
时间:2022-09-14 16:35:17





 #include <opencv/highgui.h>
#include <opencv/cv.h>
#include <opencv_libs.h>
#include <math.h> /*
* 完成时间:18:37 10/13 星期日 2013
* 作者:qdsclove@163.com
*/ /*
* function: calculate MSE & PSNR of two GrayScale(8-bit depth & one channel) images.
* param: img1 -- the first image.
* param: img2 -- the second image.
* param: dMSE -- the MSE of two images(output)
* param: dPSNR -- the PSNR of two images(output)
* return: 0 -- success; others -- failed.
int calculateGrayImgsPSNR(IplImage* img1, IplImage* img2, double& dMSE, double& dPSNR)
if( !img1 || !img2 ||
img1->nChannels != ||
img2->nChannels != ||
img1->depth != img2->depth ||
img1->width != img2->width ||
img1->height != img2->height )
return -;
int width = img1->width;
int height = img1->height; // calculate MSE of the two images
double dSumOfSquares = ;
for(int i = ; i < height; i++)
char* pdata1 = img1->imageData + i * img1->widthStep;
char* pdata2 = img2->imageData + i *img2->widthStep;
for(int j = ; j < width; j++ )
uchar value1 = *(pdata1 + j);
uchar value2 = *(pdata2 + j); double square = pow( (double)(value1 - value2), );
dSumOfSquares += square;
} dMSE = dSumOfSquares / (width * height); // this is means the two images are strictly same.
if(dMSE == )
dPSNR = -;
return ;
int iDepth = img1->depth;
int iMAX = pow( ., iDepth) - ; dPSNR = * log10(iMAX / (sqrt(dMSE))); return ;
} int main()
const char * FILE_PATH = "Fig0333(a)(test_pattern_blurring_orig).tif"; IplImage* src = cvLoadImage(FILE_PATH, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_UNCHANGED); if(!src)
printf("Load image error.\n");
return -;
} // Get the source image's size
CvSize srcSize = cvGetSize(src); // 3 * 3
IplImage* dst_three_gaussian = cvCreateImage(srcSize, src->depth, src->nChannels);
// 5 * 5
IplImage* dst_five_gaussian = cvCreateImage(srcSize, src->depth, src->nChannels);
// 9 * 9
IplImage* dst_nine_gaussian = cvCreateImage(srcSize, src->depth, src->nChannels);
// 11 * 11
IplImage* dst_eleven_gaussian = cvCreateImage(srcSize, src->depth, src->nChannels);
// twice 5 * 5
IplImage* dst_twice_five_gaussian = cvCreateImage( srcSize, src->depth, src->nChannels ); if( !dst_three_gaussian || !dst_five_gaussian ||
!dst_nine_gaussian || !dst_eleven_gaussian ||
!dst_twice_five_gaussian )
printf("Create image error.\n");
return -;
} cvSmooth(src, dst_three_gaussian, CV_GAUSSIAN, , );
cvSmooth(src, dst_five_gaussian, CV_GAUSSIAN, , );
cvSmooth(src, dst_nine_gaussian, CV_GAUSSIAN, , );
cvSmooth(src, dst_eleven_gaussian, CV_GAUSSIAN, , );
cvSmooth( dst_five_gaussian, dst_twice_five_gaussian, CV_GAUSSIAN, , ); cvShowImage("src", src);
cvShowImage("src - GAUSSIAN 3*3", dst_three_gaussian);
cvShowImage("src - GAUSSIAN 5*5", dst_five_gaussian);
cvShowImage("src - GAUSSIAN 9*9", dst_nine_gaussian);
cvShowImage("src - GAUSSIAN 11*11", dst_eleven_gaussian);
cvShowImage("src - GAUSSIAN 5*5 Twice", dst_twice_five_gaussian ); // calculate the MSE and PSNR of the two images.
double dMSE, dPSNR;
// part a:
calculateGrayImgsPSNR(src, dst_three_gaussian, dMSE, dPSNR);
printf("source image & 3*3 GAUSSIAN: MSE: %f\tPSNR: %f\n", dMSE, dPSNR);
calculateGrayImgsPSNR(src, dst_five_gaussian, dMSE, dPSNR);
printf("source image & 5*5 GAUSSIAN: MSE: %f\tPSNR: %f\n", dMSE, dPSNR);
calculateGrayImgsPSNR(src, dst_nine_gaussian, dMSE, dPSNR);
printf("source image & 9*9 GAUSSIAN: MSE: %f\tPSNR: %f\n", dMSE, dPSNR);
calculateGrayImgsPSNR(src, dst_eleven_gaussian, dMSE, dPSNR);
printf("source image & 11*11 GAUSSIAN: MSE: %f\tPSNR: %f\n", dMSE, dPSNR); // part b
calculateGrayImgsPSNR(src, dst_eleven_gaussian, dMSE, dPSNR);
printf("source image & eleven: MSE: %f\tPSNR: %f\n", dMSE, dPSNR);
calculateGrayImgsPSNR(src, dst_twice_five_gaussian, dMSE, dPSNR);
printf("source image & twice five: MSE: %f\tPSNR: %f\n", dMSE, dPSNR);
calculateGrayImgsPSNR(dst_eleven_gaussian, dst_twice_five_gaussian, dMSE, dPSNR);
printf("eleven & twice five: MSE: %f\tPSNR: %f\n", dMSE, dPSNR); cvWaitKey();
cvDestroyAllWindows(); return ;




















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