c++ primer plus 第三章 课后题答案

时间:2021-02-07 09:05:12

c++ primer plus 第三章 课后题答案

using namespace std; int main()
const int unit=;
int shen_gao;
cout <<"Please enter your leight in inches:____\b\b\b";
cin >> shen_gao;
cout << "It is contains: " << shen_gao / unit << " feet" << ", " << shen_gao % unit << " inches.";
cin.get(); return ;

c++ primer plus 第三章 课后题答案

using namespace std; const int F_1 = ;
const double F_2 = 0.0254;
const double F_3 = 2.2; int main()
int feet;
int inch;
double pound;
double BMI; cout << "What's your heights?" << endl;
cout << "Please enter your heights in feet: ";
cin >> feet;
cout << "Please enter your heights in inch: ";
cin >> inch;
cout << endl << "What's your pound?" << endl << "Please enter your pound: ";
cin >> pound;
BMI = (pound/F_3)/((inch+feet* F_1)*F_2);
cout << endl << "Your BMI is " << BMI*BMI << "."; cin.get();
return ;

c++ primer plus 第三章 课后题答案

using namespace std; const int Du_fen = ;
const int Fen_miao = ; int main()
int degrees;
int minutes;
int seconds; cout << "Enter a latitude in degrees, minutes, seconds:\n" << "First, enter the degrees: ";
cin >> degrees;
cout << "Next, enter the minutes of arc: ";
cin >> minutes;
cout << "Finally, enter the seconds of arc: ";
cin >> seconds;
cout << degrees << " degrees, " << minutes << " minutes, " << seconds << " seconds = "
<< degrees + double(minutes) / Du_fen + double(seconds) / Fen_miao / Du_fen << " degrees"; cin.get();
return ;

c++ primer plus 第三章 课后题答案

using namespace std; const int day_hour = ;
const int hour_min = ;
const int min_sec = ; int main()
int day;
int hour;
int min;
int sec;
long second;
cout << "Enter the number of seconds: ";
cin >> second; day = second / min_sec / hour_min / day_hour;
hour = second / min_sec / hour_min % day_hour;
min = second / min_sec % hour_min;
sec = second % min_sec;
cout << second << " seconds = " << day << " days, " << hour << " hours, " << min << " minutes, " << sec << " seconds."; cin.get();
return ; }

c++ primer plus 第三章 课后题答案

using namespace std; int main()
long long peo_of_wor;
long long peo_of_con; cout << "Enter the world's population: ";
cin >> peo_of_wor;
cout << "Enter the population of the US:";
cin >> peo_of_con;
cout << "The population of the US is " << (double(peo_of_con) / peo_of_wor * ) << "% of the world population."; cin.get();
return ;

c++ primer plus 第三章 课后题答案

using namespace std; int main()
double miles, gallons, kilometers, liter;
int flage; cout << "You have two forms of fuel consumption: " << endl
<< "1- the mile of per gallons" << endl
<< "2- the liter of one hundred kilometer" << endl
<< "Plesase chioce(enter 1 or 2): ";
cin >> flage;
if (flage == )
cout << "Please enter the distance(mile): ";
cin >> miles;
cout << "Please enter the gasoline amount(gallon): ";
cin >> gallons;
cout << "Wasting a gallon gasoline run " << miles / gallons << " miles." << endl;
else {
cout << "Please enter the distance(kilometer):";
cin >> kilometers;
cout << "Please enter the gasoline amount(liter):";
cin >> liter;
cout << "Wasting gasoline per hundred kilometers is " << liter / kilometers * << " liters." << endl;
return ;

c++ primer plus 第三章 课后题答案

using namespace std;
const float One_H_Kilometer_mile = 62.14;
const float Gallon_liter = 3.875; int main()
float european_style;
float america_style;
cout << "Please enter European style fuel consumption: ";
cin >> european_style;
america_style = One_H_Kilometer_mile * Gallon_liter / european_style;
cout << european_style << "/100 km = " << america_style << " mpg";
return ;

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