Eclipse with C++: "Launch failed. Binary not found."

时间:2023-03-09 19:32:50
Eclipse with C++: "Launch failed. Binary not found."

Eclipse with C++:  "Launch failed. Binary not found." (windows 7)

用Eclipse创建一个Hello world 例子。
Build 完成, run的时候出现错误:
"Launch failed. Binary not found."


1. 安装Cygwin  安装方法参考:http://blog.****.net/luhuajcdd/article/details/7038504
2. 配置Cygwin 环境变量
3. 右键点击项目(C++ project)
Eclipse with C++: "Launch failed. Binary not found."

红线箭头指定的地方选择编译工具--Cygwin GCC。

4. build all, run  
