普林斯顿数学指南(第一卷) (Timothy Gowers 著)

时间:2023-11-28 21:00:02

第I部分 引论

  I.1 数学是做什么的

  I.2 数学的语言和语法

  I.3 一些基本的数学定义

  I.4 数学研究的一般目的

第II部分 现代数学的起源

  II.1 从数到数系

  II.2 几何学

  II.3 抽象代数的发展

  II.4 算法

  II.5 数学分析的严格性的发展

  II.6 证明的概念的发展

  II.7 数学基础中的危机

第III部分 数学概念

  III.1 选择公理 (The Axiom of Choice)

  III.2 决定性公理 (The Axiom of Determinacy)

  III.3 贝叶斯分析 (Bayesian Analysis)

  III.4 辫群 (Braid Groups)

  III.5 厦 (Buildings)

  III.6 Calabi-Yau 流形 (Calabi-Yau Manifold)

  III.7 基数 (Cardinals)

  III.8 范畴 (Categories)

  III.9 紧性与紧化 ( Compactness and Compactification)

  III.10 计算复杂性类 (Computational Complexity Classes)

  III.11 可数与不可数集合 (Countable and Uncountable Sets)

  III.12 C*-代数 (C*-Algebras)

  III.13 曲率 (Curvature)

  III.14 设计 (Designs)

  III.15 行列式 (Determinants)

  III.16 微分形式和积分 (Differential Forms and Integration)

  III.17 维 (Dimension)

  III.18 广义函数 (Distributions)

  III.19 对偶性 (Duality)

  III.20 动力系统和混沌 (Dynamical Systems and Chaos)

  III.21 椭圆曲线 (Elliptic Curves)

  III.22 欧几里得算法和连分数 (The Euclidean Algorithm and Continued Fractions)

  III.23 欧拉方程和纳维-斯托克斯方程 (The Euler and Navier-Stokes Equations)

  III.24 伸展图 (Expanders)

  III.25 指数和对数函数 (The Exponential and Logarithmic Functions)

  III.26 快速傅里叶变换 (The Fast Fourier Transform)

  III.27 傅里叶变换 (The Fourier Transform)

  III.28 富克斯群 (Fuchsiam Groups)

  III.29 函数空间 (Functions Spaces)

  III.30 伽罗瓦群 (Galois Groups)

  III.31 Gamma 函数 (The Gamma Function)

  III.32 生成函数 (Generating Functions)

  III.33 亏格 (Genus)

  III.34 图 (Graphs)

  III.35 哈密顿函数 (Hamiltonians)

  III.36 热方程 (The Heat Equation)

  III.37 希尔伯特空间 (Hilbert Spaces)

  III.38 同调与上同调 (Homology and Cohomology)

  III.39 同伦群 (Homotopy Groups)

  III.40 理想类群 (The Ideal Class Group)

  III.41 无理数和超越数 (Irrational and Transcendental Numbers)

  III.42 伊辛模型 (The Ising Model)

  III.43 约当法式 (Jordan Normal Form)

  III.44 纽结多项式 (Knot Polynomials)

  III.45 K理论 (K-Theory)

  III.46 利奇格网 (The Leech Lattice)

  III.47 L函数 (L-Functions)

  III.48 李的理论 (Lie Theory)

  III.49 线性与非线性波以及孤子 (Linear and Nonlinear Waves and Solitons)

  III.50 线性算子及其性质 (Linear Operators and Their Properties)

  III.51 数论中的局部与整体 (Local and Global in Number Theory)

  III.52 芒德布罗集合 (The Mandelbrot Set)

  III.53 流形 (Manifolds)

  III.54 拟阵 (Matroids)

  III.55 测度 (Measures)

  III.56 度量空间 (Metric Spaces)

  III.57 集合理论的模型 (Models of Set Therory)

  III.58 模算术 (Modular Arithmetic)

  III.59 模形式 (Modular Forms)

  III.60 模空间 (Moduli Spaces)

  III.61 魔群 (The Monster Group)

  III.62 赋范空间与巴拿赫空间 (Normed Spaces and Banach Spaces)

  III.63 数域 (Number Fields)

  III.64 优化与拉格朗日乘子 (Optimization and Lagrange Multipliers)

  III.65 轨道流形 (Orbifold)

  III.66 序数 (Ordinals)

  III.67 佩亚诺公理 (The Peano Axioms)

  III.68 置换群 (Permutation Groups)

  III.69 相变 (Phase Transitions)

  III.70 π

  III.71 概率分布 (Probability Distributions)

  III.72 射影空间 (Projective Space)

  III.73 二次型 (Quadratic Forms)

  III.74 量子计算 (Quantum Computation)

  III.75 量子群 (Quantum Groups)

  III.76 四元数,八元数和赋范除法代数 (Quaternions,Octonions,and Normed Division Algebras)

  III.77 表示 (Representations)

  III.78 里奇流 (Ricci Flow)

  III.79 黎曼曲面 (Riemann Surfaces)

  III.80 黎曼ζ函数 (The Riemann Zeta Function)

  III.81 环,理想与模 (Rings,Ideals and Modules)

  III.82 概型 (Schemes)

  III.83 薛定谔方程 (The Schrodinger Equation)

  III.84 单形算法 (The Simplex Algorithm)

  III.85 特殊函数 (Special Functions)

  III.86 谱 (The Spectrum)

  III.87 球面调和 (Spherical Harmonics)

  III.88 辛流形 (Symplectic Manifolds)

  III.89 张量积 (Tensor Products)

  III.90 拓扑空间 (Topological Spaces)

  III.91 变换 (Transforms)

  III.92 三角函数 (Trigonometric Functions)

  III.93 万有覆盖 (Universal Covers)

  III.94 变分法 (Variational Methods)

  III.95 簇 (Varieties)

  III.96 向量丛 (Vector Bundles)

  III.97 冯诺依曼代数 (Von Neumann Algebras)

  III.98 小波 (Wavelets)

  III.99 策墨罗-弗朗克尔公理 (The Zermelo-Fraenkel Axioms)