
if ids is not null and ids != '' then
drop table IF EXISTS table1;
drop table IF EXISTS table11;
drop table IF EXISTS table2;
drop table IF EXISTS table3;
SELECT * into days from ((SELECT DAYOFMONTH(NOW())) as b);#查询当前是本月第几天;
if days = 1 then
create temporary table table1 SELECT u.realname,a.workno,sum((m.performance_amount * a.scale * 0.01)) as a,'03' as day,'01' as bumen FROM
xhj_sale_zmm3 a LEFT JOIN xhj_sale_zmm1 m on LEFT JOIN t_zmm4 u on a.workno = u.username LEFT JOIN t_s_zmm5 o on = o.user_id LEFT JOIN t_zmm2 d on o.org_id =
where d.depart_order like CONCAT('%',ids,'%') and m.confirm_time between (select CONCAT( DATE_FORMAT((SELECT DATE_ADD(NOW(),INTERVAL -1 MONTH)), "%Y-%m"),'-01 00:00:00')) and (select CONCAT(DATE_SUB(curdate(),INTERVAL 1 DAY),' 23:59:59')) and
m.order_time between (select CONCAT( DATE_FORMAT((SELECT DATE_ADD(NOW(),INTERVAL -1 MONTH)), "%Y-%m"),'-01 00:00:00')) and (select CONCAT(DATE_SUB(curdate(),INTERVAL 0 DAY),' 23:59:59')) and m.status not in ('1','3') group by a.workno order by a DESC limit 10;
create temporary table table11 (SELECT @rownum:=@rownum+1 AS rownum11, table1.* FROM (SELECT @rownum:=0) r, table1);
#SELECT *,a2 as aa FROM table11;
INSERT INTO tmpTable(ranking,names1,number,dept,deptid,amounts,types_dept,type_time)
SELECT rownum11,realname,workno,description1,ids,a,bumen,day FROM table11;
end if;
if days != 1 then
create temporary table table1 SELECT u.realname,a.workno,sum((m.performance_amount * a.scale * 0.01)) as a,'03' as day,'01' as bumen FROM
xhj_sale_zmm3 a LEFT JOIN xhj_sale_zmm1 m on LEFT JOIN t_zmm4 u on a.workno = u.username LEFT JOIN t_s_zmm5 o on = o.user_id LEFT JOIN t_zmm2 d on o.org_id =
where d.depart_order like CONCAT('%',ids,'%') and m.confirm_time between (select CONCAT( DATE_FORMAT(now(), "%Y-%m"),'-01 00:00:00')) and (select CONCAT(DATE_SUB(curdate(),INTERVAL 1 DAY),' 23:59:59')) and
m.order_time between (select CONCAT( DATE_FORMAT(now(), "%Y-%m"),'-01 00:00:00')) and (select CONCAT(DATE_SUB(curdate(),INTERVAL 0 DAY),' 23:59:59')) and m.status not in ('1','3') group by a.workno order by a DESC limit 10;
create temporary table table11 (SELECT @rownum:=@rownum+1 AS rownum11, table1.* FROM (SELECT @rownum:=0) r, table1);
#SELECT *,a2 as aa FROM table11;
INSERT INTO tmpTable(ranking,names1,number,dept,deptid,amounts,types_dept,type_time)
SELECT rownum11,realname,workno,description1,ids,a,bumen,day FROM table11;
end if;
create temporary table table2 SELECT id,description FROM t_zmm2 where LENGTH(depart_order) = 64 and fax is not null and fax != '' and status = '0' and depart_order like CONCAT('%',ids,'%');
create temporary table table3 (SELECT @rownum:=@rownum+1 AS rownum, table2.* FROM (SELECT @rownum:=0) r, table2);
select max(t.rownum) into b1 from table3 t;
set b2 = 1;
while(b2 <= b1) DO
drop table IF EXISTS table21;
drop table IF EXISTS table4;
drop table IF EXISTS table5;
drop table IF EXISTS table7;
SELECT id,description into ids1,description2 from table3 where rownum = b2;
#SELECT ids1;
if days = 1 then
create temporary table table7 SELECT u.realname,a.workno,sum((m.performance_amount * a.scale * 0.01)) as a,'03' as day,'02' as bumen FROM
xhj_sale_zmm3 a LEFT JOIN xhj_sale_zmm1 m on LEFT JOIN t_zmm4 u on a.workno = u.username LEFT JOIN t_zmm5 o on = o.user_id LEFT JOIN t_zmm2 d on o.org_id =
where d.depart_order like CONCAT('%',ids1,'%') and m.confirm_time between (select CONCAT( DATE_FORMAT(now(), "%Y-%m"),'-01 00:00:00')) and (select CONCAT(DATE_SUB(curdate(),INTERVAL 1 DAY),' 23:59:59')) and
m.order_time between (select CONCAT( DATE_FORMAT((SELECT DATE_ADD(NOW(),INTERVAL -1 MONTH)), "%Y-%m"),'-01 00:00:00')) and (select CONCAT(DATE_SUB(curdate(),INTERVAL 0 DAY),' 23:59:59')) and m.status not in ('1','3') group by a.workno order by a DESC limit 5;
create temporary table table21 (SELECT @rownum:=@rownum+1 AS rownum21, table7.* FROM (SELECT @rownum:=0) r, table7);
INSERT INTO tmpTable(ranking,names1,number,dept,deptid,amounts,types_dept,type_time)
SELECT rownum21,realname,workno,description2,ids1,a,bumen,day FROM table21;
end if;
if days != 1 then
create temporary table table7 SELECT u.realname,a.workno,sum((m.performance_amount * a.scale * 0.01)) as a,'03' as day,'02' as bumen FROM
xhj_sale_zmm3 a LEFT JOIN xhj_sale_zmm1 m on LEFT JOIN t_zmm4 u on a.workno = u.username LEFT JOIN t_zmm5 o on = o.user_id LEFT JOIN t_zmm2 d on o.org_id =
where d.depart_order like CONCAT('%',ids1,'%') and m.confirm_time between (select CONCAT( DATE_FORMAT(now(), "%Y-%m"),'-01 00:00:00')) and (select CONCAT(DATE_SUB(curdate(),INTERVAL 1 DAY),' 23:59:59')) and
m.order_time between (select CONCAT( DATE_FORMAT(now(), "%Y-%m"),'-01 00:00:00')) and (select CONCAT(DATE_SUB(curdate(),INTERVAL 0 DAY),' 23:59:59')) and m.status not in ('1','3') group by a.workno order by a DESC limit 5;
create temporary table table21 (SELECT @rownum:=@rownum+1 AS rownum21, table7.* FROM (SELECT @rownum:=0) r, table7);
INSERT INTO tmpTable(ranking,names1,number,dept,deptid,amounts,types_dept,type_time)
SELECT rownum21,realname,workno,description2,ids1,a,bumen,day FROM table21;
end if;
create temporary table table4 SELECT id,description FROM t_zmm2 where LENGTH(depart_order) = 96 and status = '0' and depart_order like CONCAT('%',ids1,'%');
create temporary table table5 (SELECT @rownum:=@rownum+1 AS rownum3, table4.* FROM (SELECT @rownum:=0) r, table4);
select max(t2.rownum3) into c1 from table5 t2;
set c2 = 1;
while(c2 <= c1) DO
drop table IF EXISTS table31;
drop table IF EXISTS table6;
if days = 1 then
SELECT id,description into ids2,description3 from table5 where rownum3 = c2;
create temporary table table6 SELECT u.realname,a.workno,sum((m.performance_amount * a.scale * 0.01)) as a,'03' as day,'03' as bumen FROM
xhj_sale_zmm3 a LEFT JOIN xhj_sale_zmm1 m on LEFT JOIN t_zmm4 u on a.workno = u.username LEFT JOIN t_zmm5 o on = o.user_id LEFT JOIN t_zmm2 d on o.org_id =
where d.depart_order like CONCAT('%',ids2,'%') and m.confirm_time between (select CONCAT( DATE_FORMAT(now(), "%Y-%m"),'-01 00:00:00')) and (select CONCAT(DATE_SUB(curdate(),INTERVAL 1 DAY),' 23:59:59')) and
m.order_time between (select CONCAT( DATE_FORMAT((SELECT DATE_ADD(NOW(),INTERVAL -1 MONTH)), "%Y-%m"),'-01 00:00:00')) and (select CONCAT(DATE_SUB(curdate(),INTERVAL 0 DAY),' 23:59:59')) and m.status not in ('1','3') group by a.workno order by a DESC limit 3;
create temporary table table31 (SELECT @rownum:=@rownum+1 AS rownum31, table6.* FROM (SELECT @rownum:=0) r, table6);
INSERT INTO tmpTable(ranking,names1,number,dept,deptid,amounts,types_dept,type_time)
SELECT rownum31,realname,workno,description3,ids2,a,bumen,day FROM table31; end if;
if days != 1 then
SELECT id,description into ids2,description3 from table5 where rownum3 = c2;
create temporary table table6 SELECT u.realname,a.workno,sum((m.performance_amount * a.scale * 0.01)) as a,'03' as day,'03' as bumen FROM
xhj_sale_zmm3 a LEFT JOIN xhj_sale_zmm1 m on LEFT JOIN t_zmm4 u on a.workno = u.username LEFT JOIN t_zmm5 o on = o.user_id LEFT JOIN t_zmm2 d on o.org_id =
where d.depart_order like CONCAT('%',ids2,'%') and m.confirm_time between (select CONCAT( DATE_FORMAT(now(), "%Y-%m"),'-01 00:00:00')) and (select CONCAT(DATE_SUB(curdate(),INTERVAL 1 DAY),' 23:59:59')) and
m.order_time between (select CONCAT( DATE_FORMAT(now(), "%Y-%m"),'-01 00:00:00')) and (select CONCAT(DATE_SUB(curdate(),INTERVAL 0 DAY),' 23:59:59')) and m.status not in ('1','3') group by a.workno order by a DESC limit 3;
create temporary table table31 (SELECT @rownum:=@rownum+1 AS rownum31, table6.* FROM (SELECT @rownum:=0) r, table6);
INSERT INTO tmpTable(ranking,names1,number,dept,deptid,amounts,types_dept,type_time)
SELECT rownum31,realname,workno,description3,ids2,a,bumen,day FROM table31;
end if;
drop table IF EXISTS table31;
drop table IF EXISTS table6;
set c2 = c2 + 1;
end while;
drop table IF EXISTS table21;
drop table IF EXISTS table4;
drop table IF EXISTS table5;
drop table IF EXISTS table7;
set b2 = b2 + 1;
end while;
drop table IF EXISTS table1;
drop table IF EXISTS table11;
drop table IF EXISTS table2;
drop table IF EXISTS table3;
end if;
set a2 = a2 + 1;
end while; #删除缓存中存在的临时表 INSERT INTO xhj_sale_zmm(ranking,name,number,dept,deptid,amount,types_dept,types_time)
SELECT ranking,names1,number,dept,deptid,amounts,types_dept,type_time FROM tmpTable;
SELECT * FROM xhj_sale_zmm;
drop table IF EXISTS ordermain1;
drop table IF EXISTS ordermain2;
drop table IF EXISTS tmpTable;